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Comment by steve on September 2, 2022 at 9:31am

Same story across our nation in every place that catered to these WHINY po chilrens of slaves, niggers can't even go out for pizza at chucky cheesy's without VIOLENCE and  DESTRUCTION of what their BETTERS(WHITE MAN) built. I think those weak cucks suffering from the lies of white guilt are responsible for this.


Comment by Parrhesia on September 2, 2022 at 9:17am

Steve - Everything that happens is "systemic and environmental racism", even in a city that is 82% black.  This is what "Wakanda" really looks like.

Comment by steve on September 2, 2022 at 9:14am
Comment by steve on September 2, 2022 at 9:13am

Let's hire Colored pilots and scientists, not based on merit but on skin pigment, what could possibly go wrong.


Sorry Whitey, Pfizer Fellowships Aren't Available For Your Children: "Breakthrough Fellowship" Program Advertised Exclusively For Non-Whites

Paul Kersey
At what point is Corporate America just going to come out, point and laugh at white people, and say, “Yes, we openly discriminate against you and your progeny, and will make this favoritism ever more openly tyrannical moving forward against your posterity. What are you going to do about it?”

No Whites Allowed: Pfizer Fellowship Flagrantly Violates the Law, Lawyers Say: The ‘Breakthrough Fellowship’ prohibits whites and Asians from applying, a restriction that is ‘flagrantly illegal’, by Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon, August 27, 2022

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offers a prestigious fellowship that bars whites and Asians from applying. Trumpeted on the company’s website as a “Bold Move” to “create a workplace for all,” civil rights lawyers are characterizing it in a different way: as a blatant violation of the law.

“This Pfizer program is so flagrantly illegal I seriously wonder how it passed internal review by its general counsel,” said Adam Mortara, one of the country’s top civil rights attorneys.

Pfizer’s “Breakthrough Fellowship” offers college students multiple internships, a fully funded master’s degree, and several years of employment at the pharmaceutical giant. It also restricts applications to “Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American” students, the fellowship requirements state.

In a Frequently Asked Questions brochure about the nine-year program, Pfizer asserts that it is an “equal opportunity employer.”

Gail Heriot, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, described the fellowship as a “clear case of liability” under federal law: a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which bans racial discrimination in contracting, and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bans racial discrimination in employment.

“Major corporations seem to have forgotten that there’s such a thing as law,” said Heriot, who is also a law profmment at]

Comment by steve on September 2, 2022 at 8:48am

Once again the eveeeel white man  must come to the rescue of worthless coloreds.


The usual suspects are blaming it on recent rainfall and flooding but those in the know aren’t being duped. The battle cry has sounded, “Ere’body poda hep!”

Now the white Governor must come to the rescue of the inept, helpless blacks.

Jackson MS has been run into the ground by seven consecutive black mayors:

  • Harvey Johnson, Jr. 1997–2005, first African American Mayor of Jackson
  • Frank Melton 2005–2009 (died in office)
  • Leslie B. McLemore 2009 (interim mayor)
  • Harvey Johnson Jr. 2009–2013
  • Chokwe Lumumba 2013–2014 (died in office)
  • Charles Tillman 2014–2014
  • Tony Yarber 2014–2017
  • Chokwe Antar Lumumba 2017–present

Stuff black people don’t like: Responsibility, Accountability and doing anything right.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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