CHUCK W.'s Blog (504)

Magnitude 5.3 - UTAH

Magnitude 5.3 - UTAH

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 8:16pm — 1 Comment

A reader sent this dynamite article to me.

Franklin's Focus 8/4/10

The revelations regarding

big banks are a powerful condemnation. The role of federal law

enforcement in allowing big banks to engage in massive corruption with

no more than a slap on the wrist is at a minimum interesting. If you

hate banks, you might find this article rather interesting. It adds a

new dimension as to who is keeping the vast and futile drug war going.

Legalizing marijuana would be a rational start.… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Toxic Chemicals Safety Act

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ask your Representative to co-sponsor the Toxic Chemicals Safety Act

Are you ready for some good news? Legislation has just been introduced in the House of Representatives that would, for the first time, require the chemical industry to… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Momentum Builds in Congress to Overhaul U.S. Chemicals Policy

uly 22, 2010 — Bookmark and Share

New Bill Introduced Today Seeks to Reduce Toxic Chemical Exposure and Ensure Safety

(Washington, DC) – Congressmen Bobby Rush (D-IL) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) today introduced a groundbreaking bill to overhaul U.S. chemicals policy in the House Energy & Commerce Committee. The "Toxic Chemicals Safety Act of 2010" is intended to overhaul the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which has failed to regulate chemicals in consumer… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 12:35pm — No Comments

It's Going to Rock your World.

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

War is looming and might be only one week away. I say this to put it in perspective. It stands to reason that it will surely happen before the November elections, for a variety of reasons. We know its coming because the chief drumbeaters are lunatics, drunk on megalomania and other hormonally secreted drugs.

We see the image of Israel attacking Iran but I do not think we clearly see the implications of it and how it will change our… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 12:22pm — No Comments

Random Thoughts on Elitism in Capitalist Democracies

Franklin's Focus 8/4/10

Random Thoughts on Elitism in Capitalist Democracies

I have noticed with more than passing interest that blue collar

workers in the industrial democracies are currently being made the

scapegoats for the current financial and economic crisis. In Greece,

they have actually mobilized the army to go after striking truck

drivers. Obama has not called out the national guard as of yet to

assault the American lumpenproletariat,… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 11:15am — No Comments

Loving America

Loving America

A Poem: "Love the people not the government"

By Peter Dale Scott

URL of this article:

Global Research, July 31, 2010

Loving America


We are made schizophrenic

by loving America

by our love of the… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 10:16am — No Comments

Exile Nation: Chapter Four, "Protest" (Pt.9)

Exile Nation: Chapter Four, "Protest" (Pt.9)

Charles Shaw

Go here if you missed Part I - Mind (2005) which includes Chapter One, "Dead Time", ChapterTwo,"Hotel Hell"and Chapter Three, "The Sweet Moline."

If you missed last week's excerpt, go here. All information on Exile… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 9:43am — No Comments

Deflation Threats Are Best Contrarian Indicator

Deflation Threats Are Best Contrarian Indicator

The amount of deflation rhetoric in the mainstream media has been continuing to surge this week. Yesterday there was an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "Defending Yourself Against Deflation" and on Monday Paul Krugman wrote an editorial in the New York Times entitled, "Why Is Deflation Bad?". We decided to do a simple Google News archive search to see when previous spikes in media chatter about the topic of deflation have… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 4, 2010 at 9:13am — No Comments

The Man with the Bullhorn is a Lying Sack of Shit.

The Man with the Bullhorn is a Lying Sack of Shit.

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

Well… I have to say it sometime. I didn’t want to say it because the next thing you know, someone will ask me why I let Jeff Rense link me or some other crap about something that isn't real and which I knowingly appreciate. I was astounded when Michael Rivero stopped printing my work and didn’t answer my emails but I never said anything bad about Michael. I just said I didn’t… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 3, 2010 at 8:10pm — 4 Comments

The Lunatic’s Manual

The Lunatic’s Manual


Published: August 2, 2010




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CloseLinkedinDiggMixxMySpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalink The Army, to its credit, tells the story of a middle-aged lieutenant colonel who had served multiple combat tours and was suffering the agonizing effects of traumatic brain injury and dementia. He also had difficulty sleeping.… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 3, 2010 at 12:31pm — No Comments


“ Love your life, perfect your life,
Beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long,
And its’ purpose in the service of your people.”
Chief Tecumseh

Added by CHUCK W. on August 3, 2010 at 9:42am — No Comments

BP Executive Turned Alyeska Pipeline Into "Deeply Distressed" Company

BP Executive Turned Alyeska Pipeline Into "Deeply Distressed" Company

Monday 02 August 2010

by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Investigative Report

Former BP human resources executive Kevin Hostler will be retiring from his current post as Chief Executive Officer for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company in September. (Photo: Alyeska Pipeline Service Co)

Alyeska Pipeline, the BP-led consortium that operates the 800-mile Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS),… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Is Money Really the Root of All 'Evil'?

Franklin's Focus 8/2/10

Is Money Really the Root of All 'Evil'?

I've come to believe that money is indeed at the root of nearly all

the so called 'evils', and certainly at the root of most of them. To a

large extent it has to do with the fact that money equals power, and

the world is full of megalomaniacs. WWI, which was one of the greatest

horrors of human history was over the natural resources of Africa and

Asia. Put more simply it was over… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 6:34pm — No Comments


I was a little disappointed when I saw the old buildings were now gone that I had known as a young boy. Every one of them replaced with a high-rise. It had been a long time since I had been to my hometown since moving North. I had driven to town hoping to see the old barber shop where my hair had been cut as a child. The orphanage would bring us kids downtown for a free haircut by the new barbers being trained.

As it was very early and hardly anyone on the street, I parked my truck… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Becky and the Wolf.

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. Cattle and horses were too big to cuddle and farm machinery dangerous for a child so small. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantime, “pretend” puppies popped up nearly every day. I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when the screen door slammed and Becky rushed in, cheeks flushed with excitement. “Mama!” she cried. “Come see my… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 1:55pm — 1 Comment

Are the American people obsolete?

The richest few don't need the rest of us as markets, soldiers or police

anymore. Maybe we should all emigrate

By Michael Lind

SalonHave the American people outlived their usefulness to the rich minority

in the United States? A number of trends suggest that the answer may be yes.

In every industrial democracy since the end of World War II, there has been

a social contract between the few and the many. In return for receiving a

disproportionate… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Let Them Eat Cake

Let Them Eat Cake

Paul Craig Roberts

August 2, 2010

It is not unusual for members of the diminishing upper middle class to drop $20,000 or $30,000 on a big wedding. But for celebrities this large sum wouldn’t cover the wedding dress or the flowers.

When country music star Keith Urban married actress Nicole Kidman in 2006, their wedding cost $250,000. This large sum hardly counts as a celebrity wedding. When mega-millionaire real estate mogul… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 1:02pm — No Comments

To open ourselves to the truth

"To open ourselves to the truth and to bring ourselves

face to face with our personal and collective reality

is not an option that can be accepted or rejected.

It is an undeniable requirement of all people and all

societies that seek to humanize themselves and be free.."

- Guatemalan Bishop Juan Jose Gerardi Conedera

Assassinated April 25, 1998, one day after his speech (and above quote),

when he presented his findings of an in-depth probe…


Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 12:55pm — No Comments

U.S. regulators lack data on health risks of most chemicals

By Lyndsey Layton

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, August 2, 2010; A01

This summer, when Kellogg recalled 28 million boxes of Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops and Honey Smacks, the company blamed elevated levels of a chemical in the packaging.

Dozens of consumers reported a strange taste and odor, and some complained of nausea and diarrhea. But Kellogg said a team of experts it hired determined that there was "no harmful material" in… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on August 2, 2010 at 12:50pm — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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