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Less Prone



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These are the times when evil rules supreme. These are the days of universal deception, abuse, torture, mass murder and blood sacrifice. But the tide is turning, vipers burning.
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  • truth

    HWoodTom was offered an admin job by one other admin, and later, when told,  approved it via others in favor of him... I simply changed my mind HWood. It happens, apologies, no need to run  for the door Tom..

  • Doug McArea

    Thank you my friend

    It is heartening that it would seem that more and more people are becoming enlightened to reality. It is, however, an uphill struggle to inform the more immovably passive who are led by the major media. The starkness of the truth can frighten, anger and be a deterrent to awakening them. We must tread carefully and put forward our findings in a manner that inspires curiosity.

  • Sarah Rotella

    Thank you, I agree.

    Thanks for the welcome. I feel I am in the right place.

  • Anti Everything

    Appreciatcha, Less Prone. Maybe I  say Less Prone More Productive! Anyway, glad you find the material posted worthy of a read or view.

  • Princess Leia Lucas

    Happy to know you. I am trying to go public with my story, but estranged husband and government want me penniless, and gone. Appreciate your candor! Hugs to you, from P. Leia

  • Becster2016

    I've been learning alot lately... But need to learn more
  • Kroenen

  • Robert Colescott

    Thanks for your message Less Prone.  I hope you and the members appreciate my comments when I make them from time to time.  Thank you for providing another source of information and for allowing comments.  

  • linda dagosta

    its says my donation  was accepted just making sure you have it ,


    Hi "Less Prone"
    You're right, however, I have chosen another way. I have left for Panama in order to survive what is going to happen in €urope and North America, in especial.

  • Penelope naveen

    Hi thank you for commenting on my profile it was very informative.

  • Keisha Ruan

    hi...nice to see you!

  • Thomas Hamilton

    couldn't agree more or have said it better myself. Many people including family and close friends don't want to hear the truth, society is so dumbed down with media, phones tablets etc and caught up in the world they have been programmed to be in, you certainly can not say to anyone you are brainwashed as that would be taken as an insult and people become defensive, it seems the blinkers are well and truly on and for those people it will hit hardest, the NWO is coming and information is priceless, the powers that be will do everything in their power to bring it to fruition, they fear a united people and have spent decades on divide and conquer.. I will send as many links to these pages as I can, the change now is so blatant and openly on view to the world and yet so many ignore the signs, the more good people and informed people the better. 

  • Thomas Hamilton

    your a very wise man and good men can not be fooled by those well versed in their own deceit, a quote from the bible proverbs, its not the wise men they are after it is the youth that they can manipulate through media and I once enjoyed new age sayings as I missed the underlying deception, the real truth comes from real discovery, all major stations are controlled by governments, I once said on a tech forum about facebook the FBI don't have to leave the office as the doughnuts are delivered, which basically is all your information is online and every word typed is recorded

    I wish you well and keep saying the truth as it is as I can find no fault in anything you have to say, my conclusions are the same and I look at both sides the same to make an logical conclusion as to not have my judgement clouded by bias, I loved the idea of landing on the moon but my heart says it is a hoax when a cheap digital watch that I wear is more complicated than any Apollo rocket, people say conspiracies   Darwin and Evolution are conspiracies, if we are to believe Darwin man came from a rock and we all have the same Soul, nothing more than a chimpanzee another lie, and I have read Darwin was a 33 degree free mason, Once down the rabbit hole there is no turning back, but I do have to agree proper research is the key, Free Masonry  is a real enemy

  • Keisha Ruan

    it is starting to actually getting kind of tired waiting for it thogh to be honest.

  • Thomas Hamilton

    I agree totally, even worse now than ever it is on full display for the world to see and people in general seem to be ignoring it, I suppose the analogy of putting a frog in a pot and heating it slowly so the frog doesn't realise comes to mind, conditioning started apart from the education system with the introduction of Tell Lie Vision, If only I had paid more attention back then I would never have allowed my children to watch it, but its in everything that is media, along with the poisons in the food industry and water, and so called vaccinations seem highly suspicious, they own just about everything there is that they can use for evil even Satan Claus is just another distraction from the real meaning of Christmas, I found it hard as a parent and worked my socks off just as they intended, if your working hard your not seeing what truly is going on, divide and conquer is another tool in their arsenal, create as many on-going arguments as they can to distract from the NWO, and as Bush Jnr said and it will come, most people will not see the bank collapse coming, already in Ireland they are raising the retirement age to 70, work the people to death for a few bucks, I'm a Christian  and believe George Sorros and his little army will be  judged, one thing they have always done is remove God from everything and New age is a prime example a little truth with the lesser truth mixed in so people can not see it for themselves. The people that don't see a total take-over by the NWO will be hit the hardest as we are only considered to be cattle, I believe Sorros has had up to 7 heart transplants, seems evil wears them out fast

    keep up the great work of informing people, they have always shown us what they intended to-do  and mocked us with their lives

  • Thomas Hamilton

    Sad is it not that Clinton as evil as she is was only used to distract the people and make them think they have won, blind the people with one hand so they can not see what the other is doing

  • Burbia

    Thnx4th'add. Your contributions don't go by un-noticed by me.

  • Wayne Paul

    :) can't resist: does Less Prone mean less lying down?

  • Vladimir Putin

    We'll make our best! Thank you, mate!

  • Penelope Smith

    thanks for the friendship....i should devote more time to this site but get all sidetracked by FB.....i am super patriotic and always interested in learning more about what REALLY goes on...esp in Russia....

  • Gralton

    Hey Les glad o be here. i'm glad o be anywhere!

  • Boris

    Thank you, it is sincerely appreciated

  • A.K.

    Hi, thanks for having me guys!However I never,  and will ever, used FB and all that and in all honesty I hope that this site is not again a CIA honey pot. We'll see. I need some time to figure out how all this works and will post and debate. Kind regards.

  • Michael Miller

    I will take that into advisement. It's been a long road since I was red-pilled, and hard to say exactly when. Perhaps it was the Flint water crisis that pushed me over the edge? Either way it seems to be getting easier to come across new information these days, despite the rigging of data-giants like google. This seems like a battle that can be won.

  • Kenneth Alan Sharber

    Thank you so much for this network and accepting me, I cant tell you how happy I am especially my first day with such crazy stuff happening this morning. The ig report hasent even become news wow

  • PW

    Thanks for the welcome. It will take me a little time to learn the ins and outs of this site because my time is limited just now. That was a profound comment you left though.

  • Kuku Mukunga

    Great so what do we do? I'm trying to help, trying to figure things out, what in tarnation is going on ?!

  • righto Kunga, we get some trolls here occasionally i'll assume you're legit. I can only tell you what I do. I speak up, I'm politically incorrect abrasive sometimes and use sarcasm and ridicule to belittle authority. I respect other peoples cviews even if i don't agree with them but i reserve the right to take the piss out of the absurd. I ring the politicians at their offices and laugh in their face (the staff) either at them or with them. THey eyeball the idiots that make the stupid laws and i feel it takes some of their undeserved dignity. I out up posters and hand out flyers, I post stuff on this site and Before Its News where I'm still BM. I speak out loud at work onnoxiously and use satire to make my point. I don't take vaccines or give them to my children, I eat well, I train, I can fight,   i do weights i feel powerful, I smoke, I drink, I party, I ebjoy life i spend time with my kids, I'm well read, educated, alert, I stick up for tghe homeless, palestine, and i try to remain spiritual, I'm arrogant and don't cower in front of kings or cunts. My actions make me and not where i live or what ive got, (fortunately i have what i need). I try not to get caught but there will be a day the gloves come off and that day is coming, I'm old i intend to die on my feet. 

  • Stefan Verstappen

    You're welcome Less.

  • Boris

    as i read your email this video popped in to my head
    So best of luck, hope you can get by once in a while -cheers !

  • linda dagosta

    Yes glad to be back. Finally son won his custody struggle.. so stress is minimizing for a small window until the wrath comes a flailing.. which we know will soon come ..but for now.. spreading the love and knowledge
  • Franc

    no worries

  • Emily

    Thank you! I found this site randomly and only just came back and found my membership request accepted.  I want somewhere to upload what I'm finding as I keep finding tabs closed and bookmarks deleted.

  • Strat247

    Thanks so much for the add!

  • JackFDavid

    Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm just so sick of the censorship and the pushing of false narratives. Then this compromised election with all kinds of obvious fraud and corruption. It will be nice to express myself and not get censored. Thanks for the welcome. 

  • Judge Britt

    thanks and I need to get used to the format here.

  • Harriett Grady

    Thank you for approving my membership
  • mark andrews

    thank you for your approving my profile. I appreciate this forum because i have been kicked out of twitter and face book for simply sharing the truth. i guess being a patriot is against their policy. God Bless You and God Bless this Nation of believers, The United States of America.

  • MAC

    Good one, Thanks LP

  • Ragnarok

    Didn't even know it happened. So looked him up and read about the incident. So turns out they will give Eriksen an ICD, since his heart is beating 'irregularly'. But he claims, he hasn't got the jab, that is good for him at least. 

  • Frances

    Thank you!

  • J.L. Spraggins

    Much appreciated!

  • Franc

    i added my approx location like u requested

  • Dianne Orton

    It's over, done and forgotten about. "e-mails"

  • Boris

    im trying

  • Gloreen Andersen

    Thank you. xx 

  • Gary Carter

    Thanx Pal

  • Tina

    Thank You ...