Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders win New Hampshire primary 2016

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 10, 2016 at 11:12pm

As marvelous and wonderful as it all Rose-Colored looks, still not falling for it. If it seems too good to be true??.......IT IS! 

They've built a huge evil entity that's gotten insanely & exponentially out of control now, too big to fail does not exist with this cancerous tumor that's destroyed Our Republic.

I still seriously can't see this, now %99.6666 Corrupted & Compromised, Gigantic, Organized Crime Mob, Formerly known as "The US Governing Body of We, The People", simply handing the keys of their shrewdly, deceptively, sculpted evil 100+ yo Empire built on the festering foundations of the piles of millions of body's murdered- Foreign AND Domestic, the Billion Trillions of $$$ looted from Hard Working Americans, The ashes of our Liberty's, Right's & Freedoms, & the ripped, shredded remnants of The US Constitution!

Don's possibilty's or options are either pull a "Perot" vanishing act, or have a tragic, & badly timed "Accident", or turn 100% into just another Establishment scumbag felon..After he's sitting in the Oval happened in '08 after all '-}

I'm still betting on Our Boy Barry!! While all the faux pomp&circumcisions are going on, this fargin sneaky bastiche is up to something...My money's on this Impostor assKlown screwing up potentially, The Biggest American Party Celebration ever....dunno how...dunno if...dunno when

Sotero for the win '-}

Comment by Thom on February 10, 2016 at 9:05pm

I feel Trump will do a good job as President.  My feelings. 

Comment by Anti Everything on February 10, 2016 at 9:18am

Apparently the program failed to complete the necessary task of a 'proper count' of the votes not counted before the count was final and all the counts voted... so Trump wins and hillary looses. Makes perfect sense.

Comment by Emile Cole on February 10, 2016 at 12:26am
What is any of that supposed to mean.... Is that what passes for thinking these days?
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 10, 2016 at 12:21am

lil Jebbie is one step closer to "Mayor of Mexico"

the Succubus is one step closer to Prosecution ;)

Trump is one step closer to an unfortunate "Accident"

The rest are one step closer to obscurity

....and the latest dirt is EVERYBODY in that clinton cretin's circle is now "lawyering up", getting ready for the hammer to fall. This will start a chain reaction, Clinton promises to rat out the entire cast of characters if Indicted, the rats will eat each other alive to survive, going to be a lot of Criminal gubmint shiot exposed here in the process, All your favorite, classic Conspiracy Theory's should be highlighted!!!

"Pass the popcorn Myrtle, this shit's getting down right entertainin' "

Comment by Emile Cole on February 10, 2016 at 12:04am

How are you feeling?

Comment by Emile Cole on February 9, 2016 at 11:54pm

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Interesting post, well.... if one is suffering from Zika Virus induced microcephaly or perhaps a botched hemispherectomy.

Comment by truth on February 9, 2016 at 8:19pm

Manchester, N.H. —  Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders swept to victory in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primaries, adding crucial credibility to their upstart candidacies and underscoring the insistence of voters in both parties on shaking up American politics.

While New Hampshire is known for its political surprises, Trump and Sanders led in the state for months. Still, both needed to deliver on expectations after second place finishes in last week’s lead-off Iowa caucuses, where Ted Cruz topped the Republican field and Hillary Clinton narrowly edged Sanders in the Democratic race.

For some Republican leaders, Trump and Cruz’s back-to-back victories add urgency to the need to coalesce around a more mainstream candidate to challenge them through the primaries. However, it was unclear whether New Hampshire’s contest would clarify that slice of the field, with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush all locked in a tight race, along with Cruz.

Sanders pulled from a broad coalition of New Hampshire voters, gathering a majority of votes from men, women, independents and voters under the age of 45, according to exit polls. Clinton won the majority of those over 65 and those with incomes over $200,000 a year, according to early exit polls conducted by Edison Research for the Associated Press and the television networks

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