"Behind every great fortune there lies a great crime."
- Honore de Balzac

"And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
"Son of man, set thy face against GOG, the land of Magog (i.e., the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS[1] ), the chief prince of (Rosh[2] ), Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
"And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O GOG, the chief prince of (Rosh[3] ), Meshech and Tubal:
"I will ... put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army ...
"Persia (Iran) ... and ... the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.
"Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
"... in the latter years thou shalt come ...
"... like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. (Ezek. 38: 1-9)


There are strange things happening in the Caucasus Mountains, that area of the world that 2,500 years ago filled the extreme northern horizon of the Hebrews (Ezek xxxviii. 15, xxxix. 2) and where some say Eden was located - where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers originate, in Armenia somewhere, perhaps on the shores of the Araxes [the river that certain people say is the biblical river Gihon (Genesis ii. 13)]). It's an area dominated by craggy mountains and deep gorges - a wild and untamed place that has about it a disturbing feeling of "long-ago" - as if it had suddenly appeared straight out of the Old Testament. Ancient Assyrian inscriptions refer to the territory as Mushku and Tabal [Gk. - Moschoi and Tibarenoi (the Bible: "Mescheck" and "Tubal")][4]. The Bible says that the Caucasus is the dwelling place of "Gog"[5] - that great and foreboding angelic prince the Scriptures say will initiate the momentous events of the "End of Days." [Please see Ezekiel 38; we also refer you to chapter 6 of the Antipas Papers, "The Gog / Magog War;" also, please see Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come, and Robert Duncan Culver, Daniel and the Latter Days.]

It is here, in this remote and half-forgotten part of the earth that a new and extremely dangerous struggle has begun that is pitting the West [essentially, the United States and her NATO allies (particularly Turkey)] against the Russian Federation and Iran, a struggle that very few Americans are aware of, and one which - except insofar as what's happening in Chechnya - has been carefully hidden from them by the corporate media. What's America up to there? What business does the United States and her NATO allies have in insinuating themselves into this area, thereby precipitating the clash? And what are they doing sponsoring a new military alliance in the region involving five former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union? Americans may have stumbled into more than they had bargained for here, for there are spiritual forces at work in this part of the world beyond the imagining of most mortals and against which flesh and blood cannot prevail.


I am, of course, more than aware that such statements - predicated as they are on a belief in spiritual powers greater than man - cannot help but elicit scornful notice and contemptuous sneers from secularists and non-believers - people who refuse to concede reality to powers that are greater than man. But the effort by secularists and non-believers to discount these powers is so absurd that it borders on the moronic. At best, it's innocence masquerading as sophistication; at worst it's folly pretending to be wisdom (Romans 1:22). The fact of the matter is, however, powers far greater than man control his destiny - and though unseen and little suspected by the rulers of earth, there are "principalities," "powers," and "world-rulers of darkness" who are really in charge of this world and who direct the affairs of man - and with whom, as the Apostle Paul tells us, we have to wage a fearful warfare:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (i.e., heavenly) places." (Eph. 6:12)

Secularists - who fail to recognize this fact, but who - nonetheless - fancy themselves to be exposers of the "flesh and blood" wickedness in others - wield little more than wooden swords against what are really only shadows. Secularists can speak only of "good" and "evil," but not of the dragons beyond those comfortable conceits. They battle against phantoms they cannot by any means see, and expose nothing more than the secondhand sins of their flesh and blood adversaries, while never coming to grips with the real powers which stand behind that flesh and blood.

But we as Christians should not be so deluded. Ignorance in such matters is not a virtue insofar as the Bible is concerned. The Apostle Paul warns:

"But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that ... (these things) should overtake you as a thief.
"You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
"Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober." (I Thess 5:4-6)

Continue reading at: http://www.antipasministries.com/html/file0000171.htm

Views: 306

Replies to This Discussion

Oh wow, somehow I missed this Mystery!  Thank you so much....Will get back to ya as soon as I finish it.

So how is the reading going??? Hope you have got a chance to look it over. I done some checking on it and it seems to have good references. Happying r

You did a great job girl!  ....sorry have had one family emergency after another, lately.  As soon as I get online, its not long I have to shut it off and tend to something.  Had this window ready to read as soon as I got back on.  Sharing it.

Amen!  Excellent post.  Thank you Mystery, sharing.

I have some sites marked that may be related to some of the things you've written, very interesting stuff.  I have to get offline right now, but, I'm leaving this window open so I can get back to it.  I love things that make us want to study and dig deeper.  Want to talk to you about some of this, talk tomorrow.  ~Tina

The 13th tribe (book, or youtube it)
Rev 2.9, 3.9
Movie. 1980. The chosen
youtube this. The other Israel
look up....... Dr. Dell Sanchez Torah

That's not Israel, it's a pre gathering sponsored buy the UN. For the most part the Ashkenazis who are.not.the.descendants.of.the.Ancient Israel but we're of Kazari/Kazakhstan
This is where Ukraine sits.
This same geographical location was called Gog n Megog. Jews in general are not ancient Israel, not Hebrews and not even Sametic. My people are for the most part a tanned desert people. The ones called JEWS names end with GOLDBURGE, GOLDSTINE, ROTHENBERG
I am Habel ben Medardo, a Sefardic (Jew)
Israrlite. I know these things.
See the above mentioned sights n movies

Salem as in YaRuSalem


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