Tara's Blog (430)

The Founders’ Antipathy to Militarism

by Jacob G. Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation

The Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that “no Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”

Obviously, the Third Amendment has little relevance today. But what is relevant for us today is the mindset that underlay the passage of that amendment – a mindset of deep antipathy toward militarism and… Continue

Added by Tara on October 14, 2009 at 9:39am — No Comments

Backdoor Escalation, Obama is smooth-talking his way into the Afghan quagmire

by Justin Raimondo, October 14, 2009

The official explanation for Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize is that the Norwegians are using the Nobel as an incentive for the president to fulfill what many see as his bright promise and a kind of prophylactic against a repeat of Bush-era warmongering. After all, how could a recipient of the Peace Prize engage in the kind of brazen militarism that has characterized U.S. foreign policy in the post-9/11 era?

Easy – do it on the… Continue

Added by Tara on October 14, 2009 at 9:07am — No Comments

UNMASK THE FED, It's time for America to know who's minding the store

October 13, 2009


Hold Ben Bernanke Accountable

Dear Senator,

Last week, Congressmen Ron Paul and Alan Grayson sent an open letter to the Senate Banking Committee about the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. I agree with their sentiments that, before he is reconfirmed for a second term, the Senate should know who got the $2 trillion the Federal Reserve has lent out over the last two years. Only then will the Senate be able to judge… Continue

Added by Tara on October 13, 2009 at 11:16pm — 1 Comment

The Myth of "America"

Monday 12 October 2009

by: Dahr Jamail and Jason Coppola, t r u t h o u t | Feature

To mark Columbus Day In 2004, the Medieval and Renaissance Center in UCLA published the final volume of a compendium of Columbus-era documents. Its general editor, Geoffrey Symcox, leaves little room for ambivalence when he says, "This is not your grandfather's Columbus.... While giving the brilliant mariner his due, the collection portrays Columbus as an unrelenting social climber and… Continue

Added by Tara on October 12, 2009 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth

by Michel Chossudovsky

When war becomes peace,

When concepts and realities are turned upside down,

When fiction becomes truth and truth becomes fiction.

When a global military agenda is heralded as a humanitarian endeavor,

When the killing of civilians is upheld as "collateral damage",

When those who resist the US-NATO led invasion of their homeland are categorized as "insurgents" or "terrorists".

When preemptive… Continue

Added by Tara on October 11, 2009 at 11:53am — No Comments

Banned: No Children in Public Park

Today we highlight yet another asinine attempt by government to enact a law that makes one wonder if we still live in America. The City of Kensington, Maryland has banned kids from public parks:

Public parks are usually the places where children go to have fun. But the town of Kensington just passed a new rule that bans kids over five years old from playgrounds during the daytime.


The town council unanimously passed a resolution this week saying only… Continue

Added by Tara on October 10, 2009 at 11:06am — 4 Comments

President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize......Hmmmmm, WTF?????

President Obama rebounds from his loss of having the Olympics in Chicago in 2016 by winning a Nobel Peace Prize. Hey haters…take that take that…word to Diddy. Details below.

President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Friday for his work to improve international diplomacy and rid the world of nuclear weapons — a stunning decision to celebrate a figure virtually unknown in the world before he launched his campaign for the White House nearly three years ago.

In… Continue

Added by Tara on October 9, 2009 at 9:26am — 7 Comments

Chaos at Cobo: Detroiters turn out for federal help

Charlie LeDuff, George Hunter and Santiago Esparza / The Detroit News

Detroit -- Thousands hoping to get applications for federal help on rent and utility bills turned Cobo Center into a chaotic scene today.

They came by foot, wheelchair, bicycle and car. About six left by ambulance after tensions rose and people were trampled, according to a paramedic on the scene. One unfortunate soul got his car booted.

Detroiters were trying to pick up 5,000 federal assistance… Continue

Added by Tara on October 8, 2009 at 11:25am — No Comments

CNN exploits black children to press healthcare reform

I must admit, I sat and watched this video with mouth open, and not sure what to say. Let me first say with a little tongue-in-cheek that this Miley Cyrus song “Party in the USA” should not be getting this much airtime, but thats just me. But the actual sickening part is that a major news network, and I use that term loosely, would exploit these children on the air to sing a song about Obama and his healthcare plan. Even more disturbing to me is that they clearly learned this song in school,… Continue

Added by Tara on October 8, 2009 at 12:36am — No Comments

US Foreign Policy, Rudyard Kipling, and the Libertarian Theory of the State

by Justin Raimondo, October 07, 2009

How is foreign policy made? In these, the last days of America’s imperial decline, when the Constitution is but a ragged piece of parchment relegated to the Museum of Archaic Documents, our relations with other countries are entirely governed by the executive branch: all decisions are made by the president and his appointed national security bureaucrats. A recent news story reporting on the procedure whereby President Obama is going to make a… Continue

Added by Tara on October 7, 2009 at 9:48am — No Comments

Banks 1, America 0, The plight of millions of unemployed US workers exposes the folly of trillion-dollar gifts for America's spendthrift banks

Dean Baker

Last Friday's job report showed that most of the US is experiencing enormous economic pain, even if America's economy is now in a recovery. Overall unemployment rose to 9.8%, with the unemployment rate for men hitting a new post-depression high. The economy shed another 260,000 jobs in September and the previous figure for jobs lost in the recession was revised up by more than 800,000. The average workweek continues to shorten. With real wages falling, this ensures that… Continue

Added by Tara on October 6, 2009 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Instead of Bombs and Bribes, Let’s Try Empathy and Trade-Ron Paul

by Rep. Ron Paul, October 06, 2009

What if tomorrow morning you woke up to headlines that yet another Chinese drone bombing on U.S. soil killed several dozen ranchers in a rural community while they were sleeping? That a drone aircraft had come across the Canadian border in the middle of the night and carried out the latest of many attacks? What if it was claimed that many of the victims harbored anti-Chinese sentiments, but most of the dead were innocent women and children? And what… Continue

Added by Tara on October 6, 2009 at 11:22am — No Comments

Into the Dark: America's Descent into a Police State, Manipulated America: Divided we Fall

Gordon Duff Salem-News.com

CINCINATTI, Ohio) - "From Turkey, they were putting all these bin Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons went one way, drugs came back...A lot of the drugs were going to Belgium with NATO planes. After that, they went to the UK, and a lot came to the U.S. via military planes to distribution centers in Chicago and Paterson, New Jersey."...FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds in the American Conservative

Top US officials are reported to have been… Continue

Added by Tara on October 5, 2009 at 9:34am — 2 Comments

Now will Congress investigate ACORN?

Examiner Editorial

October 4, 2009

Evidence continues to accumulate from far and wide that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is lousy with corruption. The latest revelations come from Louisiana and Oklahoma. In the former, the local ACORN Housing Corp. office received contracts worth a combined $625,000 from the City of New Orleans for repairing existing low-income housing and developing new units in poor neighborhoods. The contracts were paid for with… Continue

Added by Tara on October 5, 2009 at 12:58am — No Comments

If the Russians Did This to Us, We’d Kill ‘Em

by CommonDreams.org

by David Michael Green

What if the Russians invaded?

It's not so far-fetched an idea, you know. We spent half a century and trillions of dollars to make sure that it would never happen, so it's really not such a strange notion.

So what if the Russians invaded?

What if they came and stole all of our money?

What if the Russians invaded and enslaved our children as cheap worker bee drones locked in dismal dead-end… Continue

Added by Tara on October 3, 2009 at 12:56am — 1 Comment

They Tortured A Man They Knew To Be Innocent, Ctd.

As a trial attorney with the Department of Justice, I am familiar with the al-Rabiah case (however, to be clear, I am not a trial attorney who worked on the case). My opinions stated herein, of course, are not the opinions of the Department. I write for myself and myself alone.

I had a long conversation regarding the al-Rabiah case with… Continue

Added by Tara on October 2, 2009 at 5:08pm — No Comments

Oath Keepers organizer sees need to sound an alarm

Rand Cardwell drums up support for an antigovernment group whose views illustrate the disconnect that has come to define popular political discourse in President Obama's first tumultuous year.

Reporting from Farragut, Tenn. - There would be no screaming at Rand Cardwell's meeting tonight, no histrionics, no playing to the cameras. The atmosphere was PTA. Garden Club. Kiwanis.

Cardwell had called this second meeting of the local chapter of Oath Keepers, and on a recent… Continue

Added by Tara on October 1, 2009 at 5:46pm — No Comments

Judge Confirms an Innocent Man Tortured to Make False Confessions, A Truly Shocking Gitmo Story


In four years of researching and writing about Guantánamo, I have become used to uncovering shocking information, but for sheer cynicism, I am struggling to think of anything that compares to the revelations contained in the unclassified ruling in the habeas corpus petition of Fouad al-Rabiah, a Kuwaiti prisoner whose release was ordered last week by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (PDF). In the ruling, to put it bluntly, it was revealed that the U.S. government… Continue

Added by Tara on October 1, 2009 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Google Earth Tracks Traffic, Clouds, You

Researchers from Georgia Tech have devised methods to take real-time, real-world information and layer it onto Google Earth, adding dynamic information to the previously sterile Googlescape.

They use live video feeds (sometimes from many angles) to find the position and motion of various objects, which they then combine with behavioral simulations to produce real-time animations for Google Earth or Microsoft Virtual Earth.

They use motion capture data to help their… Continue

Added by Tara on October 1, 2009 at 10:56am — No Comments

US Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn’t Add Up

by Gareth Porter, September 30, 2009

The story line that dominated media coverage of the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility last week was the official assertion that U.S. intelligence had caught Iran trying to conceal a "secret" nuclear facility.

But an analysis of the transcript of that briefing by senior administration officials that was the sole basis for the news stories and other evidence reveals damaging admissions, conflicts with the facts, and unanswered… Continue

Added by Tara on September 30, 2009 at 10:02am — 1 Comment

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