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Comment by Less Prone on December 8, 2023 at 11:53am

All good, Steve. All good.

Comment by steve on December 8, 2023 at 11:48am

I thought that was what we had been doing as I have stated me and you seem to see eye to eye on damn near everything. As far as whiskey is concerned I know some fellows around here that make  some moonshine that will explain why they call it WHITE LIGHTENING with just a few swallows.


Comment by Less Prone on December 8, 2023 at 11:42am

Steve, the earth's form doesn't really have much sexual significance in exposing and opposing the usury cabal. We have different views in that matter, all right. In my side I see that the theories and models are pretty well established and logical while putting earth in the center of the universe belongs in times way before the birth of Christ. 

I mean, let's just oppose the evil. Solving our differences about the form of the earth would require a starry night, a bottle or two of good whiskey together on a terrace.

Comment by steve on December 8, 2023 at 11:27am

Hey LP, centrifugal force expels everything from the center even at very low speeds, an ice cube in a glass that is rotated stays stationary, even  a childs merry go round at the park will sling everything off when rotated(we used to put our dirt bike tires against it to see who could remain on it the longest, many got hurt from the violent expulsion) you cannot have pressure(atmosphere) in a vacumn(space) and even you know you can't curve water.

I damn sure don't trust science as it is mostly bought and paid for opinions or so it seems to me,I used to ride up close on trucks as I could feel the drag effect hoping it would improve my milage at 60-70 mph now can you imagine what a 1,000 miles an hour would feel like and lastly if we are on a ball why do rockets blast off vertically instead of just flying horizontally off the ball or why do airplanes never compensate downward(I know many pilots who I puzzled with this question) as they would surly be many miles too high if they are flying straight.

We just don't see things the same and that's okay but we do agree that hershey chocolate SUCKS.


Comment by Less Prone on December 8, 2023 at 12:28am

Put a glass of water on a rotating disc and the water start spinning in the glass. Put a spinning ball in water and the water around it starts spinning. Also the air follows the movement of solid objects. How else would a spinning propeller create a jet of air. How else would you feel the air flow while riding a motorcycle. Have you noticed how riding behind a truck has a sucking effect? This planet is like a huge vehicle. Everything inside and close to it moves with it. The world's geometry, movement of celectial bodies, gravitation are all logically explained by science that was debated and found good.

Comment by steve on December 7, 2023 at 5:40pm

Comment by FREEDOMROX on December 7, 2023 at 4:30pm

If you believe this is a real photo of Smokestacks sticking 15,000 ft. up through the cloud deck, then indoctrination is the least of your concerns.

Comment by steve on December 3, 2023 at 12:23pm

Hey LP, This floating ball spinning a thousand miles an hour while it fly's around the sun at 63,000 miles a minute is one of the few things we don't see eye to eye on

That leaves clouds moving in the opposite direction and then there's that "curving" water thing,as water has been used as a leveling thing for ever.


Comment by Less Prone on December 3, 2023 at 10:36am

Could it be that the earth's atmosphere rotates with the planet?

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