Sun, Moon and Planets Worship in Days of the Week

Old Sun, Moon and planets worship is symbolised by a pentagram. Sun is the outer side of the circle and moon the inner side during eclipse.

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Comment by Less Prone on January 15, 2019 at 12:40pm

Astrology, the predecessor of astronomy is probably the oldest science on earth. Counting the days and hours led to a need to invent the numbers and development of mathematics. While the celestial bodies are neutral in relation to the concepts of good and evil, their worship certainly had its dark side of ultimately human sacrifice. Why did such cruelty spring from innocent star observation? This is where the knowledge was used to impress the others and to gain power and easy life. This is where religion started along with the concept of guilt and the ages old guilt game.

It's because Eve ate the apple offered by the snake, personification of evil, that you inherited the guilt and had to pay and serve the priests. And women, because Eve was a woman inherited an additional burden of guilt. How absurd, but how efficient. The priests got together with the violent warlords who bacame Kings to rule and abuse. The early form of mind control was established and well rooted in the foundation of the society.

Comment by Less Prone on March 27, 2012 at 10:04am

There is occult logic in the second world war and the war on terrorism. While in the WWII Star Armies (the west) fought against the Sun Armies (the axis powers) we have today the same Star Armies fighting against the Moon Armies (Islamic World). The axis powers fought under swastika (wheel of sun) and sun flag (Japan). Islamic countries carry the moon symbol in their flags and on top of their mosques. In the third world war final madness presumably all armies under Sun, Moon and the Stars would be engaged. Earth, planet of the cross and its inhabitants are tormented by torture, sacrifices by war and mass murder.

Comment by Less Prone on March 26, 2012 at 6:35pm


I consider the current chaotic world being at an internal war, where the high cabal does everything imaginable to gain everything valuable and finally the whole planet for them alone. It may indeed not have much value to delve in the sickness of those people unless we realise that in order to fight back we have to know what makes them tick. They have marked their territory like dogs do when pissing around. Their piss marks are the occult symbols in national flags, company logos, media and all over the places. Their symbols expose them.

Comment by Marklar on March 26, 2012 at 4:23pm

Well, most of their beliefs not really occult any more since pretty much everybody knows about them or has pretty easy access to the information.

It can make for a facinating study but in the end I think most people would be better served to study cognative science in order to understand them and to understand that their religious beliefs are only that portion of the outward manifestation of the inner sickness that is used to justify their insanity. In other words it is the study of the symptoms rather than of the disease.

I don't think it really matter that much if a serial killer calls the voices in his head Jesus or Lucifer, or what symbolic formula he used to select his victims as long as he is caught and appropriately dealt with as soon as possible.

It was never your post that I was addressing but rather Megalamaniac's comment on it. He was the one to equate paganism with Satanism, not anything in your post. Nothing in your post is inaccurate or innapropriate.

Comment by Less Prone on March 26, 2012 at 3:43pm

Consider that the American, many European, Russian and Chinese armies among others all carry the five pointed star symbol.

Comment by Marklar on March 26, 2012 at 3:35pm

Yes, I'm quite aware of the relationships and of the glossover of norse/germanic god names to the Roman system that gave us our modern English names for the days of the week from Tuesday - Friday plus the germanic names for the sun and moon for Sunday and Monday. Only Saturday remains as being of Latin decent linguistically.

Comment by Less Prone on March 26, 2012 at 3:31pm

My intention in connecting the two separate pieces of information in the above symbol was to try and understand the mind set of the psychopaths who crave to manipulate and enslave others. It may not sound relevant after thousands of year after the creation of ancient religions. However, freemasonry and other secret society groups are full of ancient occultism. The occult beliefs are still very much alive. People use symbols without much thought and the ruling high cabal flashes them on our faces all the time.

Comment by honeygirl on March 26, 2012 at 3:12pm

christians use these symbols too and they are for entirely good purposes

Comment by Less Prone on March 26, 2012 at 3:07pm


Aren't most, if not all, -isms based on some sort of deception? I wouldn't directly relate paganism to satanism, as I don't relate communism to capitalism. -Isms are created to divide and rule people. The more confused and quarrelsome the people the better for the ruling class.

Comment by Marklar on March 26, 2012 at 2:57pm

"Isn't the marriage of the money changers and the priest class obvious to you?"

Indeed it is but that has nothing to do with whether or not paganism is synonymous with Lucifarianism.

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