Mammoth Bronze meat turkeys

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Comment by Anti Everything on April 23, 2016 at 7:45am

Free range? They always taste better,... AND they're cute

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 23, 2016 at 3:58am

How do you bring yourself to eating something that's so cute? IDK they eat dogs in China

Yo Deep....I eat "Cute" for breakfast, brother '-}~~

....and dog/cat too...for months....."It's good-N-good for you!!"

In LaLa Land, California, USA

1991...granted, unbeknownst to Moi'   Think I posted sumfin about it on here couple years a internal site search ....may come up

Will NEVER do Asian cuisine EVER AGAIN!!

Comment by Anti Everything on April 22, 2016 at 7:58pm

Tribe oD Thank you for the advice regarding cinnamon. I had had very good luck with the turkeys. The chickens on the other hand can be vicious. I will remember this. Now Im hungry for some BBQ Turkey!

Comment by Anti Everything on April 22, 2016 at 7:58pm

Tribe oD Thank you for the advice regarding cinnamon. I had had very good luck with the turkeys. The chickens on the other hand can be vicious. I will remember this. Now Im hungry for some BBQ Turkey!

Comment by Anti Everything on April 22, 2016 at 7:27pm

Well fellas, 'free range' is a more pleasant way to have our food live. It keeps the stress out and allows the animals to live in peace. TribeoD is correct - they get to looking like food, and that is the purpose. Regarding the vegetarian eating habits - I work at eating a 70% 30% greens to meat. Mostly raising food is for my safety and the safety of my friends. Oh ya, NEVER NAME THEM! Unless its Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc

Comment by Anti Everything on April 22, 2016 at 6:07pm

DP I don't eat them when they are "cute"... I wait.

Comment by Anti Everything on April 22, 2016 at 5:14am

Yes HwΩΩd, they are now about two pounds and eating like machines. In another 14 weeks they will look exactly like 'pre-cooked' food ready for the oven.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 22, 2016 at 4:04am

hmmmm..I dunno, ya mighta got tooken ...they don't look too "Mammoth" to me???

lmao..j/k  Sooooooo, Lunch in 4-5 months??, call me, gotta quart of sumfin to go long w/em

Comment by Less Prone on April 21, 2016 at 9:50pm


Comment by Anti Everything on March 25, 2016 at 10:46am

Well, range fed they should be at about 35 to 40 lbs for the toms and 20 to 25 for the hens in 14 to 18 weeks

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