Obama-Romney: The Duopoly Debates Itself

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I like the piece, Tara, with a couple of qualifiers. 1) Romney's idea of laissex fair is a far cry from the real deal. 2) in a Free-Market, bankers do not have an inherent 'right' to dominate. I understand the article is about the two retards (and their views) in the reindeer games but still, had to speak my piece :)

Tara, Is it Time for a recap on war?.

Obama can;t make war on America because,,, they still have their own guns.. for the time being.

Perhaps soon they won't.

Obama can't make war on Europe because they are family.

Obama can't make war on China Because they are to.....too many to defeat.

Obama can't make war on his brothers Muslims in Arabia. Allah would no approve.

Obama can't make war on Mexico because he needs them for cheap labor.

Obama can't make war on South America because they are part of his hemisphere.

Obama can't make war on Australia because soon all the Muslims will have to leave or conform.

Obama can't make war on Africa because they are black like him.  But don't rule it out because families often turn on their own.

Well that only leaves Russia, Canada and Japan, and Russia,,, and Russia is too big and well armed, and America has already made war on Japan and won it, so that leaves only Canada,,,But Canada beat the Americas the last time in a war in 1812. They won't try it again.

        Poor Obama, what the hell is he to do? but to give up and let,,,,,Romney figure it out. Poor Obama.

There will be wars and rumors of wars... "Pada, how long do we have to wait before they kill off their race and we can move to Earth>?"

The debate was over in the first minute when Romney was given the first question about Benghazi ~ he may as well have given a Bow J*# to Obama ~ His courage was inspiring (NOT) do you think any one would have cared? I think not! who cares if Obama's crew was involved in selling arms to Al Aqaeda ~ no biggie Who cares that Mrs Romney made 150 million in a blind trust off the GM bail out on behalf of the taxpayer who eats spagettio's while they eat caviar.. It's all about jobs right ~"workers of the world unite" sigh.. They murdered mom & pop they created nothing but drug infested Ghettos and paved paradise with Wally worlds and staples ~ all our land has been sold to who knows who and a once thriving america where made in America meant a product that lasted a life time and a dollar as good as gold has been raped and eroded by the great corporation THE UNITED STATES INC.  all in the name of progress~ If anyone hasn't figured out that this has all been done by design they are probably going to vote and think it really matters which is so pathetic and sad to me ~ How did we let this happen? is it too late? only time will tell but if i had one wish it would be that we never allowed the soul of our country to be sold to the international Banker & that farms, mom and pop were alive and made in America meant as good as gold again ~ There is a bridge close to where i live and there is a huge sign on it it says TRENTON MAKES THE WORLD TAKES ~ It use to be true.  The only thing Trenton makes now is mysery on its drug infested streets where the cops won't even go to ..http://www.stanglpottery.org/trentonbridge.htmTrenton Makes Bridge


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