Michigan votes to (puff puff) pass legal recreational marijuana

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Comment by Marklar's Ghost on November 9, 2018 at 9:19pm

"ya, takes all the fun away + the legal prices are more than the black market prices most places"

Here in Washington State we started out with very few shops that would always end up closed most of the time due to being out of weed and prices were a bit higher than they had been in the past. Now we have as many weed shops as we do McDonalds and prices have come down while quality has gone up.

I now get adds on Youtube or Hulu for a weed shop near me called Dank's Wonder Emporium. You can get a $50 oz there though it's outdoor grown shit and an 1/8 that's about as good as I'd get before I can get for $20 anywhere. The really good stuff usually runs about $40 an 1/8 though.

So things will get better. Just keep your eyes on the growers and admonish your weed shop if you see corporate weed or edibles for sale. You wanna smoke local farmer Dave's shit, not grower owned by somebody who's owned by somebody who's owned by Bayer, or Pfizer, or Monsanto.

Comment by Inretrospect on November 9, 2018 at 1:26pm

Even though there are many other drug problems that the Feds should be concentrating their efforts on like: opiates, cocaine, and speed -- busting the recreational pot smokers is safer & more profitable. Most pot smokers have jobs & many are high-salaried professionals, they have property & assets which can be seized (civil forfeiture), and they usually won't use guns to avoid being arrested by the Feds.     

Comment by Boris on November 8, 2018 at 8:56pm

Feds warn Michiganders can still be arrested for marijuana 

(WXYZ) - Recreational marijuana is now legal in Michigan after voters passed Proposal 1 during the Midterm elections on Tuesday.
In response, United States Attorneys Matthew Schneider and Andrew Birge stated since marijuana remains illegal under federal law, Michiganders could still face "prosecution for violating federal laws."

The federal attorneys released this statement Thursday in response to the legalization of marijuana in Michigan:

The people of Michigan have voted to legalize – with certain restrictions – the possession, use, and distribution of marijuana under state law. However, marijuana continues to be an illegal drug under federal law. As the chief federal law enforcement officers in Michigan, we are providing this statement regarding the enforcement of federal marijuana laws in light of the passage of Proposal One.
Because we have taken oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States, we will not unilaterally immunize anyone from prosecution for violating federal laws simply because of the passage of Proposal One.

We will continue to approach the investigation and prosecution of marijuana crimes as we do with any other crime. We will consider the federal law enforcement priorities set by the United States Department of Justice, the seriousness of the crime, the deterrent effect of prosecution, and the cumulative impact of the crime on a community. As we weigh the interests in enforcing a law, we must also consider our ability to prosecute with our limited resources.

Combating illegal drugs is just one of our many priorities. We are also focused on preventing and prosecuting terrorism, violent crime, gangs, corruption, and fraud. Even within the area of drugs, we are increasingly focused on combating the opioid epidemic, which is killing our citizens at an alarming rate.

Our offices have never focused on the prosecution of marijuana users or low-level offenders, unless aggravating factors are present. That will not change. Nevertheless, crimes involving marijuana can pose serious risks and harm to a community. The seriousness of the offense and impact on a community includes a broad range of related activity and concerns for federal law enforcement. These concerns include, for example: adverse effects of interstate trafficking of marijuana; the involvement of other illegal drugs or illegal activity; persons with criminal records; the presence of firearms or violence; criminal enterprises, gangs, and cartels; the bypassing of local laws and regulations; the potential for environmental contamination; and the risks to minors. We, of course, also have an interest in preventing the cultivation, use and distribution of marijuana on federal property.

These are just examples, and this statement does not limit our discretion to enforce the law. We will continue to work closely with our federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners to assess the federal law enforcement interest for every case as it comes in. When we act, we will act in the interests of public health and safety.
Comment by Sweettina2 on November 8, 2018 at 3:29pm

They need too! I've met some uptight people from there recently.

Comment by raymond moody on November 8, 2018 at 1:35pm


Peter Tosh - Legalize It [4:45]

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on November 7, 2018 at 3:46pm

ya, takes all the fun away + the legal prices are more than the black market prices most places

Comment by Boris on November 7, 2018 at 2:47pm
got to $ay wish they didnt legalize it
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on November 7, 2018 at 2:39pm

now that Dave Brat got cheated....errr...defeated here in yesterday's bread & circus's voting illusions & traveling magic show, only good that will come of this is that I'm betting that lil orphan Annie Spanberger is going to get the weed 100% legal in Va toot-sweet. Invest in local Pot stocks NOW!!!

" I support Congress removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances 
Act and allowing states to enact marijuana laws without federal 
interference." ~Abigail Spanberger

"Destroying the New World Order"



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