Aronimus Mortancia's Blog – January 2011 Archive (41)

Would You Like a Side Order of Fried Meal Worms With That Bug Burger?

Granted, Man was eating bugs long before the first MacD's came along.  And certainly in parts of the world, consuming insects as part of the daily diet is as common as you or me having whatever it is we eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner here in the U.S. (which, unfortunately, isn't nearly as balanced as we might like to think, but that's for another blog.)

What bothers me about this article is the 'timing' of it.  Is this the beginnings of yet another negative campaign to…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 24, 2011 at 11:53am — No Comments

Now, "THEY" Want To Separate Us From Our Pets

I get it. I really do. There are just some people in the world who, for all kinds of misguided reasons, feel the NEED to tell other people how to live.


BUT...did anyone point out to the folks making, and contributing to, this lame-ass…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 24, 2011 at 9:47am — No Comments

NEW MADRID FAULT ABOUT TO BLOW??? I'd Say Things Are Being Geared In That Direction, Wouldn't You?

Well, well...lookey here...the fed's have put out a bid request for the supplying of food to 7M 'survivors' in the area of the New Madrid Fault (which, according to what I've read elsewhere about what will happen when the fault has a major eruption, will involve every city and town within a 300-mile radius of the northwestern Tenn. / northeastern Ark. site.)



Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 23, 2011 at 1:59pm — 1 Comment

This Will Quickly Morph Into An "Elite-R-Us" Pharmacy and Rx Supply System

It must getting ever closer to the time when the [so-called] elites start making their ways into the bunkers nationwide.


Start stockpiling your own meds and vitamins NOW !!!

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 23, 2011 at 12:43pm — No Comments

As Goes Tunisia, So Will Go The U.S.?

This, too, will happen with our local and state police forces when they, as well, realize that what they're up against WILL crush them if they stand in the way of our taking OUR liberties back after criminally-sanctioned martial law is imposed.


However, the questions then become -

  1. will those…

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 23, 2011 at 9:31am — No Comments

The Man's Correct Name Is "Osama bin Dead"

OBL DIED in December 2001.  I distinctly recall that FOX ran the story only one time, and yet I have seen that report elsewhere over the years on YOUTUBE (whether it's still 'up' I don't know.)

He didn't die from battle - he died in a Pakistani hospital of kidney failure, as he was a severe diabetic.

Now....can we put this matter to rest and focus on who is making the fake bin Laden tapes and videos (can you say CIA???)…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 22, 2011 at 6:14pm — No Comments

"Free Consent" Ain't What It Used To Be

In effect, this action validates only thing - that your body and your personage are NOT yours to  do with as you please but belong to [a] CORPORATE America (which the United States has actually been since 1786.  We're OWNED by Great Britain, and GB is OWNED by the Vatican.  Some world, huh?!)


Of course, another…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 22, 2011 at 9:51am — No Comments

Abercrombie Can Go Ahead and Start Packing 'Cause His Political Career is O-V-E-R ! !

Ya gotta hand it to BO - he certainly continues to screw over the people who have gotten sucked into his "...but I DO have a U.S. birth certificate" vortex.


One interesting and telling statement in the article -  "[Hawaii] State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't disclose an…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 22, 2011 at 8:32am — No Comments

So...Announcing Alien Life To The World Has Come Down To A Coin Toss???

I don't know 'bout you, but I'm gonna go get my popcorn and drink and get on down to the front row 'cause I don't wanna miss how badly BO is gonna flub this -


Okay...cue up the theme from…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 22, 2011 at 7:53am — 2 Comments

Coming Soon To A State Near You - Encouraging Pension Bankruptcies

Regarding this - - NOW would be a very appropriate time to bring up CAFR's (see my earlier post on those) to the politocos (and watch 'em squirm.)

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 21, 2011 at 3:29pm — No Comments


I am absolutely hotter than the hinges of Hell over this...


And to think that this TREASONOUS DECISION was executed on the same day that Chinese President Hu arrived in the U.S.


It's over, boys and girls......get locked-and-loaded FOR…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 20, 2011 at 4:24pm — 3 Comments

Has "Red List" Round-ups Started?

Could this be the beginning of the "Red List" round-ups???  Seems a little toooooo co-incidental [given the times], if you get my drift.

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 20, 2011 at 10:58am — No Comments

I'm just thinking out loud here, but....

First rule of diplomacy - when matters between two countries gets bad enough, it's time to send in the "A" team.  Ergo, Chinese President Hu is in DC.  (And he didn't show up for American-ized wonton and egg-lolls.)

Nope, he's in town (messenger boy that he is to his masters) to get eyeball-to-eyeball with certain power brokers in our [infamously corrupt] government and corporate arenas to start laying down some new ground…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 20, 2011 at 10:29am — 1 Comment

Joe LIE-berman's Sudden Departure - A Signal of Imminent Collapse of the Nation?

Another 'rat' deserting the ship.  Given the crisis state of the economy and the seriously 'low morale' problem in the Nation on whole, the announcement is just a little too timely(?), albeit without any real reason being given for the departure.

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 20, 2011 at 7:39am — No Comments

Stupid Is As Stupid Does (That's the Best I Can Come Up With For This One)

I was getting ready to log-off my computer for the night, when I went to one more website just to see if I missed anything from the day - and then I found this (and I wish now I had missed it):




Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 19, 2011 at 8:11pm — 1 Comment

Okay...On the Lighter Side

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates:

  • 1/1/11,
  • 1/11/11,
  • 11/1/11 and
  • 11/11/11.

Now, take the LAST 2 digits of the year you were born in and then add the age you'll be this year.  It should be 111 (unless you were born after 2000 then you will be 11).  Cool, huh?!?!

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 19, 2011 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Ever Heard of a CAFR? Now You'll Know and Will Be Mad as Hell!!!

I dislike being the one to bring this up (because this will make you mad as Hell; don't shoot the messenger, please!) but your town, city, county and state have been withholding a very BIG secret that's needlessly costing A LOT of people their jobs, their homes and their very sanity.


And to make matters even more insulting, behemoth corporations like JP Morgan, Citi, Goldman Sachs, BofA, et al, have been profiting handsomely from this 'second set' of bookkeeping practices…


Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 19, 2011 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

WHY Did V.P. Joe Biden Meet Chinese President Hu Instead of B.O. Doing It???  There could be something VERY telling about this particular protocol at this time.


Could it have something to do with this? - .  Start in the archives with Report #1.

Added by Aronimus Mortancia on January 18, 2011 at 5:27pm — 1 Comment

"Destroying the New World Order"



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