Maine court rules in favor of transgender pupil - concluded that a transgender person should use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify

"This is a momentous decision that marks a huge breakthrough for transgender young people," said Jennifer Levi, director of the Boston-based Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders' Transgender Rights Project after the Maine Supreme Judicial Court's ruling on Thursday.

The court concluded that the Orono school district's actions violated the Maine Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, overturning a lower court's ruling that the district acted within its discretion.

The ruling is the first time a state high court concluded that a transgender person should use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, according to GLAD. Federal courts haven't taken up the issue.

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Comment by Just Bill on February 8, 2014 at 2:52am

Hmm ... I'm over 60. If I can't use the girls bathroom then I'll sue for agism as well as whatever this kid sued for. 

Needs a couple of girls to help him complete the transition to female. Make him a Bobbit Hobbit.

As a Dad, that kid would follow my daughter into the john exactly one time. EMS could handle things from there.

Comment by cherry nelson on February 4, 2014 at 8:22am

look at that boy in the background--he is ashamed and he knows he is doomed.

Comment by cherry nelson on February 4, 2014 at 8:21am

there is a plan to destroy the meaning of family by the zionist jews -they are the ones in high place pushing this; you don't have too far to see that they control the gov, entertainment etc. their goal is to destroy what you know as America. Nations from all over hate Americans because of this lifestyle, yet not all are for it-but it is being perpetuated on tv and movies and we all know who is behind that..I'd like to know how many of them jews have faggots in their 'family''.

Comment by truth on February 4, 2014 at 3:06am

re innocent kids trying to reconcile a very difficult self-realization

The parents should remove the child and home school them, if there is such difficulties. The school and we who fund it aren't morally or legally responsible for this issue.

My guess is, the child is being used (or learned of this) by some group that pushes the identity rights issue. Otherwise we are to believe they woke up one day and decided it was their right to use what ever bathroom they wanted, despite the wishes of others and perhaps even school policy.

Comment by truth on February 4, 2014 at 2:51am
Comment by cherry nelson on February 3, 2014 at 9:29pm

they are destroying society--this thing wants to use the female bathroom-not the male and it's got a dick; so what happens when a dike wants to use the male bathroom and the guys in there really want to know whats up?  Why can't they designate an 'it' restroom for those.  The zionist are pushing this faggot thing to destroy what family means--pretty soon america will be nothing but maggots living on top of each other. 

Comment by noblsht on February 3, 2014 at 6:47pm

This is absurd garbage, arguing over which bathroom to use, They should use the bathroom they used designated by the gender they were at birth it's not rocket science, these people gotten enough attention they're claiming they're being discriminated against they want use the men's shower also, And you have these douche bag lawyers with nothing better to do with their time, Fuck face lawyers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dave Svoboda on February 3, 2014 at 11:22am

And I say again, why are you people so preoccupied with children's genitals?

Comment by Dave Svoboda on February 3, 2014 at 11:06am

Cherry, feel free to leave this "sick" society and go back and live in your blind Taliban hole.  These are CHILDREN you are attacking.  The average transition happens at age TEN.   When parents resist the change, it's devastating to the children, and many of them live a lie for much of their lives, some for all their lives.  One young child I know self identified as a boy at age five.  How can you all a five year old child "perverted" for how he feels inside?

It's not the parents.  The parents are aghast when it happens, for what the distinction of having a mismatch of internal gender identification an sexual organs can mean for their children in this highly bigoted society.

And isn't there something just a tiny bit perverted about all these religious bigots focusing totally on what sexual organs a child happens to have at birth, rather than who they feel like?

Comment by cherry nelson on February 3, 2014 at 9:19am
there is nothing innocent about them--they are perverted & the parents encourage it. If there were real men in the society, their kids would  not be allowed to be feminized. What they gonna do next---but some breasts for it as it grows to make it more comfortable in it's skin? You also should know that your gov-alters the genes in unborn children in order for them to say 'I was born this way' --rubbish. The whole society is sick--it is by design. There is a push for faggots worldwide & it is being done by you people, a part of your 'population control.'  This is truly Sodom & Gomorrah--you can feel sorry for them --I don't--they would be better off not being born; all they gonna do is fuck up society--especially if they are wealthy to perpetuate it..Destruction upon all Sodomites!

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