All Blog Posts Tagged 'neo' (749)

Former head of CDC lands lucrative job as president of Merck vaccine division (opinion)

You've heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant "revolving door" through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That reality was driven home in a huge way today when news broke that Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, landed a top job with Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world. Her job there? She's the new president of the vaccine division.

How convenient. That means the… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 4:25am — No Comments

Please SPREAD! Americans Should Know That There Is Serious Resistance To Obama's Nobel Prize Winning Wars

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this momentous rally!

Videos and news reports will be posted as they come in...…


Added by Anti Oligarch on December 20, 2009 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Study: TV May Perpetuate Race Bias

Time's a joke. I'm posting this to ask what you think its purpose might be.

Most people regard watching television as a passive activity. You sit, you watch. Occasionally, you change the channel. But a new study reveals that even this passive diversion may lead to actively damaging effects, particularly when it comes to issues of race.

In a series of intricately designed experiments, psychologists at Tufts University demonstrate that subtle… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 20, 2009 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

Yes We Can video update

Winston Smith

for The Corbett Report, December 17 2009

[Editor's note: Winston Smith has released a video interpretation of his popular "Yes We Can!" article below. Click here for a direct link to the video, or watch the video in the player below.]

Yes we can make you believe in anything we want

Yes we can… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 19, 2009 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax

My God he looks like an arrogant criminal monster

Obama set to bypass Congress and approve massive transfer of wealth to world government.

The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 19, 2009 at 4:00am — No Comments

Rod Blagojevich Uncensored

Former Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich held a book signing at Columbia College this week, promoting his new book, The Governor.

He also participated in a debate for the Cinema Slapdown series hosted by the College.

Members of We Are Change Chicago were on hand to watch the 1964 film Viva Las Vegas, the debate between the former governor and Dan Rybicky, and… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 18, 2009 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

COVER UP: Administration Slow To Cooperate with Congress in Fort Hood Slayings Investigation, Senators Say

Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) said at a press briefing following a closed-door meeting with Defense Department officials on Tuesday that the Obama administration is not cooperating in a full and timely way with the congressional probe into the deadly attack at Fort Hood Army base that killed 13 people. ( Starr)

( – Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) told reporters earlier this… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 18, 2009 at 6:56pm — 1 Comment

What Is Non-violence According To Gandhi?

Most of the myths and misconceptions surrounding Gandhi have to do with non-violence. For instance, it's surprising how many people still have the idea that non-violent action is passive.

It's important for us to be clear about this: There is nothing passive about Gandhian non-violent action.

Gandhi himself helped create this confusion by referring to his method at first as "passive resistance," because it was in some ways like techniques bearing that… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 18, 2009 at 6:41pm — 2 Comments

H1N1 vaccine liquidation sale now on: Hurry while supplies last!

(NaturalNews) All of a sudden, H1N1 vaccines are available all across America. Walgreens and other pharmacies are pushing the vaccines as if there were an "everything must go" liquidation sale under way. Hurry, get your swine flu vaccine today before everybody figures out they're useless!

The marketability of vaccines has a strict time limit. They're only in demand during the fear phase of a pandemic, and that fear phase has long since faded for H1N1. Virtually everyone who wants an… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 18, 2009 at 5:30am — 3 Comments

The Bill of Rights Was Meant to Limit Federal Power The Vision of the Founders: Dead and Gone

In 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States decided Kennedy v. Louisiana. In that decision, the Court created a new categorical right to rape a child without receiving the death penalty.

Although the majority made mention of the Eighth Amendment's prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishment," no one really believed that this new right had any basis in the Constitution. The Court majority claimed that its decision reflected a new societal consensus, despite the fact that six… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 17, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

C-SPAN Scholars Symposium: Theories About September 11th

C-SPAN Theories About September 11th


Webster Griffin Tarpley,

Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman,

Prof. James H. Fetzer,

Alex Jones,…


Added by Anti Oligarch on December 17, 2009 at 9:09am — No Comments

Aspartame alert: Diet soda destroys kidney function

(NaturalNews) Scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have revealed results from a study outlining some of the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body. Conducted on a group of 3,000 women, the results indicated that those who drank two or more artificially-sweetened beverages a day doubled their risk of more-rapid-than-normal kidney function decline.

The study accounted for various other risk factors including the woman's age, her blood pressure, if she smoked,… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 17, 2009 at 5:30am — 3 Comments

Massachusetts Teacher Speaks Out About What She Saw at Fistgate

After years of silence a traumatized Massachusetts teacher spoke out in an interview about what she witnessed at GLSEN’s Fistgate Conference in 2000. She also describes Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings’ role in the infamous conference that discussed “fisting” and “… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 14, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

James Corbett - Quick History Lesson on Eugenics

Carbon Eugenics: Genocide in the name of the environment is still genocide

TRANSCRIPT: The first person to stand up to any great evil is always the most courageous. To be the first one to call out any great injustice is to invite ridicule, scorn, even persecution. It is difficult to imagine today just how brave were the first slave owners to call for the abolition of slavery, the first men and women to advocate women's suffrage, the first activists… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 4:37pm — 1 Comment

Operation: Arrest the Crimatologists Contest launched for most effective way of spreading the word about climategate

The millions of people who are following the twists and turns of the unfolding climategate scandal online are increasingly asking themselves the same question: if a scientific theory falls in the forest and there's no reporter willing to cover it, does it make a sound? CONTINUES BELOW ...

Arrest the Crimatologist Contest Details:

-Spread the word about climategate.… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Delaware Official: ACORN Illegally Lobbying in State

As part of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) ongoing investigation into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now’s (ACORN) lobbying and election activities, the Delaware State Public Integrity Commission responded to a letter of inquiry sent by Issa revealing that “no person has ever registered to represent any of the ACORN affiliates identified in the Committee’s letter” and that after being notified that a “lobbyist must… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 2:02pm — No Comments

Meet Stephen McIntyre: Amateur Runs Rings Around Climate ‘Professionals’

Canada’s Macleans has a profile of the skeptic at the center of the ClimateGate e-mails (what, you expected an American newspaper to cover this story?):


The private emails and logs leaked last month from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia can’t tell us whether industrial activity is really… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Afghanistan: Withdraw Rapidly and Completely

Statement of Congressman Ron Paul United States House of Representatives Statement Before Foreign Affairs Committee

December 10, 2009

Mr. Speaker thank you for holding these important hearings on US policy in Afghanistan. I would like to welcome the witnesses, Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry and General Stanley A. McChrystal, and thank them for appearing before this Committee.

I have serious concerns, however, about the president's decision to add… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 9:01am — No Comments

U.K. Government Wants New Powers To Block Wikileaks and Squeeze Web TV

Just over a week ago I wrote a fairly dry legal analysis of the Digital Economy Bill. I spotted an extremely serious provision — clause 11 — in the version being discussed in the House… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

Increase Your Carbon Footprint

There are today on the plains of India and China men and women, plague-ridden and hungry, living lives little better, to outward appearance, than those of the cattle that toil with them by day and share their places of sleep at night. Such Asiatic standards, and such unmechanized horrors, are the lot of those who increase their numbers without passing through an industrial revolution.

- T.S. Ashton,… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 13, 2009 at 2:13am — No Comments

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☠️ Now slinging at Amazon & Target ☠️ Hey kids, Ozzy knows best. Take it from a guy who knows a thing or two about bad decisions: Liquid Death’s more intense...
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