Farming and Gardening Post Fukushima 2011 - No Containment date in sight.

I love farming.  I love our animals, I love our life style.  We raise what we eat, our freezers are full of delicious milk beef, sheep and pork.  Our plates are never empty.  Milk steer meat is a softer meat, I never eat any other type of meat at home.  We rarely go out to eat.  All we think about is a great Chicago hotdog or beef.  That is it.

Our family land is clean, as clean as it can be.  No chemicals, no people, just birds, animals, life.  

We have 2 pear trees bosch and bartlett which are DELICIOUS and natural.  The seeds of most fruit is chocked full of laetrile which is KNOWN to attack cancer.

I grow in Fukushima's shadow (  I see mutation around me so I have to over come it with knowledge and belief...embracing my fears. 

I know that ash from trees (I am 5 miles from Galena, IL Territories which is a heavy woods attraction) is known to help with cleaning radiation.  Just incorporate into your garden.  

I know that mushrooms absorbs radiation so I am researching what mushrooms work best around my veggies.  

I plan on supporting our bees, birds, creatures by growing the most healthiest flowers that I can possibly find.  Nettles which are RICH and so fricking healthy for animals and humans; they flower.  

I have been crushing the stems into soil for my start ups...just go into your woods, you will know stinging nettles by touch.  Make sure you have thick gloves and long sleeves these things live up to their name but so worth the hassles.  Best to look on line to know it.  Wonderful, wonderful...just take the top 4" of this plant, dry (160 degrees in oven) then soak in baking soda, rinse, dry out, towel dry, then put in oven.  Put in EVERYTHING you eat.  

Tea tree flowers are super healing.  The bees need our help, I think.  I think if we focus on flowers that are super healing then we do affect good for our tiny creatures.   I just started them last week.

The goal is to absorb as much toxic metals from around us and from above us.  

I also plan to tent or hoop the plants to avoid further particle exposure as humanly possible.  I am taking a pledge to learn and decrease our exposure as much as I can.  Maybe filters around the base...much to think about.

Side note: I do have a geiger counter which helps and gives me instant gratification and comfort.   

My dome greenhouse (solar covered) in summer hits as high as 150 degrees plus so I plan to grow watermelons, tomatoes, beans, whatever I can.   

So we are planning on opening a CSA where people who are as concerned as we are finding, growing, uncontaminated vegetable as best/healthy as possible.  I am radiation aware.

We are blessed to have artesian water on your property as well as a stocked pond.  I am going to invest in sea weed to home grow.

There is much to think about and do.

What do you plan to do and how can we help each other?

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  Have you thought about "duck weed" in your pond(s) ? Supposed to be very high in protein and reportedly delicious . 

Well then, I guess I will check into that.  Thank you...

What plant grows in 150 plus temps?

Having lived in Nevada very close to Death Valley I learned real quick how to "save" the plants from heat stroke.  Now I am in Illinois, if it is 100 outside then inside the greenhouse is hot is an understatement.  I did buy misting hose (similar to hotels misting when you are in extreme heat)  as well as thin as I can find material to tent my plants.

That is my plan.

I am now adding boron to my creatures, cows, chickens, horses, sheep, all the way down the line. 

I put zeolite in my greenhouse as well as in my plants that I put in my garden this year.  I plan on a 20% blend with my seeds so that they are as healthy as I can get.  If anyone knows anything about this, I am all ears.



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