No, the title of this piece is not intended merely to be an attention-grabber. I really, really mean it. I have written a lot of things over the years, and I have felt (and continue to feel) very strongly about a lot of things. But as we enter the very final stretch of the 2012 Presidential election, I have to make one last stab at articulating the crucial nature of voting Barack Obama out of office. The reality of our two-party system means that if my last sentence is correct (and it is), then so is this sentence: It is of dire significance that we vote FOR Gov. Mitt Romney.

I am not writing this piece for those on the far left. I hope many of you will stay home and sit this election out, as you surely must be very disappointed with your President, who has not closed Gitmo, who has ordered 10x the drone attacks that President Bush ever ordered, who orchestrated the assassination of a man (Osama bin Laden) without a trial, who extended all of the Bush tax cuts for two years when he had the majority in both chambers, who passed health care legislation that was stripped of the public option, who never even proposed immigration reform to the Congress, who spent 275 days of his Presidency opposed to gay marriage, who has still not ended the war in Afghanistan, who has never passed a budget (or received a vote for one) … That’s right – as contemptible as I find the President to be, I can only imagine what you far leftists must think. Yikes. What a disappointment. And if it isn’t, what a bunch of hypocrites and posers you are.

I am also not writing this piece for folks like me on the right. We know that class warfare is a recipe for failure. We know that Obama loathes the principles that have made America great. We know that his Supreme Court appointments have been an utter embarrassment. We are well aware of the path to fiscal ruin this President has our country on. There is no need to convince you of his disdain for an American footprint in the world. We know the failures of his stated energy policies. We know that he views the tax code as a means of forcing his version of social justice upon society. We have seen the laughingstock appointments he has made in Steven Chu, Eric Holder, Van Jones, and countless others. And most importantly, we know the doom for America that his signature legislation represents – the atrocity that is ObamaCare. We conservatives do not need to be talked into fearing an Obama re-election. In fact, I have been very restrained in keeping this paragraph short.

This article is, instead, for those who are just simply not enthused about voting for Mitt Romney. You may not be thrilled with the idea of voting for Barack Obama, and in fact, you may be repulsed by it. However, for any number of reasons, you feel uncomfortable with a vote for Romney, and are considering sitting this one out or voting for a third-party candidate. It could be the Mormonism of Gov. Romney you do not like, or it could be his various position changes over the years (most notably on abortion). Particularly in states like Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, and Wisconsin, your non-vote for Romney could very well put Obama back in the White House for an additional four years. You are the target audience of this article.

I am not going to defend every single piece of Mitt Romney’s record. I have spent a little time with the Governor over the last few years, and I have found him to be an extremely bright and knowledgeable man, but I would not say that ideological conservatism runs through his veins. I doubt he grew up reading Hayek, Kirk, and Buckley. For those of you who are devout evangelicals or Roman Catholics, you are well aware of the differences in his religious viewpoint from yours. He has some stinker votes out there, and he has changed his position on a couple key issues over the years. It is not possible for me to claim he is a perfect man, or a perfect candidate. But I will suggest to you that the negativity some feel towards him is perhaps misguided …

The most common objection lodged against him is his reputation as a “moderate” when he governed the state of Massachusetts. When a Republican Governor is elected head of Ted Kennedy’s state, and asked to serve over an 82% Democratic legislature, I would suggest to you that a little grace and understanding are in order. If you evaluate each and every action he took as the Governor of that state, you will find (as I did) that he was constantly moving his state to the right, even if it never went as far right as you and I may prefer. He is a true incrementalist, and he moved the ball in the right direction, which I believe is what we elect leaders to do.

I would spend more time on the abortion flip-flop except for the fact that I have no doubt that his “pretend position” was when he was pro-choice, not when he became pro-life again. It is inconceivable that he and his devout Roman Catholic pro-life Vice-Presidential selection, Paul Ryan, would select judges who set the pro-life cause back. I have been wrong on issues in the past, and so have you. I encourage you not to hold it against a candidate that before he was right on an issue, he once was wrong. That is backwards thinking, is it not?

I have written in the past of the very limited things a President can actually do. He cannot restore the size of government to the “right size” many of us wish it to be. He can, though, work diligently and intelligently to get the right things done. I would suggest that some of those crying needs of the hour are exactly what Romney will do, and do phenomenally well. He will work with Congress to reform (but not perfect) the tax code. He will reverse the direction of the budget deficit, even if he will not solve it entirely.

The direction he will take the fiscal state of our country vs. Obama is the most important issue in this election. He will flatten the tax rates, which undeniably spurs economic growth, all the while cleaning up many of the silly and price-distorting deductions that have to be reformed (I learned this from Obama’s former economic czar, Christina Romer, by the way). He will assemble a team of competent cabinet members, as he has done his entire career (do any of Romney’s critics want to criticize his eye for talent at Bain Capital, or in Salt Lake City, or in the Governor’s mansion?). Obama has filled his cabinet with cronies, fools, and extremists. This distinction alone is enough to show up and vote.

I do not believe we will run a budget surplus in four years, and I do not believe abortion will be criminalized at the end of Romney’s first term. What I do believe is this: At this time, at this point in history, in this present set of circumstances, God has seen fit to give us a clear and simple choice between a radical, unqualified, dishonest wretch of a President named Barack Obama, and a competent, managerial, efficient, intelligent, decent man named Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney will be a tool God uses to move the ball down the field.

Romney did not have to choose the extraordinary Paul Ryan as his running mate, and in fact took great political risk in doing so. Gov. Romney is a problem-solver in a country filled with problems. He is not a quintessential conservative Libertarian kind of guy, but he is the antidote we have to the Ivy League radicalism of Barack Obama. He is the alternative to four more years of $1 trillion+ deficits and an utter blindness to the train wreck our entitlement system represents. He has the proven ability to work with other people to accomplish something, as opposed to the community organizer we have in office now who has never so much as led a school sports team, let alone a business, a state, or an organization.

I am not writing because Mitt Romney is perfect. I am writing because he is good enough. And I am writing because Barack Obama is the biggest disaster our country has faced as a mature country. If you worry about the direction of the Supreme Court, and you worry about the size of our government relative to GDP, and you worry about confidence in the business community coming back so as to spur economic growth, then you have a man to vote for who will advance your cause(s) – Mitt Romney. You also have a man to vote against who represents the worst of all possible worlds – Barack Obama.

Please, do not sit this one out. Our country – the last, best hope on earth – needs your vote. I have every confidence in the world that we will be pleased we voted for Mitt Romney – every confidence in the world. Share as you wish. And I will see you at the polls.

David L. Bahnsen, CFP®, works as a Senior Vice President in the private client group of one of the premier Wall Street firms in the country where he provides financial planning and investment management services to individuals and families. To receive his Viewpoint Updates via email, go to

Views: 159

Replies to This Discussion

Well written article but sounds a bit desperate. Glad you posted it, Mac.

Sry but no sale. The country doesn't need my vote, the political machine needs me to legitimize its existence.

"I am not writing because Mitt Romney is perfect. I am writing because he is good enough." And this is a "good enough" reason to vote for him? Come again? All a candidate needs is to be " good enough" to be elected? Talk about selling oneself short. This article is void any logic or reason and is textbook left/right duopoly speak. I will not be voting for the lesser of two evils but thank you so much for trying to enlighten me.

I am just dumbfounded yet again.

The same beast pulls the strings of each.  Neither is "good enough."  The whole system of politics is set up to be one of the many circuses the beast puts on to keep  Us placated, meanwhile in the back We see "Patriot" Acts and executive orders, followed by executive orders and NDAA's, all of which are designed to dismantle the freedoms for which this country - and Ethics, in general - stand for.

Rather than box Oneself into the idea it's "stay in the system and vote either/or," Let's move in a new direction which strips the beast itself of power over Others and offers Us autonomous power over Self.

The Abundance Paradigm:

We cannot survive 4 more years of Obama, it will take years if not centuries to fix what he has done already, Romney is in no way like Obama, Romney is a good person, he loves this country unlike the asshole we have now that is destroying our country.

Obama will appoint at lest two more leftest judges to the supreme court, he will take away our gun rights and destroy our constitution and bring in millions more Muslims, our sovereignty will be gone, this is just for starters. if anyone doesn't see the difference, I really can't understand that line of thinking, there is a huge difference.

Obama took Ohio last time only because republicans didn't vote!

The dirt just keeps pouring out about BOTH candidates.  My estimation of BOTH candidates is that They don't care about the cattle but to keep Us quiet.  And I assure you there are Those in the shadows, Their hands in the puppet facade that all major players are.  "Choosing" is moot.

Instead, as My post above shows, We CAN choose to go another direction.

Mac, it's not that I can't see a difference it's that the differences are so minute as to be irrelevant (for me anyhow).

Two more leftist Justices? When the USSC has been ruling anti-Constitution for decades due to a corrupt educational sys I'm not too worried about 'more of the same'. sry.

Destroy the Constitution? Is there some part of it that hasn't already been ignored, trampled or invalidated by Congress or the SC? 

Take away gun rights? Political ploy that's been used to rile the mob for decades. 

'Millions' more muslims? How many millions have been brought in? And what percentage were brought in under Bush? I need numbers. 

Sovereignty.....hmmm.........what Sovereignty? State Sovereignty? Doesn't exist according to D.C. and a president can do nothing about it; although a president could sign a bill from Congress but, what Congress is going to propose a bill lessening their authority? Has Congress proposed a 'reinvigorating the 10th Amendment bill'?

U.S. Sovereignty? You mean the open border policy of both candidates is an issue? Or are we talking about say the Law of the Sea Treaty (or whatever it's called)? Treaty's are ratified by the Senate.

For me it doesn't matter how good a person Romney is. The system is broken beyond repair.

The last hope to right the ship of state is...the States. They have the constitutional authority to reform D.C. I simply do not believe change can or will come from the top. It will be bottom up or it aint happenin'.

By all means vote for Romney if that's your answer. I have never advised anyone to vote or not to.

I am a Sovereign Citizen and I will act according to my principles and participating in a ritual that legitimizes a govt that I know has usurped it's authority is not among them. Not even for a guy who's somewhat better than the other one. It's not the man, it's not the policies. It's the structure. The harm has been done, the foundation is crumbling; new tenants will not fix the problem.

It's the States or all is lost.


I put up a discussion a year ago in a different group, no one seems to know much about this but under Obama's rule untold numbers of Muslims have been brought into the US into our major city's, he puts them on the public dole and is giving them all the empty housing in our inner city's, he or his czars are at times bringing in whole villages of Muslims, just how does a whole village apply for citizenship, I hear these people can even vote.

Do a search, whole Muslim villages immigrate to US or something like that, One City in Ohio is full of them, as well as other city's, this will be a problem long after Obama is gone.

Compared to Obama Romney is a piece of cake, I know the same people are funding them booth, but I don't think the Bankers own Romney, he doesn't need there money, hes our best chance,  with Obama were toast, that's a given & I refuse to put them in the same box, they are not on the same page at all, I don't share your outlook, Romney is the one we need right now, we should all get behind him, if he turns out to be no good, what have we lost, we know dam well what we will get with Obama.

I already cast my vote for Romney, I want to see Obama gone, that low life has to go, If you guys want to sit this one out and give Obama the win, that is an action you have to live with.


I respect your sincerity and your determination to do what's right. But I do not see the landscape as you do, or at least, not in the same way you see it.

I do not put the two in the same box but rather see them in the same box. That's the problem.

Put G. Washington in the office and it would matter little (although I would vote for HIM).

The problems facing us which have been created over many decades by both 'partys' are not solvable by electing a president imo. 

Anyone will be better than obama-wan but that's not the problem I'm working on.

I'm working to effect permanent change rather than transitory.

I see the only possible solution as States Rights. State legislatures are the only body with the constitutional authority to reign in the fed.

How does Romney feel about the 17th Amendment? More importantly, how does Congress?

Don't know about Romney but I do know what the congresscritters think about it and that's what counts, imho of course.

A Romney win will give some breathing space...... maybe. All depends on Congress now doesn't it.

Myself, I'm no longer interested in breathing space. As I said earlier, the structure of govt, as it currently exists, is fundamentally unsound. To speak plainly, it is unconstitutional. 

I care not what face occupys the EO at this point because the little things that a president can do are nothing compared to what needs to be done and what needs to be done is not in the power of even the expanded authority of the EO.

The States must have their voice in Congress or nothing changes. Oh, you might see a tax break of some sort or a little less left Justice nominated but the fundamental problems will not be addressed. Time for kicking the can down the road is long past my friend. The fed has run out of rope and doesn't have the sense to tie a knot and hang on. And at this point it doesn't matter.

The fed, nor any office in it, can do what is necessary. The States can and are the only force with the legal authority to do so. The fed will never reform itself! They stole their powers and I'm to believe they will willingly relinquish them? I think not. Not even if G.Washington was seated. (although the stir from a resurrected Washington would cause quite a commotion I'm sure)

Imo, A Romney win will prolong the inevitable. I'm working on rebuilding what was lost and, as I see it, possible to regain.; but it wont happen by electing a president.

Think of it this way, Mac; your working from one angle, me another. Same goal.

And please, as far as who will be responsible for who gets elected........those who vote are the only possible candidates for that distinction. Those who don't vote aren't playin'.

Long Live the Republic!


I am also working to restore our Republic, we are putting the leftest and RINOS out to pasture, it is imperative Obama is put out of office, If not we will be stuck with his health care BS plus a lot more terrible events he has planed for us, we need the time to make the changes, times up with Obama.

I would rather shut this system down and reopen under new management and round up all the traitors, that would fix things much faster, life to short to drag this out, but thats not an option yet.

Good luck, with your plan

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