Zimmerman Prosecution Star Witness Can't Read Letter She 'Wrote'

A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin's mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.

In a painfully embarassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.

"Are you able to read that at all?" defense attorney Don West asked.

Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, "Some but not all. I don't read cursive."

It sent a hush through the packed courtroom. http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-witness-read-letter-wrote-shooting/story?id=19504826

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Comment by joe banana on June 30, 2013 at 3:35am


You mad bro?

Look, I'm sorry about the laws that seem to upset you, but I didn't write them. The courts in this country get upset when people lie under oath because it makes the lawyers work harder than they should have to, to get all that money they "earn". I just thought the words I suggested would be good on flash cards for that poor young woman to work on her reading skills, so next time she'll be better prepared.

Peace my brother

Comment by Andy Anduer on June 29, 2013 at 12:34am

Stop talking about the color . Make love not war!

Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 28, 2013 at 10:55pm

" All the more easy to manipulate by the REAL enemy!"

That is why I checked the fool!

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 28, 2013 at 8:48pm

Humans are still too tribal!

Back to my original point, when I stepped into this shite.  All the more easy to manipulate by the REAL enemy!

As a whole People suck!  All one has to do is look at the world we have created.

Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 28, 2013 at 8:40pm

The real solution is independence.

Let the people who want to deal with the BS, deal with it, create a place for those who don't.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 28, 2013 at 8:36pm

EDOGZ818 It's a F..ed up situation!

Not putting it on the same level, but I could tell you about being one of only a dozen white people in a scool from K to 12th grade.

Or about loosing a county contract because of being white.

It's a F..ed up world.

So what's the solution?

Personally I judge people by who they are as a person. I'm an equal opportunity hater ;)!

Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 28, 2013 at 8:27pm


Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 28, 2013 at 8:25pm

White is right? ;)


Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 28, 2013 at 8:22pm

Fluoride rids everybody who drinks it...but it chemically lobotomizes them first.

P.S.  : That wasn't a direct threat...more like border line to the grey area...but still in the WHITE :)


Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 28, 2013 at 8:15pm

On Trayvon:

It doesn't matter if he was a thug, smoked weed in his basement or attack, etc. he was a kid, going to the store.  If he beat up O.G. Bobby Johnson at school, so what, it has nothing to do with the issue, but this appears to be the case of a Black kid, with no *assumable, means to support the affluent lifestyle of the community that he was in (IE: White / Economic segregation) and the resulting confrontation that ensued.

He isn't the first Black male to experience that, in fact, we experience it daily.

IE: Driving While Black / NYC Mayor Bloomberg stating the NYPD should illegally stop and frisk more minorities, etc. )

I remember entering an affluent building, in an affluent area ( P.Diddy, C.L. Smooth, Mary J Blige & heavy D's hometown...ok, Mary J was from the ghetto part, but still) and as I opened the lobby door....with the key, and this key couldn't be duplicated, etc.  it had that stamped on the key, you needed a letter from the building to duplicate & only certain locksmiths could make a copy, etc.   It was a security key, no Walmart $2 Copy Key while you wait jawnt, etc. )

Anyway, I open the door & dude steps in front of me, blocking my path, talking about "Where you going?  Who you going to see?" etc.

I'm like "Eff that! & Eff you!" as I try to push pass, but he holds his ground & repeats his questions & adds that I look like a burglar.

I pause for a second, while standing my ground, and look him in the eye & sincerely explain, that I am going about my business, and have no problem Effing him up to do so.

He paused, weighed the seriousness of my gaze, and I'm pretty sure that he noticed the change in my demeanor his actions caused, and he moved and stated that he would let me in because a burglar wouldn't want to be looked at, etc.

I went about my business ( I was actually house sitting & hated visiting my people there. )

He followed, etc.  What made it worse, was that other than my people, he was the only Black that lived in the building.  Go figure?  My people didn't smoke, so I smoked outside, and they were always worried about my well being, as far as being approached by the police & shot, etc. that they had me smoke inside the house ( out the window though :)

'Chet is real out there.  Simple tactics like that keep us confined in the small little sections we are living in.

I had a hoopty ( Old car ) that was a 4 cylinder.  Bought it off a friend after they upgraded.  Complete with banging music system, rims, tints, etc.  You could tell this car was minority owned.  I was pulled over 5x in 1 yr.  All of them immediately after crossing into a white area, windows rolled down, with no AC, music off ( No CD's )

No violations, just some 'Ole "Holy 'Chet! Let's get that Black Mudda Chucka!"

2nd Cop : "Let's get 'em Earl!"  >>Lights flashing

It's str8 BS, and it happens every day, it's just that this case was so clear cut, and with grass roots people like Jasiri X involved, it became a national story, otherwise, it would be "just another day living in the hood, just another day around the way.

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