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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 19, 2012 at 6:09am

The only authorised body, enabled for a sound future of a "Great Jamahiriya", is the Green Resistance, whose Supreme Commander is the LIVING Muammar al-Qathafi, with the Green Army led by General Khamis al-Qathafi, and who still recognises all the chosen officials of the former "Socialist Arab/African GREAT JAMAHIRIYA of Libya" which remains the sole legitimate institution of Libya (as greatly opposed to the illegal puppet government imposed upon the Libyan Peoples, calling themselves now the Government National Council created by NATO/ Bernard Levy/ John McCain & Hillary Clinton)--THE GREAT JAMAHIRIYA whose selected officials were popularly engaged from the last "Popular Committees and Congresses" enabled to be fairly held throughout the land of the Great Jamahiriya. This is the only legitimate force of the Libyan people and cannot be dissolved until another Popular Congress is fairly held amongst all the peoples of the Great Jamahiriya.

The Libyan Popular National Movement, as stated it includes COMPONENTS of the al-Jamahiriya---BUT it is a "political body" and it was started by a non-Libyan, English girl Lizzie Phelan-----
Please recall that a real Jamahiriya does not have "political bodies" and Muammar is not the "late leader" as she states "MUAMMAR 'the "late" leader!'-
This is a "confederation" of many different anti-NATO/TNC forces---which is good, but as I said, highly uninformed and ill-organised, and is not a true UNIFIED body. It is mostly a youth movement.

Dr. Hamza Thami is Muammar's Aaron, and he announced the Zero hour now many weeks ago--and fighting will be ongoing
but the actual date of the SECOND al-Fetah to come is yet unknown; but it will be well before 01 September...Muammar promises us this.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:35am

Libya: First `Dimacratic` Elections in 42 Years

Posted: 2012/07/08
From: Mathaba
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`Dima` is `blood` in Arabic, and the Libyans have thus taken to calling the new system `dimacratic`. Since 1977 Libya enjoyed a more democratic system than most other countries in the world, carefully concealed from the outside world by western media anxious to keep people away from taking a further look at jamahiri democracy

Qadhafi has made us dream of a world without rulers and the ruled” (Edmond Jouve, Professor Emeritus of the Paris-Descartes University, France)
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:33am

In recent weeks, the media systems are again mobilized to spread the mantra in praise of the "first democratic elections in Libya in 42 years" (sic). What exactly? 

42 years is indeed the age of the Libyan Revolution, a government legally recognized and implemented following a peaceful revolution in 1969 that ended a corrupt monarchy and sovereignty sullied by the existence foreign military bases. Its guide, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, promptly laid down the foundations for socialism suited to the African continent and the Arab world. The concrete results of this project highly human civilization was immediate. Examples include: economically, the rapid transformation of living standards and an ecological perspective, the Great Manmade River, considered the 8th wonder of the world [1].

After NATO, following the coup of spring 2011, bombed this small African country non-stop for 7 months to support armed gangs and turn it into the largest police state in the totalitarian world (speaking in the Libyan public or flying a green flag is a crime for the new "rulers" when it is not punished immediately by a burst of machine gun fire preceded or followed by a shout of "Allahu Akbar"), it was now necessary, as in the case of the embargo followed by the invasion of Iraq, to conduct a laundering operation on the seven months of bombing, 100 000 deaths and more than a million refugees, half of which are located in Tunisia.

Moncef El Marzouki,president of Tunisia and puppet of Soros

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:32am

The government of Tunisia also participated in the clandestine supply of arms to officers of NATO (via the port of Zarzis) and exercised thenecessary media censorship during the 7 months of bombing [2]. What happened to the 25 billion Euros promised in May by Sarkozy at the "G8" summit to Tunisian President Caid Sebsi? Was this sum not intended to keep the Tunisian people in total ignorance of what was really happening in the country and avoid expressing the rejection of war on her neighbour, Libya, as in the 2003 case of Iraq where many countries were bribed [1]?

More recently, the rogue government in power in Tunisia is illustrated by the delivery of the Secretary-General of the Libyan people held illegally on its soil for over 300 days [3] [4] [5] [6]. A campaign reminiscent of the tragic gesture of Mohamed Bouazizi was launched by Tunisian patriots.

The Invention of a Prime Minister

The same media who speak of the "first democratic elections in 42 years" are also the same ones who deliberately lie about the nature of the Libyan government. They call Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudithe former "prime minister" while there has never been any such office in Libya nor even "ministers" (see theDeclaration on the rise of people's power) [7]. This simple example already shows the degree of military propaganda or, in the best case, the ignorance of journalists who talk about things they have not understood, as the institutions of direct democracy in force in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:31am

Dr Baghdadi Mahmoudi, General Secretary of the Libyan People's Congress, the legitimate Head of State of the Libyan Jamahiriya

The official title and duties of Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi are exactly, "General Secretary of theGeneral People's Congress of theLibyan Jamahiriya," overseeing the General People's Committee. Saying that this is "equal" to the position of a prime minister is the same desire to deceive. The Libyan Jamahiriya is in fact a democracy and not a parliamentary dictatorship [8]. As Dr. Al-Baghdadi has not been deposed by the people to this day (since the People's Congresses have not yet been able to meet because of shelling for 7 months and the occupation of Libya by Al Qaeda), so he is still the General Secretary of the Libyan people [9].

For a year and a half, the Tunisian media ad nauseamsanctify their ''revolution" (a word heard a hundred times at least daily during the same period) and "democracy," including NATO, ultimately, as the guarantor of its "truth" [10]. Now it is Michel Rocard himself, a prime minister under President François Mitterrand in France (1981) who earlier reminded of the bourgeois character of the "Tunisian revolution" [11].

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:31am

An Explosion of TV Channels of NATO/CNT

How to explain the existence of twenty channels of satellite TV (especially NileSat) implemented by the agents of CNT / NATO in Libya while the Libyans do not have some of their own? Aside from the fact that this "diversity" (another word-trap) also reflects the infighting between armed militias on the ground, it is especially trying to "unlearn" the Libyan people's experience of direct democracy. Such a conception of the modern organization of society could arise only in the desert and in the spirit of an exceptional man,Muammar al-Gaddafi [12 and 13].

The historical necessity of direct democracy and its fundamental principles are presented concisely and clearly in The Green Book [14]. For reasons unexplained, this book was banned under the chairmanship of Tunisia's Ben Ali and it is significant that it is always been censored in "revolutionary" Tunisia... Indeed, it is a subversive book as was remarked subsequently by anarchists in Europe [15]. It is also interesting to note that one of the targets of NATO in Libya was a center of academic information, documentation and scientific studies conducted by researchers around the world: the World Centre for the Studies and Researches on the The Green Book and the Third Universal Theory.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:31am

The exceptional organization of direct democracy in the Libyan Jamahiriya. Popular Committees at all levels in the society transform horizontal and vertical power into that controlled by the people, allowing them to govern themselves by themselves without intermediaries nor parasites.

The vast majority of the consumers of "internationalmedia" still believe that the Libyan government was headed by a "dictator", such as Ben Ali at the head of a large monolithic party in Tunisia, or Mubarak in Egypt. If you have participated in popular conferences and committees in Libya you will know what direct democracy means [13, 16, 17 and 18]. Housewives and doctors, students and artists freely discuss any and all proposals, vote on every issue by a show of hands, always transmitted live on TV and in ad hoc decision-making in a back and forth coherent manner. Most of the time, all problems are solved and such decentralization (to use the term 'management' in modern Europe) is facilitated by the budgets (municipalities, etc.).

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:30am


1. We will always remember how once, a citizen complained, freehand, because he was working away (over 20 miles) from home. The case is mounted at the top level and it is Gaddafi himself who said, as a private citizen (proof of the actual quality of the Leader of the Revolution and not "President") [7], as part of a popular committee, it would be good if this situation does not exist in the Jamahiriya.

2. When, again, the guide suggested that need to redistribute all oil income directly to the citizens and suggested this to the relevant committee, the committee opposed the idea and the project was not accepted immediately. It took several years for the measure to pass, after further genuinely popular and democractic discussions and meetings.

3. Long before the initial false protests in Benghazi false (pretext for military aggression by 42 predator states), Goga (another member of the CNT of NATO who aided the conspiracy in Benghazi) had even insulted Gaddafi in a popular committee. The surprise was that he was not even penalized.

Thus in Libya and for decades, there has been discussion, not on whether to further punish the unemployed, retired or women who wear the veil as is discussed in Tunisia and Egrypt but, more important things such as the guarantee for each of the application of the fundamental human rights of any democratic society worthy of the name: including rights at home and at work [18].

What Libyans say when away from the censorship of the corporate media: the democracy of NATO is "dimacracy". 

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:29am

The People Power channel based in Damascus, Syria, (Arrai channel metamorphosis, having heroically covered the aggression against Libya)

While viewers around the world these days are entitled to propaganda "reports" "live", "field" to "new life" of the "man in the street", to "freely" "choose" "democratically" his "representatives", a new program of television ELSHAAB ("The People"), based in Damascus and after a metamorphosis of Arrai (known for its outstanding coverage the war against Libya), takes the opposite side to that "'reality."

The new channel now spends each day, nearly an hour and a half (between 16: 00 and 16: 30 / Tunis time) or more (also with a circulation around 20:00) of a program called Bisat Ahmady in which the host receives live phone calls from inside Libya or from exiled Libyans [19 and 20].

In all the cities of Libyan (now mostly occupied), Libyans can therefore, for the first time in several months, speak freely on a television channel. The spontaneous narratives systematically describe scenes of torture, rape, the existence of secret prisons, torture scenes, dig-ups, robbery, looting, etc. With explosions and gunfire in the background a permanent image of Libya as "secure" shows, once again, the hypocrisy and criminal complicity of the vast majority of media and political parties of the world, the "left "especially [19].

Many calls come from the battered city of Sirte. For example, some residents have confirmed the presence of French soldiers in the distillation plant. Others described soldiers of the U.S. and Qatar

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on July 8, 2012 at 11:28am

On July 3, Mohamed, calling from the latter city, not only described as a farce ("mahzala") the "elections" recalling that he and his compatriots had always voted voluntarily as part of the People's Committees at all levels of jamahiri society [13].

The dimacracy in occupied Libya, is the power of those who have shed blood in the name of NATO. "Dima" in Arabic signifies blood.

At the same time, it was also a pun oh so tragic, calling their "democracy," airborne "dimacracy" which translates from Arabic as a power based on the blood shed by those who claim to govern (dima = blood in Arabic). It should be noted that the term "mahzala" was the same used by Gaddafi in person to designate the electoral circus [18]. Indeed, as the anarchists say to the world (who would do well to learn from the Libyan experience -- better late than never -- for credibility) [18]:

"If  [bourgeois parliamentary] elections could change anything, they would long ago have been banned." So the parliamentary circus goes on. But, apart from the loss of time and energy, there is a final aspect, very practical and not least:


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