Oathkeepers statement on the Adam Kokesh July 4th march.

Armed march by Adam Kokesh from the Oathkeepers board of directors ~

James Hanna ~ Oath Keepers does NOT endorse Adam's march. The leadership at Oath Keepers has a wealth of tactical experience, and marching into the enemy's camp, to be captured makes no sense. What is to be accomplished by this action? What could possibly go wrong? These are the questions a responsible leader asks before sending his troops into harm's way. This is either tactical ignorance, or willful endangerment; the latter being the worst of the two choices.

I would say that Adam's choice of the words "Oath Keepers" is no accident. He is VERY familiar with Oath Keepers and our mission. Not only are his tactics questionable, so are his ethics. Not only has he embarrassed himself by announcing a pointless and irresponsible armed march, he has damaged his integrity by using the good name of Oath Keepers to bolster his own agenda.

James Hanna
Oath Keepers
Board of Directors


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Comment by Nobody Will Observe on May 28, 2013 at 4:48pm

Although to agree that a right not exercised is lost.

Although to agree with Civil Disobedience By Henry David Thoreau


Is not to comply with unjust law.

Washington DC is not a State, Nor Under the Constitution US.

"Marching into the enemy's camp, to be captured makes no sense. What is to be accomplished by this action? What could possibly go wrong?"

What could go wrong would fill a book. What is to be accomplished?

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on May 28, 2013 at 6:13am

Forgot to mention,   can you think of a better way to gather information on who is a threat to these evil ones plans, than to have them all voluntarily show up in one place?   Then those at home will be either the sheep, which the evil ones also want to know who they can depend on for support, or those too smart to go, but who are still patriots and working under cover to prepare.   Seperating those remaining into those two groups  will be easy for the Homeland "gestapo" security once they get the hard cores off the streets and into jail or coffins.  It also reduces their exposure to resistance, since the numbers if big enough means that many who will be in jail and not available to do any serious resisting, which is the only thing the evil ones are afraid of.   They do not want resistance spreading to the general sheep population and that is why this has been set up, to scare the sheep. 

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on May 28, 2013 at 5:56am

I disagree with everything you said.  Adam did not check with Oathkeepers before using them to validate his recommendations.  That is a faux pas when it comes to working as a team.  He did all this on his own, and poorly I might add.   Having been military myself, what the oathkeeper  said about the plan, was exactly what I first thought when I heard it.   It sounds like a set up and its obvious from your comments you are unaware of how they would set it up even after you saw the Boston Bombing.   They have no compunction in murdering Law Enfocement officers throug black ops by inserting prococateurs into the group that marches, and then blaming the deaths on the armed patriots, and then that would justify "killing them" and not just taking their guns.    WE BETTER GROW UP IF WE INTEND TO SURVIVE AND ASSESS OUR ENEMY A LOT BETTER THAN  WE ARE DOING.  If we don't recognize just how far they are willing to go, we will be inadequately prepared and that will be our fault, not theirs.  

Comment by TheLasersShadow on May 28, 2013 at 4:12am

Adam Intends to be arrested, he does not intend that the entire march be arrested.

It will likely play out that they march to the edge of what ever boarder line and stop seeing the SWAT on the other side along with APC's and Helios. I'm sure their show of force will be large. Adam and whoever INTENDS on being arrested will then peacefully walk across the line and be arrested. I doubt there will be any provocateuring by government but a lone crazy is possible. Govt does NOT want an exchange as that WILL lead to the threshold of violence between the sides lowering a GREAT deal in future engagements (peaceful or raids). In other words once triggers are being pulled they will continue to pull easier, bad for them as they are visible we don't have to be, our rifles are bigger and more numerous.

@Truth Hurts, what "guns insanity" are you referring to?  Believing the 2nd article of the bill of rights means what it says? Adam is not a Government operative in my assessment as I don't see red flags. He does not attack the movement, he does not even say shit half as crazy sounding as Alex Jones.

Big risks yield big rewards but also have big down sides if things go wrong. I'll bet Oathkeepers and much of the movement behind the scenes although not officially attending or supporting feel that this march is risky but agree 100% with the sentiment. Working through congress and playing goalie trying to block shit 24/7 is going nowhere and wasting resources. This puts Gov on defense for once.

We're in deep shit if we never take the risk to challenge the feds, Adam made a call as a member of the movement and is proceeding, deal with it. If you disagree with it say so, it will be noted but don't call a man a Fed with out proof just because you disagree with his idea. He's not asking others to get arrested he's doing it himself a Fed would have asked others to do it while watching from the sidelines.

Comment by Truth Hurts on May 27, 2013 at 3:44pm

By now, it should be clear that Koskesh is more than just a stoner.

He is COINTELPRO. By affilaiting his drugs & guns insanity with the Oatgkeepers, he can tarnish their name.

His father is a millionaire who has had a pending SEC case against him, the FreeAdam site was up 6 days early and his own FB post implicating himself with the 'Organizing for Action' / 'Obama for America' movements.

How can anyone still believe he's not a COINTELPRO operative.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 27, 2013 at 12:58pm

Finally, someone that makes a sound judgment. I have to agree. All jokes aside.

If you're going to march the way Kokesh is talking about, you better just take the march right up to the capitol buildings and take them over. Otherwise you're going to jail and you're getting your firearms taken. Kind of pointless. My honest assessment is that Kokesh is far too stoned to lead anything of this magnitude and importance and come out on top.

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