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Comment by DTOM on February 28, 2016 at 7:24pm

Thanks AE...

Comment by Anti Everything on February 28, 2016 at 4:04pm

I appreciate what you've written here DTOM. Very thoughtful.

Comment by DTOM on February 28, 2016 at 10:31am

We don't have capitalism, we have statist corporatism, a rigged game where the only outcome is corporate profits for the elite, excessive progressive taxes for those that actually work - to the point where it is now not worth running a small business in many western nations - and socialized debt for the peons.

Now it's being repackaged as statist corporatism with a Marxist twist - and they're also throwing out controlled  'alternative politics' with such oxmoronic titles as 'socialist libertarianism', 'libertarian socialism',  'libertarian Marxism' etc - where the 'good for the collective' "solutions" presented are a total anathema to individual freedom and liberty - and more coercive and collectivist / hierarchical / statist than what we have now.

A true free market is based on capitalism - a commodity exchanged voluntarily - whether by barter or precious metal exchange - only has a value inferred on it by agreement of both buyer and seller - a clever individual can learn to 'market' traded commodities to others and 'profit' - thereby improving their personal situation.

i.e I have a hole in the roof of my shack, it leaks water, I require something to seal it. I make X, my skills at making X  are known, and word is getting around, there is now demand for X. Instead of exchanging 3 Y for 1 X. I now ask for 5 Y for 1 X.  I trade the extra Ys in my possession for some Zs, which just happen to be the perfect thing for plugging the hole in my roof AND the gaps in the walls that let the wind and the rain in.

Is that wrong?

If I through my labor, I voluntarily exchange/am gifted or inherit/purchase/trade and/or make and build up a collection of tools and or machines over the years, to carry out my work, and through my own effort, skill and hard work become adept and successful in my 'trade' - there would be those who seek to take - by force - my private property and means of production - i.e my tools and other equipment - under some BS Marxist excuse / justification for exercising force and the theft of MY private property.

Ultimately that 'means of production' would largely be of no use to them, apart from bartering / selling the stolen tools for what they are - unless the thieves themselves possessed the skills and talent to utilize the tools as they are intended - doubtful, since in my experience those that believe this is an acceptable practice, only apparent skills are stealing from others.

Aggression, coercion, force and theft - no matter how you dress it up with semantics and pseudo political justification is aggression, coercion, force and theft.

We as humans ALL possess the same unalienable rights - but people are NOT equal in their mental or physical abilities, looks and talents.

Through the lottery of life, I know I will never be a mathematician nor will I be a male model or a doctor.

If a consensus cannot be reached on individual private property rights, then everything else is pretty much void.

I wish no harm on others, and seek that in return - but if someone attempts to initiate aggression, coercion or force against me, my family or my property, it won't go well.

Comment by Anti Everything on February 27, 2016 at 11:47am

"Yes THERE is" is what I was trying to say, of course, thank you, DTOM. But the market anarchism is how we, in the 'woodedhood' do our business. Our way in my hood, in the woods, benefits both parties in the event. Yes, both parties - and not a 'THIRD PARTY' scallywag telling us we owe for the privilege is living.

Comment by T. HuMaN on February 27, 2016 at 11:07am

Sorry, this is what I meant by this cartoon

Anarcho-Capitalism vs. Market Anarchism

Support this author on Patreon | September 28th, 2015

The following appears as part of C4SS's Market Anarchism FAQ series

What’s the difference between “market anarchism” and “anarcho-capitalism”?

The difference between market anarchism and anarcho-capitalism is contentious, and somewhat semantic. Anarcho-capitalists choose to use the word “capitalism” because they believe it denotes a laissez-faire system of economics, free from government control. Market anarchists are far more critical of capitalism, as they believe the term “capitalism”does not denote a truly freed economic system. Market anarchists avoid using the word “capitalism” because it often refers to our current, unfree economic system, dominated by corporations and vast income inequality. Market anarchists say that “capitalism” places too much emphasis on capital, implying rule by the owners of the means of production, a form of oppression which market anarchists oppose. Many market anarchists believe that in a freed society, the world would look very different from how it looks now under state capitalism. They believe that freed markets would not result in corporate domination and hierarchical firm structure. If such firms did exist, they would be few and far between. As Gary Chartier and Charles Johnson write in Markets Not Capitalism, “Market anarchists believe in market exchange, not in economic privilege. They believe in free markets, not in capitalism.”

Adherents of anarcho-capitalism believe a capitalist, laissez-faire economic system isdesirable for maximum freedom and human flourishing. Market anarchism does not seek to prescribe a desirable economic system. Instead, market anarchists recognize that not everyone in a free society will desire to engage in a profit-oriented market, and alternativevoluntary economic systems, such as cooperatives, gift economies, and communes, may flourish. While market anarchists may often advocate market exchange, pluralism and decentralization are also of great significance. As long as these different voluntary economic systems can peacefully coexist, market anarchists take no issue with such alternatives.

Comment by DTOM on February 27, 2016 at 8:14am

Er, yes there is...

Comment by Anti Everything on February 27, 2016 at 6:22am

Yes the is.

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