I think maybe this is what was meant by that warning. The link is for a juwess explaining the chameleon race shifting the hook nosed ones use.
ContinueAdded by steve on February 27, 2023 at 8:30pm — No Comments
BLONDE in the belly of the beast does a sit down with Paul Miller (gypsy crusader) on the horrific treatment he endured when he was wrongfully incarcerated for trying to WAKE UP HIS FELLOW WHITE AMERICANS on the evil that has infected our country.
This man is a true american hero.
It is way way past time to call these fkn freaks FUKN FREAKS Matt Walsh won me over with his "What is a woman" but when he called the ugly sick tranny dylan mulvaney a SICK FKN UGLY ASS POOR EXCUSE FOR A MAN LET ALONE A WOMAN he gained my admiration for telling the UNFEELING TRUTH. How dare these fkn demons mock GOD ALMIGHTYS perfect creations and then all the suck asses saying he was "too harsh" in his condemnation of the things while agreeing with him in "principle" what does that even…
ContinueAdded by steve on February 25, 2023 at 11:06pm — 2 Comments
I count at least 23 burnt train cars in photo not the reported 5
Added by steve on February 14, 2023 at 12:21pm — No Comments
I hate it for these invaders when it comes time to clean up the mess they in their UNGRATEFULNESS have made. No ones forgot our so called leaders who have brought this plague upon white countries who also must be delt with for their treason.
Added by steve on February 13, 2023 at 8:37pm — No Comments
How could a sane moral society tolerate this insanity for half a second is beyond me, look at that national fkn embarrassment bruce jenner a mid sixties man getting tits put on and wearing womans clothes and we allowed this in front of our children and now the indoctrination in the schools .
Added by steve on February 13, 2023 at 8:31pm — No Comments
Hey All,
This mans name is Benny Johnson, found him today and I highly recommend you arm yourself with his wisdom ,knowledge and indisputable facts about the greatest hoax of our time. He destroys the evil propaganda disney is pushing and they will surley be held accountable for the destruction their lies will cause ,they need their ass sued off by any injured due to this rhetoric enhancing this we wuz kangs fairy tale.
ContinueAdded by steve on February 12, 2023 at 7:57pm — No Comments
These are the Designated fall guys for the so called election /hunter twitter banning distraction.
HOWS ABOUT THE 51 FEDERALLY G-MEN alphabet AGENTS WHO DECLARED "tis another pooty poot plot to undermine demockrazy, a fraud from them wiley fkn rooskies and a bunch of muricans will lap this load of crap up just like the us ukraine insanity 100 billion fukin $$$$$$$$$$$$$ and counting and the fkn idiots keep believing.
ContinueAdded by steve on February 12, 2023 at 5:30pm — No Comments
How can hiroshima be inhabited and as prosperous less than 40 yrs after the scary scary "nukuler"(dubya gave us this new word) bombing , maybe just maaaybeeeeeee our gubberment CARPET BOMBED like dresdan and berlin where a hundred thousand innocents were MURDERED in a couple of bombing runs by the us gubberment or should I say the tribe controlling said gubberment.
ContinueAdded by steve on February 12, 2023 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments
I don't belong to twitter but found this in my travels and urge all civilized folks to see what these nasty imports are doing to our country( all WHITE COUNTRIES) and school children who are being beaten in the halls and having guilt instilled in their minds in the classrooms WE FKN PAY FOR. Folks these fkn savage niggers are behaving like this is south fkn africa and the legal system treats them like fine precious china,it has to stop.
ContinueAdded by steve on February 12, 2023 at 4:46pm — 8 Comments
If this don't show evil is in its exposed death throws,(12 min.) I don't know what it will take to wake up the living
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