Why must “We the People” keep putting our faith in a system that is ultimately set up for a big FAIL to begin with? Both parties are owned and operated by corporate and banking puppeteers behind the curtain. Why does anyone think by electing either puppet it will change a thing?
The Government's propaganda arm, the MSM feeds us with a steady diet of the left/right bread and circus show. Step right up folks; we have weenie number 1 and weenie number 2… now let’s play who’s got the biggest weenie contest, shall we? It’s more of the same no matter who you choose because at the end of the day, they are both WEENIES.
The two party system does nothing but further the divide and gives us the illusion that our vote counts. With all the chicanery and vote fraud going on in past and present presidential elections, it’s no wonder why there are many of us sick and tired of playing the game. Nothing changes but the faces in the game. That is about it.
Also, do you think by voting for a third party candidate is going to matter either? I understand voting ones conscience, but is it going to do any good or change the course of the outcome? Third party candidates don’t even get the right to sit at the same dinner table come election time. They are kept in the dark, not allowed to be in the debates and most often are not even on ballots from State to State. It is all done by design because if the American public actually had more viable choices in elections, they would not have to pick the lesser of two evils, now would they?
Besides, by now we should know that the election process is fixed. Look at what they did to Ron Paul in both the 2008 and 2012 republican nominee race. If the establishment wasn’t marginalizing him, ridiculing him or slandering him, they were blatantly stealing the votes right out of the hands of those voting for him. So, all those votes for Ron Paul were thrown to the wind, literally. So keep on voting. Our votes are counted... sure they are.
So this year I’ve chosen not to play the game anymore because the only winners are the ones who stand to profit from rigging the game to their advantage. The NWO has already taken over and I do not want to feed into the political machine they have created. Instead, I will vote No Confidence this year and hope that more Americans will join the cause. Can you imagine come election time, nobody showing up to vote? What would they do? Vote for themselves? Of course, I may be dreaming but the last I heard, dreaming is still free.
“We the People” have become like a populace of worker bees beholden to their queen. We need to jump out of the colony mentality and become beholden unto ourselves. We are the driving fuel that keeps the political machine running so quit feeding the machine. The machine will break down without us. If and when that does happen, we can pick up the pieces and start anew. We are the change we seek.
Vote No Confidence in 2012...
Write ins do diddly.
And Tara I half agree :)
Fun rant.
At least get out there and put down for Gary Johnson, or at the very least give at least one person a message by writing Ron Paul down regardless of his name on the ballot. I say one person because it will only be the person that throws it out.
Those were a few thoughts, and I had wrote my reponse to that. I never claimed any candiate was perfect and I doubt anyone who claims as such. I am very curouis about this concern about him being on all 50 ballots? Where does that come from. He will be in any regard.
Don't be discouraged, Troy. The message is worth repeating and even though you may have said it all, some of us haven't heard it enough. And it appears to me that you saw the light a long time ago. That's why you're here.
I still fail to see the logic in this if your trying to foster Liberty, and less if you want Peace and Freedom.
Hi Tara,
I appreciate your frustration but have a few conerns on this sort of view point. First off a vote of no confidence does not work here like it does in say Russia, the person with the most votes will win in our country. So what are you really achieving by "not feeding the machine"?
Why not promote those like Ron Paul or even Gary Johnson who will in turn be promoting Liberty, Freedom and Peace? Why not promote those who are good examples of what our leaders ought to be?
This goal of sending a message with a non-vote would only work if you had a large (very large as most don't vote anyway) majority of Americans making this stand with you. Now if we can convince that many not to vote why not convince them all to vote for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson?
Yes clearly neither Obama nor Romney are worthy candidates by any means but that doesn't mean stop looking and stop pushing for the good leaders we have to choose from. If you are to assume that the election will be rigged, so be it let us all vote for Ron Paul and prove this to the world! You will hardly be able to claim rigged election if you don't vote.
You can dream and speak and do as you like, but I'll dream and speak and vote for Liberty every time. This countries election or the next but to ever give up is well, to give up.
That's what I'm talking about, Michael! Doing nothing does nothing. Something must be done to stop nwo agenda, and voting in a true American patriot is a start.....better than nothing.
Agreed : )
Though this is in direct contradiction to other comments of your's here.
You can dream and speak and do as you like, but I'll dream and speak and vote for Liberty every time.
Vote for Liberty every time? lol
So it comes down to you don't think any elected official could fix the system anyway so don't even try? Well you have come to some conclusions I've not been convinced of in the slightest. Even if we get a President that gets up there and just yells at people for acting outside of Liberty but those in control don't let the troops get withdrawn and continue to pass bad laws I'll take that over the alternative. Perhaps once we have that and such a clear indication of actions opposite of the people's will (and now apparently the President's as well) than people will really gear up.
Again, No Confidence will accomplish nothing but less votes for the good guys, if you had enough people to make a statement with such a losing game plan (not insulting you persay just describing your plan of attack which is to give up) than you could instead have those people vote for a good candidate and make a better statement and prove this coruption the way JFK's should have.
We have more video devices, more wistleblowers and internet power than ever... I urge people to not give up we can have a Peaceful revolution yet!
I don't believe that we have a free and fair election nor that most in the government serve the people but it isn't hard for me to go out and vote.
I do think RP or GJ have a shot at winning and I'll bet my voice and the effort to walk to the booths on it.
Further I am basing my actions on logic and reliable information. For instance that more people than ever are interested in third party candidates. That nothing will be served by sitting at home and a lot accomplished by everyone voting, even if we lose.
It is rather obvous that if you believe in free and fair elections that you would indeed vote, but to offer that obvouis bit of logic seems to indicate your imply that if you don't believe in free and fair elections you ought not to vote.
As your plan offers only defeat as an option I'll keep speaking out against it, it is obvous that the elections are not what they are suppose to be but I'll stand with the people of my community and until a majority of them are standing with me in Liberty all I will do is speak and vote. Speak and vote speak and vote. If it is indeed rigged beyond mass media than lets make it damn hard. Lets make so many votes they have to make fraudulant that someone blows a whistle! It is happening all over our government, lets shine the light on them. Not sit at home on election day or encourage others to do the same.
Your entitled to your opinion but it illogical and defeatest. Besides, what is your solution? Not voting will deffiantly not help the situation so your apparent solution can only come after the fall. I'd rather work to spread knowledge and Liberty and the fight and maybe even win before a fall of my nation occurs thank you.
Don't worry about insulting me, either it is quite impossible but I appreciate the sentiment and you can speak as frankly with me as you please. While I don't mean it as an insult I wouldn't respect myself if I ever stopped trying, so if your insulted by being called out for giving up, I offer no appology I'd be insulted to. However, there is no way around pointing out that you are giving up and if you want to win for Liberty that this strategy is not based in logic but anger and resentment at the system and people.
I'd also offer that I don't see just winning a political election as a motivation here... regardless of the outcome the more people that vote for Peace and Liberty the better.
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Well I voted for Obama last time this time I'm voting for a third party, like many for the first time. So your insinuation that I'm insane makes no sense.