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Comment by Less Prone on November 27, 2023 at 12:15pm

Sweden is deep in ssit with a growing number of no-go zones where even police has hard time let alone ambulances or "infidels". Bombs go off every second day and bring houses to ruin, people's homes are machine gunned from the street, locals are taught to respect the cultural enrichers by mobs, robbed, raped, and beaten to death. This what he says is too little and far too late. 

Comment by cheeki kea on November 27, 2023 at 9:41am

Seems to be something Big going down in Sweden. Not long ago they allow the koran to be burnt in public with police in attendance condoning the act and to top it off later gave the arsonist some sort of a prise for doing so. Then they go way Pro Israel declaring it's right to GENOcide and now This.... wanting to tear down all the mosques. The internet has been left stunned. ( yet to see any of this in Lamestream news of cause ) Are they working on some sort of 'clean up' operation there and then what, have all those minorities flee to neighbouring countries. I don't think that would go down well. How many times have we heard we should be more like Sweden, accepting and welcoming of others displaying true diversity and inclusion and hells bells they even put an ad out at one point advising that all Swedens culture was imported from elsewhere anyway. Well the tables have turned then. 

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