Adam Kokesh Released From Jail

Adam Kokesh Released
May 24, 2013

Political activist Adam Kokesh was released from jail this afternoon.

Kokesh was arrested last Saturday for exercising his First Amendment right at a protest. He called for a “new American revolution” to begin on July 4 with a march on all 50 state capitols.

The release was announced on his Facebook page with the following message and photograph:

Released 130524 with felony charges reduced to citations which I refused to sign. Played hardball. Won. Talk to you Monday.

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Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on June 1, 2013 at 11:15am

To March or not to March that is the question

We suggested he could march to each state and hopefully reach the last one prior to Obombings term ending. In order to encourage this objective, those that wish to offer some modest support could tag along until the group reaches each state capitol; then the Smart ones could sort of Lag Behind – Just in case something goes Wrong, besides the basic principal of his idea.

Carrying a Weapon could still be optional though he might be suspicious if you show up empty handed. Note: MIT has developed Nano Smart Material (As in Smart Bombs – that turn out to be too dumb to miss civilians), this material is computer programmed to bond together with other Nano’s and form a part put into the magic like bag (Called a Tool Replication Bag by the Lead Professor). If you were carrying this bag you place your weapon inside and it becomes duplicated. Then leave the original at home. When the Fed’s (‘Statists’) start rounding up the marchers you simple put your weapon back in the bag and it changes back to Nano – Nothing. Once you get the hang of this you might consider robbery as a new gig or even duplicate the HelicopterBen idea of money creation. Hidden Science now coming out of the closet. To quote the Prof even your children won’t envision this future world - Good for them!

And who might you meet at any of those Bridges; they won’t be friendly. Police that long ago realized that were not liked; “Men, listen up now, these people not only don’t respect us they don’t even respect themselves. Their waving around some old documents that do not have the same meaning in today’s world. If they can they will try to hurt you due to pent up rage about how we did this or that bad thing to some drug crazed perps that may or may not have been their relatives. Don’t hold back or you will be in the hospital or morgue instead of them. Seek out and separate the leaders, give them a good going over and the rest will flee the scene. Jones I told you to keep those brass knuckles in your pocket until needed”. Oh, and the military ones that are now sided with the Statists, what’s their beef; “Everybody double check your equipment – Now. Remember while you were over protecting American Interests, did any of these people care, did they send or voice any support for us, I never heard of it and I intend to see that you and I show them we are not happy about it. Captain Emerson, form up the platoons and Lock and Load”. “Yes General – Forward March”. See you at the Capitol….

We are Legion

Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on May 31, 2013 at 1:34pm

Extremely Pleased This Site was refunded!

There is so much Exciting Entertainment in this worldview posting

Two men married in France despite the public disputing the New LawWhich one is the wife and which is the husband - Did the Husband carry the Wife across the threshold on the honeymoon. This is News while the world is Going to hell?

Two Military Dip (Sh#T) lomats in Venezuela get shot at Strip Club. Was it a maleStrip Club and the Venz men got mad that women were putting bills into these guys G-strings? No as it turns out they shot each other after fighting outside the club. This Is News while the World has gone to Hell?

Israeli PM and Defense Chief say they will stop Russia from delivering what Syria alreadyHas had for a number of years – the Dreaded S-300 rocket. Why not give Israel the S-400and the rockets can fight it out. This is News while the World is in Hell?

Crazy Man declares march on D.C. Gets arrested while his site shows arrest (6) days beforehand. Changes to 50 state march. Which state will he first march to and bless him if he makes it to All 50 by the end of Obombing term. This is News while we are all in Hell?

Very entertaining..Movie rental money saved for buying Silver Dimes

We are Legion..

Comment by Curtis on May 29, 2013 at 2:47pm
Comment by Curtis on May 29, 2013 at 2:35pm

OPen carry IN Kalifornia, Especially FUKIN SACRAMENTO and your asking to be shot. You march in a group with rifles and machine guns up to The state building the SAC sheriifs will AT BEST order you to the ground before takign a few pop shots at the legs. ooops i mean neck. I am not syaing i support the action of the police but here in Killapornia GANGS ( cops included) are the ones with the guns ( and tweekers ) So just scratch Cali off your list

Comment by Nancy Oakley on May 29, 2013 at 11:04am

Actually, if they do an armed march on state capitols, in most places they'll be "dinged" with a felony conviction at best.

Oath Keepers is trying to educate the police and miliary about the Constitution and the oath of office. We consider most of them to be the good guys. That oath is to the Constitution. We're reaching more and more of them every day.

Doing an armed march on a state capitol will be a threatening gesture. Do we really want to threaten the very people we're trying to reach? If it's against the law in your state, are you ready for that felony conviction and the loss of all gun rights that goes with it?

To those who still consider going: The administration is trying to paint all patriots as far right wing kooks. Do we really want to prove that for them? All it would take is one genuine nut or a provacateur to set something off.

IMHO, this administration is looking for an excuse to declare martial law. Armed marches on state capitols just might do it, and patriots would be seen as the aggressors. Why give the administration exactly what they want?

Molon Labe pledge:

We will never disarm. We will never surrender our military pattern, semi-automatic rifles and the full capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition that go with them. The fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of We the People so we will have effective means to resist tyranny. Regardless of what unholy, unconstitutional filth issues from the mouths of oath breakers in “Mordor on the Potomac” our answer is MOLON LABE.




Comment by Nobody Will Observe on May 29, 2013 at 12:38am

All Checkers: TO THE BRIDGE!!!

To be King-ed ;)!

Comment by Nancy Oakley on May 29, 2013 at 12:11am

Suzie, the chess analogy is right on. This administration is playing multi-level chess, and half the pieces are invisible. We can't win playing checkers.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on May 28, 2013 at 10:37pm

@Bobby Powell "Being lead into a kill zone" True but for it to be a kill zone the enemy has to fire! I doubt they want to give the movement a green light moral go ahead by stacking patriot body's BUT if they do so be it. Remember Lexington and Concord those fools marched out in front of the greatest Army in the world totally out numbered and said go to hell.

"absolutely no reason to hold this march" LOL can't believe that was said. I guess Powell agrees with current gun laws? Agrees with there being victim disarmament zones.

What sucks is this movement will turn a victory into a loss if our guys die  Read that again

You will be scared shitless rather than use some judo on them. You will denounce Adam and call him a terrorist on the damn news wouldn't you? Is it just me who sees a WAR coming? You know a REAL WAR with bullets coming down the road? Yeah he loses his freedom to own guns but at the same time how long is society going to hold together? Would love to see a few thousand cross the line peacefully WTF would they do put them all in jail? LOL thats not something I think they are ready for. Hasn't been done before. I doubt that would happen.

Comment by EDOGZ818 on May 28, 2013 at 9:49pm


Trust me....they work to set us up.

Bobby Powell just gave you every reason to not go...tactically & strategically.

Comment by suzie on May 28, 2013 at 7:45pm
Bobby Powell made a lot of sense, I find myself having to change my original position, strategically its a bad move and your video demonstrated that or me Nancy. Thanks
I wanted to support Adam kokesh but that video showed how if you look at it like a game of chess your gonna lose with that move and we do have to be smarter than our vicious enemies of freedom .. I can admit when I'm wrong or just change my mind, is there any thing bad about the march on the 50 State capitals I should know about?
Comment by Curtis on May 28, 2013 at 7:23pm

Thank you Nancy. Nuff said

Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on May 28, 2013 at 5:41pm

We are all in a War – Right Now… WAR OF THE WORLD

War to the North. East, West and South – Everywhere War Just like the Controlled N.E.W.S.

If you add up the significant countries that are not at War their sum is less than the ones at War.

Our definition of War may differ from Government Officials

First list the country and apply the criteria for input.

Military fighting an opposing armed force or they have rebelled against the government.

Opposition group(s) conducting attacks – strikes or running battles with security forces against rigged elections.

Economic war in progress due to Debt Restructuring – Bank Runs – devaluation of money or restrictions on export of assets and outright seizures of deposits by banks.

And all by design.

What is important is to understand that what you know is all designed and to undo that design will be the hardest effort you will ever engage in. It means whatever you learned was tainted by those seeking control. Once you understand it is not about Paper Money – as that was just a means of gaining control; setting a currency (USD) as the means to control a triangular trade thereby profiting from the small percentage of exchange fees on commodities priced in USD at London and passed around the World. Starting in New York ‘Overnight Funds’ are wired daily through Chicago to cover the Commodity market, then on to the West coast, across to Asia on to BIS in Swiss covering Petro L/C’s, Frankfurt and London – 24 hour money. If this Cash Flow were to be disrupted – well the system would Implode as it did when the Taliban cut the drug crop to some 200 tons. Hence, Attack to save our Demon-Crazy! It was stated by a noted Russian Woman economist that some 10,000 people in the interlocked families control 300 trillion dollars of the global economy. Further evidence of this control is reflected by the Interlocking bank groups. A study by Executive Intelligence Review outlines the House of Windsor lock on All Food Groups – hence GMO Grain, Meat and Diary to get population down to the 500,000,000 they Know is manageable.

So what can be done to organize? That depends on why and what you want to accomplish. Do you feel the need to save others? Most do not want to be saved – ever try to get a friend to stop smoking? We have been over-conditioned TO Death. Our self faith has been removed and replaced by faith in materials – fake government – fake police security (try calling a police station – whomever answers is now classified as a criminal by enforcing fake laws designed to protect criminals– fake religion; they financed and organized all of them so you would accept at least one, just like breakfast food, don’t like cornflakes well then here’s Sugar (Artificial) Pops; Ah got you – fake medicine (manmade drugs) and on and on so that the Spirit is void of real self faith. And the Media, so many diverse views to choose from while they are all really saying the same line, “I heard a UFO was sighted near the Twin Towers and it blasted them down with a Space Ray turning it into just dust”. Didn’t hear that one, they are saving it for the alien plot.

Our best idea is pick out (10) ‘trusted’ people and fill them in on facts and what they also want to accomplish. Then instruct them to each find (10) others and so on until you have a Force (Legion). But what can a force really do – Save Themselves! Legion goes back to the Roman Empire – meaning many, etc. about 1 in 3 Americans are veterans so there are many available if organized or should we say – still alive or healthy after a series of shots (Vaccines or Bullets). That’s the difficult part as no media will address them other than these limited formats. When the Romans tried to persecute the Christians (Believers) and questioned them as to how many others were part of the group – they answered Sire, We are Legion.

Let’s see what you think and who you really are in this Life

Comment by Nancy Oakley on May 28, 2013 at 4:59pm

Anyone who is thinking about following Adam Kokesh in his armed march into Washington, D.C. really needs to watch this video all the way thru.

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 5:12pm


Comment by EDOGZ818 on May 26, 2013 at 4:59pm

Comment by EDOGZ818 on May 26, 2013 at 4:58pm

Does that mean they aren't slaves to the White, Asian, Black, White, Christian, Catholic, Buhdist, Atheist, etc. bankers?

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 4:53pm

Hope you know you and your children x20 are debt slaves to the Jewish Banksters

Comment by Zumbi do Palmares on May 26, 2013 at 11:56am

I am with Michael Rivero of on this one.  I support the 2nd amendment and the right of the people to bear arms, but all Kokesh is doing is giving the feds the excuse they need to further infringe those rights. 

Comment by Zumbi do Palmares on May 26, 2013 at 11:47am

He is either really stupid and giving the feds what they want, or he is one of them.  He will give them the excuse they need to further crackdown on our rights and eliminate the 2nd Amendment.  I don't think he is stupid so what does that leave?  No revolution ever started by the people taking up guns and hitting the government head on at the seat of government. 

Comment by Curtis on May 25, 2013 at 7:18pm

IMHO and my life experience: Never trust a JEW. But then again TRUST NO ONE

"Destroying the New World Order"



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