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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:34pm


We are accustomed to a government consisting of twenty, fifteen or ten ministers who govern, and a parliament consisting of scores of people or hundreds of people sitting in a chamber that accommodates scores of people or hundreds of people who decide for the people .But how can the people rule themselves by themselves?

How can the people, men and women, sit in session and rule themselves by themselves? Naturally, the short –sighted view would say that that is impossible, and settle for representation, with a few people representing millions. This view is erroneous, as it views democracy as a matter of distance and size of chambers, but that is not the way to view it.

Wherever the people are found, whether in the neighborhood or the village, they convene in people’s congresses in which all adults, men and women, participate and decide what they want. Then, if the entire people decided to declare war against a state , then that war would be legitimate, because the people felt that war was inevitable with that neighboring state or a state that is separated from it by an ocean and continents, although that would be highly unlikely.

If a law was passed, it would be passed by the people, the adult men and women sitting in session. Then, if you were sentenced to death under that law, that law would be sacred, because it was passed by all the people, who felt that such a crime should be punishable by death, and you yourself were among those who deliberated and eventually decided that the perpetrator of such a crime deserves the death punishment.

All the criteria and the structures in use now are obsolete; the flow, the demands, the requirements and the challenges of the masses are too great for partisan structures, which are museum pieces. If the dialogue continues with you, Russian friends, members of the Duma, professors, writers and journalists, it will be possible to begin thinking of convincing the people in Russia, for example.

In this regard, would like to answer a question asked by a friend whether it would be possible to establish a Jamahiriya with out violence. We do not need any violence at all; we only need persuasion....'

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:33pm



However, the positive aspect is that it makes it difficult for the imperialists and the colonialists to seize the land of others and settle therein, but achieving this result involves great sacrifices and major losses for both sides.

The world in now in the grip of a crisis; there are demonstrations, protests, unemployment and inflation everywhere, and grievances, discontent, arrests, rebellion revolt and victims. There is virtually a world war, and no peace, stability, safety, peace of mind, or hope in the social, economic and political environment prevailing in the world now.

The world is based on the theory of colonizer and colonized, master and slave and rich and poor, and on the theory of wage, hiring, trafficking, representation, marginalization, negation and cynical disregard for the broad masses.

Thus, hundreds of millions are represented by hundreds of individuals, which is regrettable, ridiculous and futile. For instance, we find a country of 300 million people with a parliament of three hundred members, which is laughable, unfortunate and problematic. The three hundred million have realized that the three hundred representatives do not express their desires, share their dreams, or represent them, and, hence, bypassed them and declared that representation is a fraud.

It is fraudulent to bring three hundred people and claim that they are the three hundred million; the three hundred representatives only represent themselves, and cannot dream for the millions or share their desires and their feelings.

Therefore, representation failed and the peoples have gone beyond it, thus, the people and the representatives are not on the same page. There may be a parliament which claims that it was elected, and it is possible that the election, in few cases, was not rigged, but the peoples have given up on parliaments and representatives, and we see them out on the streets expressing their demands directly.

This is proof that the representatives have failed to speak for these peoples. When some governments decided to go to war against Iraq, millions demonstrated against the war. What does this mean? It means that the representatives did not express the demands of these peoples that had elected them, because if they had spoken for the peoples and shared their wishes and dreams, they would have opposed the war.

Therefore, representation is a fraud, which means that scores of peoples are ruled by dictatorial regimes, and are not represented by parliaments, because these parliaments approved the dispatch of forces. How can the parliament approve when the people do not?

Hence, the parliament does not represent the people, representation is a fraud, and mediation, representation and parliaments must be abolished. This farce must be placed in the museum as an ancient relic, because peoples can rule themselves. But how can a people of hundred of millions rule themselves?

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:31pm


This duo of capitalists and oppressive politicians is the cause of the woes and problems plaguing the world. At no time in history and nowhere in the world, have ordinary citizens had the readiness, the desire or the need to go to faraway places to destroy then and colonize them, but those who have financial interests are the ones who want to seize the wealth of others and the power, which is their handiwork, force those simple people out of their homes and send then faraway to enter other homes with which they have no enmity to plunder and destroy them and kill their inhabitants as has happened in every stage of colonialism experienced by mankind.

Unfortunately, we had thought that colonialism had come to an end, only to find out that it was renewing itself in a brutal manner. However, it is both positive and tragic that it is now certainly difficult to colonize the land of others, settle in it and seize its resources, because it is clearly possible now for the colonized to resist and to have access to very effective means of resistance.

The ordinary citizen is capable of packing his car with explosives and blowing it up and blowing himself up.The possibilities are now widely available thanks to the information revolution and the spread of science and knowledge, thus arms smuggling and arms trafficking are no longer under control. In the past colonialism succeeded, because it was not possible for peoples to resist fiercely as is the case now.

Back then, arms were limited and factories were owned by the invader or the colonizer, while the others were unarmed thus making them vulnerable and exposing their land to invasion, destruction and seizure. It was not. It was not possible then for the peoples to make weapons or explosives, because all these things were unknown to them.

Now, some arrogant powers do not take this transformation into account, and believe that colonialism can be affected easily as it was in the past, but colonialism now, unlike the past, is a difficult enterprise; it is short lived and cannot take root in the land of others, because those others are now capable of manufacturing weapons and explosives. Manufacturing these has become universally accessible, thanks to the internet which provides access to the state of the art sciences.

Colonialism is still practiced, but, this time, in the face of fierce Resistance that was possible in the past. Such a development is, of course, tragic, as one person can blow himself up and kill scores pf people. From a humanitarian point of view, we say this is tragic, because large numbers of people are killed using modern means, but this same colonialism possesses lethal means, including nuclear bombs, and the means of destruction are now unfortunately, available for both sides.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:28pm

Another excerpt from a different speech of MARCH 2005 is likewise extremely relevent:

'I believe that the solution lies in the Green Book, but the world has yet to understand it, because it has been the subject of a blackout and has been banned in most countries in the world since they know that the Green Book aims to change the world, from a world of injustice and exploitation to a world of direct, popular democracy and popular socialism. Those who hold the reins of power do not want to share it with anyone.

They ban the Green Book because it instigates those who have never had a stake in power and never participated in it. The Green Book instigates ordinary citizens, common people, the man on the street, the poor and all these great masses that are marginalized from power and wealth, and are used as cannon fodder in oppressive, exploitative societies, where they sustain themselves with the leftovers of the rich, and live off the service they provide for the those who control power and wealth. This is an unfair, unacceptable, unjust, dictatorial, exploitative and inhuman situation.

It is intolerable and unbearable for us, the simple people, the masses, the poor people who have a right to the land and a right to life. We, the overwhelming majority, do not accept this strategic, historical marginalization or this abuse.

We do not accept to be in the service of the rich and the exploiters, and protect the society of exploitation as soldiers and policemen guarding the institutions of the rich and ensuring their comfort. We do not accept to be used by the elite that have imposed itself through dictatorship as cannon fodder in wars for the sake of its capitalist, economic, imperialist interests. The simple, poor, common soldier has no interest in fighting a war outside his country. When he comes back after fighting, assuming he does come back, he has gained nothing. Rather, if he comes back, he is missing an arm, a leg, his sight, his hearing or even his mind, and sometimes he loses his life itself...

It is the ideology of oppression and exploitation that is prevailing in the world today, according to which oppressive forces, by using money, win elections and assume power, while a handful of the moneyed elite enlist this political tool in their service, and force the simple and the needy, the overwhelming majority, to suffer, endure hardships and die for their sake.

This handful of politicians and rich people attained this position by the unnatural and illegitimate means of exploitation and the use of money, money which was acquired by sucking the blood of the workers.

A rich man is only rich because there are poor people who serve him out of need, thus he becomes rich, having sucked their blood and exploited their efforts to become rich. These moneyed handfuls are to be found in every country in the world, and are the cause of the tragedy of mankind now, and of wars, terrorism, actions and reaction.

It is they who are the source of power, because a poor man cannot become president except with the backing of the rich, so that every power now is the power of money. There is no democracy at present, but there is only money which is the source of power. It is illicit money which did not accumulate in the hands of a wealthy handful because it descended on them from heaven, but was the result of exploitation.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:51pm

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:50pm


Economic Hitmen

Ajoutée par studioJOHO le 22 mars 2010

An animated interview of John Perkins, author of ‘HoodWinked’ and ‘Confessions Of An Economic Hitman’ 
Copyright of the audio belongs to John Perkins.
For more visit


Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:43pm

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:42pm
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:42pm

1992 Speech excerpt CONT'D:

But with the passing of time, the Greens became members in parliaments. Thus, the Green Movement turned into a political entity with party structures in some parts of the world, which is exactly what is wanted by the current evil World Order, i.e., to contain and tame the Movement by having it participate in the game.

This should be rejected. When we contacted some of our friends in the Green Movements throughout the world, expressing our dismay at their entry into parties and then parliaments, their reply was:

“By entering parliaments, we wanted to ridicule them.”

However, after some time, we did not see any effect from such action. Moreover, the Green members became like the conventional deputies, presenting their opinions, objections and needs, like all the others.

This process is leading to the death of a movement on which we pinned great hopes. I would like to assent, to the best of my knowledge and information, that the present World Order is an illusion and has lost its reason for continuity, for it has lost the progressive character needed to enable it to match the movement of history. Thus, this order is suffering greatly from its inability to advance, and the evidence of its approaching death is very clear. The countries leading the world order have no arguments to convince others, nor do they enter into dialogues, except for the resort to force, which means bankruptcy in terms of ideology and logic. We notice that this order is approaching its end because of its resort to force and to state terrorism in solving their problems. The prevailing language now is that of military option, embargo, blockade and economic sanctions. This is the only dictionary left to the current World Order which has proven its bankruptcy. Now, when I see the world map, it is a joke and a mockery. Should the world continue in this manner, the globe will be turned into a colossal prison. There is an embargo and boycott against Libya, hence, there is an international prison zone in North Africa issued by the World Order which prohibits people from contacting each other by air. The same prison zone was imposed in the Balkans on the peoples of Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. Iraq, a major country in Asia, and the Balkans in Europe were also ordered to be kept incommunicado with an air, sea and land embargo against millions of their people.

There are other areas which will be targeted by the World Order for similar treatment. Henceforth, after a while, we will find that the globe will be turned into prison zones in the name of this World Order. As a forerunner of this totalitarian World Order, which began to imprison peoples, some local racists and aggressive forces, like the Israelis, started to follow this system by imprisoning the whole Gaza Strip, banning any air, land or sea contacts as well as cutting off its electricity and telephone lines. Who can protest against this?

The Security Council cannot seriously protest being that it was the mastermind behind the whole idea. It is imprisoning peoples instead of solving their problems. It has become very easy for the Security Council to adopt sanctions or imprison peoples      ]..."

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:41pm

I want to reprint a section of Muammar al-Qathafi's speech made at Sirte in June 1992:

"We would like to draw attention at this important meeting of the International Green Movements to the fear that the Green and Alternative Movements may become a part of the New World Order whose change they seek. I fear that these movements might become a complementary picture of the current world order. I would like to illustrate this by citing one simple example in a given state in the world. For instance, there is a state whose regime is authoritarian and exploitative where opposition emerges against it, but instead of changing the regime, the opposition contributes to it by giving it a democratic character without changing it….

Hence, this opposition helps the authoritarian regime. It gave the regime the appearance of a democracy only, because the opposition became part of the regime. Thus, the opposition gave the regime a prolonged life by coexisting with it and by playing its games. In other words, it is the regime which tamed the opposition and made it one of its components. It is feared that the Green Alternative Movement will become another tool for the continuation of the world order instead of becoming the alternative to this order.
The understanding was that the Green Movement would not join the World Order. Also, it was agreed that the movement refuses the parties, parliaments and the contribution in the present political process because of the failure of this process and its uselessness to citizens everywhere.


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