Adam Kokesh Released From Jail

Adam Kokesh Released
May 24, 2013

Political activist Adam Kokesh was released from jail this afternoon.

Kokesh was arrested last Saturday for exercising his First Amendment right at a protest. He called for a “new American revolution” to begin on July 4 with a march on all 50 state capitols.

The release was announced on his Facebook page with the following message and photograph:

Released 130524 with felony charges reduced to citations which I refused to sign. Played hardball. Won. Talk to you Monday.

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 25, 2013 at 2:06pm

It's all good man. Dude should be stepping down if he can't treat everyone fairly. I don't like being discriminated against any more than anyone else does. Nor do I like being censored because of someones imagined slights.

Why do you think so few original members still exist on this site?

Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 25, 2013 at 1:54pm

You can say whatever you want unless it PERSONALLY offends James. Then he makes up the rules as he goes and deletes your comments to spite you. Some hypocritical sht for sure. Like a spoiled child.

Comment by None Of Yourbusiness on May 25, 2013 at 10:45am

Either they are trolls or just stupid, why bring in the fact that he is Jewish??????????

Even if he is a agent provocateur displaying your hate only reduces your argument to making yourself

look like a bigot!

If he is bad his being Jewish has nothing to do with it!!!!

People who ramble on about Jews have already lost the argument and it make us all look bad! 

If you have something to say that is pertaining to his actions please enlighten us, but if the basis of your argument is that he is Jewish, shut up and find something to say that does not make us all look like bigots!

Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on May 25, 2013 at 10:16am

Get Immediate control of the Drones - If Iran can do it we must have even more people that can also.

If the want to confront Marchers or promote Home Invasion they better check the Sky as the Drones may get Hyjacked.. New Movie Drone Rebellion Staring Adam and his Crew.

If you want to test him see if he takes the Point or slowly falls back while Urging You forward.

Control the Air and We control the battlefield. Some 40,000 or more drones to subdue but it Must Be done.

We are Legion

Comment by TheLasersShadow on May 25, 2013 at 7:22am

Is that No-planes on 911 Curtis I see? LOL

Dude the free Adam site being set up prior to his arrest is NOT suspicious in any way as most people who have been following Adam know what hes going to do on July 4th. It doesn't take the complexity's of rocket science to figure out that Adam is likely going to jail on July 4th. They wanted to make sure they owned the donation/support site for him and not some scammer. Don't be so weak minded.

Comment by Curtis on May 25, 2013 at 3:13am
Comment by Curtis on May 25, 2013 at 3:12am
Comment by Nancy Oakley on May 25, 2013 at 3:11am

Common ground? Maybe some. However, the methods of operation are fatally incompatible. We don't break laws and we leave a place cleaner than we found it. Also, whenever we protest or rally, we understand why we're there and can articulate that. And we definitely smell better.

Comment by Nancy Oakley on May 25, 2013 at 2:36am

 P.J.Kelley  "Look at The Tea Party. This tapped the constructive energy of a fairly spontaneous Ron Paul movement and was subverted by Bill Kristol's Neocons using stooges like Sarah Palin as their proxies."

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you mean the national sites online that seem only to ask for money? That is not "the" Tea Party. The Tea Party is the individual local groups which are quite active these days. I belong to four, and we team up on some projects like election integrity, popular speakers, classes on lobbying, 4th of July parade, IRS protest, Common Core, Agenda 21, etc.

We have not been subverted, and we never will be, because "we" are in total control. Anyone who thinks we've been "subverted" is buying a liberal line of bull. We are SO independent, it would resemble trying to herd cats.

For example, last night's meeting was an informative and inspiring presentation by Sam Paredes of Gun Owners of California. In the audience were members of at least four different Tea Parties.

I suspect P.J. Kelly has never been to a Tea Party. None of the Tea Parties I've belonged to in two different parts of California have ever been influenced, much less subverted, by the people mentioned above.

Comment by noblsht on May 25, 2013 at 12:39am

 and here he is pointing to the citation saying that he won, didn't win anything you sat in jail solitary confinement for 5 to 7 days for those citations which should have been issued on the spot, the cops won by a long shot

Comment by noblsht on May 25, 2013 at 12:34am

Do you think,  do you think the Jew bashers is a troll?, I suppose that  could be the case, but to simply write someone off because they might be half Jewish, personally I think Adam is standing up for the right causes regardless of  your conception that he comes from a defective gene pool!

Comment by P.J.Kelley on May 25, 2013 at 12:27am
I sort of gave up on posting on the Internet, and now I remember why. I just want documentation I didn't fall for this stupid shit. Here is my final thought, jerry springer style. Ever wonder why when you question a Chosenite you get called a Nazi queer? I obviously touched a nerve. If you guys are looking for a Jewish Messiah, why not try Jesus?
Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 24, 2013 at 11:51pm

Aint nuh wether unner ground boy. Only steers n queers cum frum texis. N you don' look much like a steer ta me!! Nine leven wuzzint in hollywood. You da one messin wit duh cumments aint ya? Da damm trrr-ist!!

Comment by P.J.Kelley on May 24, 2013 at 11:46pm
Look at The Tea Party. This tapped the constructive energy of a fairly spontaneous Ron Paul movement and was subverted by Bill Kristol's Neocons using stooges like Sarah Palin as their proxies.
Americans have a right to be angry with Constitutional abuses. I still have the right to question whether following some refugee from Hebrew summer camp into a staged NWO false flag serves any constructive purpose.
Look at The Weather Underground. The Bolsheviks. The Capos. The SPLC. Who are the biggest backers financially of gun grabbers and abortionists. Look at Mike Bloomberg.
What is "controlled opposition"?
All I am saying is take a good hard look at this Kokesh character before you get used. Ever been wrong before? I have. I was one of the idiots who bought the initial 911 cover story (for about a week). I can admit it. It was all so Hollywood.
Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 24, 2013 at 11:38pm

Don't ya der ban da jews! Dat's racist!!

Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 24, 2013 at 11:28pm

James! It's trrr-ist tackin' the cumments! Ya seck shit pile o'vrrr-mint rat basderd!

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on May 24, 2013 at 11:24pm

I can see he's had the celebratory Blunt already ;)

Comment by truth on May 24, 2013 at 11:24pm

If I ban the jew stuff, do i ban all religious references? My moms a catholic and even tho I am not, I rather not see it repeatedly said they are satanic either.  But I ignore and go on.

Comment by truth on May 24, 2013 at 11:20pm

Admin- do YOU know wtf is going on here? How do ppl's comments get attributed to someone who did not make them? can some one screen cap, this, have no clue

Comment by truth on May 24, 2013 at 11:18pm

Yo Krypto what gives with the >

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