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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:15am


The next day in Benghazi (20 August 2012) Resistance members tossed a bomb into the car of Abdel Hamid Refaii, the first secretary of the Egyptian Embassy. This was outside Refaii’s house. However, the assassination bid failed.

The day after that, the then Libyan Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib condemned the Green Resistance in a televised speech, saying: “Desperate and malicious forces among the supporters of the former regime are trying to create tension, send Libya backwards to violence, and sabotage the country’s political process.”

Tripoli’s security chief, Col Mahmoud Sherif, said Gaddafi loyalists were responsible for the spate of violent attacks. He ordered the arrest of 32 suspected Resistance members for interrogation.

Indeed, the police in Tripoli (who now work for the NATO powers) are constantly occupied with defusing car bombs set by the Resistance.

After the Resistance bombing of the former headquarters of a women’s police academy, the NATO puppets sent soldiers to raid a farm where Resistance members were holed up. Several of the Gaddafi loyalists were killed.

One of the members who survived was alleged to have set up sleeper cells in Libya and to have been criss-crossing the border with Tunisia from where he and several comrades were smuggling weapons into Libya for the Resistance.

On 23 August 2012, Abdelmenom Al Hur, official spokesperson for the Supreme Security Committee, installed by NATO, held a press conference in which he admitted that Gaddafi loyalists had penetrated many official security units. He said that a whole barracks full of heavy armaments was under the control of a pro-Gaddafi cell that he called the Awfia Brigade. (The group’s members call themselves the “Martyr Gaddafi Brigade”.) The same Resistance brigade had briefly occupied Tripoli International Airport back in June 2012.

After the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens on 11 September 2012, the Resistance managed to shut down the Benina airport in Benghazi, which the US military was using as a drone base.

With the Resistance firing at US drones, the airport had become unsafe. A Turkish Afriqiyah Airlines flight with 121 people onboard was forced to turn back to Istanbul.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:14am


On 5 June 2012, the Resistance detonated a bomb in front of the US-operated building in Tripoli, damaging its gates.

On 11 June 2012, in Benghazi’s al-Rabha neighborhood, the Resistance fired an RPG at a convoy that carried British Ambassador Dominic Asquith, wounding two of his bodyguards. (20)

Back in July 2011, Abdel-Fattah Younis, the former Qaddafi loyalist turned “rebel” military commander, was assassinated. On 22 June 2012, the judge investigating the death of Younis was himself assassinated in Benghazi.

On 28 July 2012, Suleiman Buzraidah was killed in a drive-by shooting while he was en route to a Benghazi mosque. Buzraidah had been a military intelligence official under Gaddafi, but betrayed him to join the NATO-backed terrorists. (21)

On 29 July 2012, Khalifa Belqasim Haftar narrowly survived an assassination attempt. Formerly one of Gaddafi’s army commanders, in 1988 he betrayed Gaddafi and lived for 23 years under US government protection near CIA headquarters in Virginia. He returned to Libya during the NATO-led insurgency, hoping that after Gaddafi’s death, he would be made commander-in-chief of the Libyan military (controlled by NATO). However, he had to settle for third place in the hierarchy, and was given the rank of Lt. General before the Resistance caught up with him.

Last month was an especially active four weeks for the Resistance. Security buildings and hotels in Benghazi were rocked by bomb attacks and attempted attacks. Foreign diplomatic staff and embassies were targeted. US embassy staff in Tripoli escaped an attempted carjacking.

On 10 August 2012, eight Resistance members escaped from the Al Fornaj prison in Tripoli after a coordinated attack. Gunmen in pickup trucks outside the prison shot at security guards, while prisoners inside set sections of the prison on fire and managed to overpower a number of guards. This was the third Resistance attack on the prison since the murder of Gaddafi.

On 18 August 2012, the Green Resistance detonated a car bomb outside the Four Seasons Hotel on Omar Al Mukhtar Street in Tripoli. The target was a vehicle being used by Benghazi security officials (installed by NATO) who were staying at the hotel.

Afterwards, the NATO-installed bureaucrats sent heavily armed soldiers to prevent photographs being taken, and to forbid journalists from entering the area, so that word of the Green Resistance would not get out. A Libyan interior ministry official refused to comment further.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:13am


we shall focus on Resistance attacks against NATO targets, and Resistance assassinations of Libyan figures that betrayed Gaddafi and sided with NATO. The following are only some of the “scores”.

On 18 March 2012, in the Tripoli neighborhood of Abu Salim (a pro-Gaddafi stronghold) local members of the Green Resistance had a shoot-out with a pro-NATO militia group from Zintan led by one Mohammed El-Rebay. (Zintan is a province in Libya’s western mountains.) The Resistance managed to kill one of the Zintan terrorists, who had been using a Tripoli school as their base. (15)

In April 2012, the Resistance detonated a roadside bomb beside a UN convoy that included Ian Martin, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Representative for Libya. (16)

On 29 April 2012, the lifeless body of Shukri Ghanem, Gaddafi’s former oil minister, was found floating in the River Danube. In May 2011, Ghanem had joined NATO, and went off to reside in London and then Vienna. (17)

On 2 May 2012, the Green Resistance claimed responsibility for assassinating General Albarrani Shkal, a former military governor of Tripoli who had demobilized the 38,000 men of his guard and opened the gates of Tripoli to foreign troops during Operation Mermaid Dawn, the sacking of Tripoli that began on 20 August 2011. (Tripoli’s nickname is “The Mermaid”.) (18)

On 15 May 2012, Khaled Abu Salah, a candidate for the Constituent Assembly controlled by NATO, was assassinated near the oasis town of Ubari in southwest Libya. (19)

On 22 May 2012, a rocket-propelled grenade targeted the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Benghazi, but caused only structural damage to the premises. The ICRC is headquartered in Geneva, and its foreign offices are often used as cover by Western intelligence agencies, such as MI6 or the CIA.

On 26 May 2012, Mukhtar Fernana, head of the Military Council for the Western Region, survived an assassination attempt.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:12am

The Libyan bureaucrats’ clampdown on media information is understandable, since they want to hamper solidarity with the Green Resistance.

MASS DENIAL (by Mark Robinson & Finian Cunningham of “GLOBAL RESEARCH”

The Green Resistance has been increasingly active since October 2011, as will be shown below. They strike any NATO target they can, and they execute key Libyans who betrayed Gaddafi and sided with NATO. The Benghazi incident was merely their latest blow against what they see as NATO’s illegal occupation of their country.

Everyone in Libya knows about the Green Resistance, whose members are called “Tahloob” (Arabic for “Gaddafi loyalists”). The denial only happens outside of Libya, by the NATO powers and their dutiful Western mainstream media.

Because of this denial, and because most of the world’s people have forgotten about Libya, the internet is filled with blind guesses, unfounded claims, and ridiculous counterclaims (especially) regarding the Benghazi incident last week in which US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and at least three other American personnel were killed. And the NATO lie factory is operating at full blast.

On 24 June 2012, Tunisia’s Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali (acting on NATO orders) suddenly had Mahmudi al-Baghdadi re-arrested and sent back to the NATO puppets in Tripoli, who promptly imprisoned Mahmudi.

Tunisia’s Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali is pro-NATO, and a friend of American hawkish senators McCain and Lieberman. His re-arrest and extradition of Mahmudi angered Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, who denounced the extradition as illegal, and it also enraged the Libyan Green Resistance.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:12am

Bani Walid is a loyalist stronghold whose people held key positions in Gaddafi’s security services. It was also the last city outside of Gaddafi’s birthplace of Sirte to fall to NATO-backed terrorists on 23 January 2012. Magariaf is from Benghazi, and spent 30 years in the US being groomed for the time when NATO would destroy Libya. On 9 August 2012, NATO installed him as Libya’s head of state after an “election”. Magariaf is allied with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is aligned with NATO.

The initial admissions of the truth about the Green Resistance were made on the morning after the attack. Within hours, however, all top Libyan officials, acting under NATO orders, changed their tune, merely calling the attackers “foreign extremists”. Magariaf, the president installed by NATO, went to Benghazi three days after the attack, and declared that “Al Qaeda did it”.

One bureaucrat who would not adopt the NATO spin was GNC Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib, who continued to insist that Gaddafi loyalists were the perpetrators. Therefore, NATO dismissed him as Libya’s prime minister, and replaced him with Mustafa Abushagur, the day after the Benghazi incident. Abushagur had lived most of his life in the USA, and had always been an enemy of Gaddafi. Like so many other US-installed bureaucrats, he had returned to Benghazi in May 2011 during the NATO-instigated insurgency.

Some alternative news outlets acknowledge the truth about the Green Resistance, for example, the Inter Press News Service, which is a non-profit outlet.

IPS spoke with armed Gaddafi loyalists who vowed that they will step up their fight. Government sources alternately claim the perpetrators are former Gaddafi loyalists.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:11am

Thus, contrary to claims by Western media outlets such as the British Independent, there were no “major security breeches,” and no “mystery” about the attack. All such claims are red herrings designed to distract from the reality of the Green Resistance.

(The Libyan bureaucrats’ clampdown on media information is understandable, since they want to hamper solidarity with the Green Resistance.)

The morning after the Benghazi attack, on 12 September, the NATO puppets unwittingly admitted the truth about the “Tahloob” (Green Resistance), and whined that NATO was not doing enough to help crush it. GNC Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Wanis Al Sharif admitted this in a Benghazi news conference, which was later broadcast on Al Jazeera television.

Libya’s Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib also admitted it, as did Libya’s President Mohammed El-Megarif, as well as Ali Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to Washington, plus Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya’s ambassador to the UN. All of them said that Gaddafi loyalists had attacked the US site in Benghazi. They would quickly change their change tune under pressure from their NATO masters.

Back on 24 August 2012, Time magazine had noted that Gaddafi “still commands silent admiration in many parts of Libya”. The article quoted President El-Magariaf as saying: “We know that Gaddafi loyalists are behind these bombings [since the overthrow of Gaddafi]. In the last few months, the security services have intensified their campaign against Bani Walid and Tarhuna.”

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:10am

Benghazi Attack. Libya’s Green Resistance Did It… And NATO Powers Are Covering Up
US Ambassador’s Killing Had Nothing to Do With Al Qaeda, Islamist Blowback or Anti-Islamic Video

20 SEPT. 2012

By Mark Robinson and Finian Cunningham of “GLOBAL RESEARCH” write:

As for US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, he had promoted Libya’s destruction, having arrived in Benghazi in April 2011 for that purpose, and remained there throughout the NATO seven-month aerial bombardment of Libya. His job was to coordinate the NATO-backed terrorists.

After Libya was destroyed, Stevens had used a Tripoli hotel as his base, since the Green Resistance had burned down the US embassy in the capital, Tripoli. When the Resistance tried to kill him with a car bomb outside the hotel, Stevens moved to the villas in Benghazi, a city in the east of the country whose inhabitants tend to be pro-US and which has long been a hotbed of Islamist jihadis, many of them furnishing the ranks of NATO’s Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s and later Al Qaeda.

That was over a year ago. (Stevens formally became Obama’s ambassador to Libya in May 2012.)

Stevens was outgoing, and had so underestimated the Green Resistance that he enjoyed jogging in the streets of Benghazi and elsewhere in Libya.

Everyone knew that he and his American staff were present.
Stevens’ popularity with the Benghazi traitors added to the fury of the Green Resistance when they eventually attacked the US site in Benghazi.
“Ambassador Stevens was overcome by “severe asphyxia” (smoke inhalation), and was still alive after the attack. Pro-US Libyans in Benghazi carried him to the Benghazi Medical center, where he died later in the night.” (Robinson & Cunningham)

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 21, 2012 at 8:09am

People are reading things into what I posted. Muammar has a prison underwater to interrogate valuable prisoners for valuable information and prisoner exhange purposes.

Stevens died of afixiation–not a bullet.

“Ambassador Stevens was overcome by “severe asphyxia” (smoke inhalation), and was still alive after the attack. Pro-US Libyans in Benghazi carried him to the Benghazi Medical center, where he died later in the night.” (Robinson & Cunningham)

The “consolte” offices were raided for information they contained. When it was set afire, no one was inside–no one.
All the “consolate” spies were in a “safe house”. The actual DEATH of Stevens more than likely was not ordered but the result of other circumstances. I am sure that Muammar would have wanted to interrogate Stevens more than see his death.–To eliminate him as a threat to Libya, yes is Muammar’s desire–but as Sylvia states, not outright murder, ever…even if hundreds of Libyans died at Stevens hands. Muammar is against the concept of “REVENGE”!

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 20, 2012 at 7:09pm

The Green Resistance under Muammar al-Qathafi has good moral guidlines and a lofty goals for the Libyan people and the world. The Yankees and their Rats hoard are evil with base goals and instincts.

Now we know the true story behind the elimination of illegal alien Stevens and his 3 co-spy Navy Seals who were residing in Libya against all Jamahiriya laws. The Yankees and GNC will make any excuse to make it appear that there is no Green Resistance. The Yanks were all at a “safe-house”; and there was no one in the offices when the Resistance torched it after retrieving the papers which named members of the Green Resistance. Stevens was a spy. His cohorts were intelligence officers and Navy Seals. (Stevens was a Muslim, so do not even think it had anything to do with religion.)

The Green Resistance made carefully sure no Libyans or civilians were hurt…none–and there was no protest or looting nearby. That was faked to complete their tale of radicals doing the damages to the Americans…

The USA and their puppet government will not admit this to the world for fear that people will know about the Resistance and Muammar and the strength of the Green Resistance–so they will invent any scenario possible to cover up their insecurity!

It was a small 3 office room used as a American Information/”Consolate” office within a tiny building—never sanctioned by the Jamahiriya. Second, CIA and Stevens are al-Qaeda–they are one and the same. Stevens gave al-Qaeda orders and instructions as what to do and where to attack..So it was al-Qaeda–The bosses, we should say, of the illegal aliens roaming Libya.

Muammar said on the 17th of this month: “Al-Qaida, they want to export their “freedom” to our people, but we know what happens, we are in the way of real freedom, not Al-Qaida and colony based freedom. We will fight for what is our and take it in our lives—”

This is always what Muammar said about targeting the illegal foreign elements which illegally entered into Libya. Eliminate these foreigners and the strings of the puppets become detached and will fall. Muammar is not targeting Libyans, even rat Libyans–only FOREIGN ILLEGAL ELEMEMENTS—no Libyans at all were hurt in the Bengazi attack—none. They waited until the offices were empty to torch it. READ the whole exposé please. (The demonstrations had nothing to do with this and came later.)

Americans brought the Al-Qaeda and Qatari into Libya- They were NOT there before. Muammar and the Jamahiriya always kept the al-Qaeda out of Libya before…even though the CIA were always trying to infiltrate and cause troubles.and unrest for the Jamahiriya peoples. YES Stevens and his 3 cohorts were AGENTS, spies, and the bosses of the Al-Qaeda which the AMERICANS brought illegally into Libya with QATAR.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 19, 2012 at 12:37pm

Muammar al-Qathafi speaks to us 2 days ago to give us courage !
Supreme Commander of the Libyan armed forces
published 17.09.2012
ساعة الزحف .. القائد الأعلى للقوات المسلحة الليبية

الرصيـــة 2012
translation in a few words by Laraa Anahita Majdoub:

"Dear people, please do not be sad for last updates, it's mostly by the help of Al-Qaida, they want to export their "freedom" to our people, but we know what happens, we are in the way of real freedom, not Al-Qaida and colony based freedom. We will fight for what is ours and take it in our lives."

ساعة الزحف .. القائد الأعلى للقوات المسلحة الليبية


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