All Blog Posts Tagged 'obama' (988)

Indiana School Offers Free School Supplies in Exchange for Vaccinations ~ crayons, pencils and jump drives

It’s that time of year again, National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). NIAM begins each year in August and acts as a reminder for adults and children to get their recommended vaccines.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls the program, “an opportunity to highlight the need for improving national immunization coverage levels. Activities focus on encouraging all people to protect their health by being immunized against infectious diseases.”

This year… Continue

Added by Wolf on August 9, 2013 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

Death Before NSA Dishonor: Encrypted Services Stage Suicide Revolt

The encrypted email service provider Silent Circle has followed its competitor Lavabit who on Thursday announced it would shutter its services rather than be compelled by the US government to hand over the private data and emails from its customers, one of whom is believed to be NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Supporters of internet freedom and privacy protections were shocked at the news, but also expressing gratitude for…


Added by Wolf on August 9, 2013 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Obama lets it slip: "Unfortunately" more Americans killed by car accidents than terrorism.

On Jay Leno's show, at 4:45 in the above video, Obama said,"...the odds of people dying in a terrorist attack, obviously, are still a lot lower than in a car accident, unfortunately."

.... wait...did he just imply that it would be better if more Americans were killed by terrorist attacks than by car accidents??

Added by Darrell Rowlands on August 8, 2013 at 6:22pm — No Comments

The rich in US are hoarding cash, giving rise to inequality while American protesters demand the rich pay more in taxes: Experts

America's wealthiest households are increasingly squirreling away their cash, according to two recently published reports, in a trend that could pose a threat to the economy at large and exacerbate already high levels of income inequality.

America's top 1 percent saved their money at a rate of 37 percent last quarter, according to a recent survey from American Express Publishing and the Harrison Group highlighted by CNBC. That means that during that period, wealthy Americans put away… Continue

Added by Wolf on August 8, 2013 at 12:29pm — No Comments

The Surveillance Reforms Obama Supported Before He Was President

This piece first appeared on ProPublica.

When the House of Representatives recently considered an amendment that would have dismantled the NSA’s bulk phone records collection program, the White House swiftly condemned the measure. But only five years ago, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. was part of a group of legislators that supported substantial changes to NSA surveillance programs. Here are some of the proposals the president co-sponsored as a senator.

As a senator, Obama… Continue

Added by Wolf on August 7, 2013 at 7:26pm — No Comments

No recovery for the middle class Now 5 years in

The recovery still doesn't feel like one for many American families -- in part because a long middle class decline is still under way.


The recovery is now officially in its fifth year. Sure, the stock market is back. And housing is getting off the floor. But for middle class Americans, the pressure is still on.

This has been an uneven recovery, with the benefits accumulating to the rich and the corporate sector while regular folks have largely been left behind…


Added by Wolf on August 6, 2013 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Illinois 20th state to legalize marijuana use for debilitating medical conditions ~ law takes effect on January 1, 2014 and is a four-year pilot program

Governor Pat Quinn today signed into law Illinois House Bill 1, the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act, which legalizes the use of marijuana for medical reasons on Jan. 1, 2014, making the Land of Lincoln the 20th state to allow marijuana for limited medical purposes, In addition, District of Columbia, also allows such use.

According to the USA Today, New Hampshire became the 19th state to legalize medical marijuana when Gov. Maggie Hassan signed a bill into law last week.… Continue

Added by Wolf on August 2, 2013 at 4:51pm — No Comments

Dr. Ben Carson is Predicting the Beginning Of the End Of Obamacare

At the ripe age of 61, former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Ben Carson has seen his fair share of boondoggles.

The good doctor, though, has never seen a disaster quite as large as Obamacare. On Fox News the other day, Carson proclaimed that this “is the beginning of the collapse,” and characterized the mass roll-out as “foolish.” Is this just another instance of Fox News nuttery?

It turns out that there is much to fear in these last few months before the health-exchanges… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 28, 2013 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Planet Earth Is a U.S. Military Base The U.S. military has failed to win a single one of its numerous wars in our time. But hey, who has to win a specific war when it’s“wartime” all the time?

It could be any week on that great U.S. military base we know as Planet Earth and here’s the remarkable thing: there’s always news. Something’s always happening somewhere, usually on more than one continent, as befits the largest, most destructive, most technologically advanced (and in many ways least successful) military on the planet. In our time, the U.S. military has been sent into numerous wars, failed to win a single one, and created plenty of blowback. But hey, who has to win a specific… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 26, 2013 at 11:09am — 2 Comments

Statism is turning America into Detroit – Ayn Rand's Starnesville come to life

You thought Atlas Shrugged was fiction?

Look at this description of Detroit from today’s Observer:

What isn’t dumped is stolen. Factories and homes have largely been stripped of anything of value, so thieves now target cars’ catalytic converters. Illiteracy runs at around 47%; half the adults in some areas are unemployed. In many neighbourhoods, the only sign of…


Added by Wolf on July 25, 2013 at 4:32pm — No Comments

8 Stark Realities of America's Dysfunctional New Economy Americans think they are to blame for their economic predicament, but the game is rigged against them.

There’s a new normal in the American economy for vast slices of society and it’s discouragingly tough, despite all the cheerleading from the White House and economists that the country is in a slow but steady recovery. If anything, the new American economy has undergone a structural shift where far too many jobs are not paying enough to cover basic living expenses and money worries are simmering and never-ending.

“It’s difficult to point fingers at people and say, 'You screwed up in… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 24, 2013 at 5:51pm — No Comments

10 Reasons the U.S. Economy Is Stuck And it will stay that way until average Americans take home a fairer share.

More than five years after the great recession hit, the US economy is still sputtering. The government revised GDP growth figures down last month to a meager 1.8% for the first quarter of this year. It doesn't take a PhD in economics to understand why: we have a demand problem. And we have a demand problem because the vast majority of consumers – aka workers – are not earning enough to pay for healthcare, education and retirement, let alone all the other stuff stores and service providers have… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 24, 2013 at 5:44pm — No Comments

40 Stats That Prove The U.S. Economy Has Already Been Collapsing Over The Past Decade

The “coming economic collapse” has already been happening. You see, the truth is that the economic collapse is not a single event.

It has already started, it is happening right now, and it will accelerate during the years ahead. The statistics in this article show very clearly that the U.S. economy has fallen dramatically over the past ten years or so.

Unfortunately, there are lots of mockers out there that love to mock the idea of an economic collapse even though one is… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 17, 2013 at 10:27pm — 2 Comments

Global Hero and US Justice Dept. Fugitive Snowden has Accepted Russian Asylum Offer

Fri, 07/12/2013 - 10:57


Added by Wolf on July 13, 2013 at 2:06pm — No Comments

Are Corporations Trying to Distract Us with Social Issues While They Take Control of Our Economy?

July 4, 2013

I was having breakfast with a friend in North Carolina the day after that state voted against gay marriage, and after Barack Obama said on television that he now supported it. My friend knew I had supported the cause for a long time, so he asked me what I thought of Obama’s comments. I said "I think he’ll be tacking to the right economically once he’s re-elected."

I was right, but not because I have any special predictive gifts. History had provided the… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 13, 2013 at 10:38am — 3 Comments

High Speed Rail, Infrastructure and Job Creation

In our present world of religiously held economic beliefs, agnosticism might be prudent. On the one side, advocates just want to cut taxes and reduce spending; on the other we have seen a stimulus package of dole-outs and “shovel-ready” projects that has done little to move the unemployment rate. It remains stubbornly high.

In the meantime, the Fed has been busy pumping money at a rate that has the dollar hitting new lows in the currency markets and gold reaching new highs until very… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 10, 2013 at 8:44pm — 5 Comments

An Open Letter to President Obama from Gasland Director - Josh Fox

Obama's administration has met with industry officials numerous times, now Fox is calling for the president to meet with families directly impacted by oil and gas fracking.…


Added by Wolf on July 10, 2013 at 9:28am — 4 Comments

Would the USA spy on its own people ? Read the Book 1984 by James Orwell .

This is a new video I have done on Eric Snowden .We are talking about the liberty that are being taken away from the American people. As a whole we love the USA but we thing the USA people need to wake up..Please look at my video on youtube and send it to a friend . I would love for you to give me feedback .I an from the USA, Chicago,IL . I do a TV show that comes on CAN TV…


Added by Clifton Bradley on July 7, 2013 at 1:42pm — 1 Comment

Edward Snowden exposes Washington’s war on the world by Justin Raimondo


Whenever anyone challenges yet another power grab by government bureaucrats to spy, harass, and otherwise push their noses where it doesn’t belong, the post-9/11 "explanation" is always the same: It’s all the fault of the terrorists, because, don’tcha know, we’ve got to keep our Eye on them all the time. So shut up, whiner, it’s for your own good!

The …


Added by Wolf on July 3, 2013 at 12:08am — No Comments

Here we go: Edward Snowden threatens new U.S. leaks, applies for Russian asylum

Andrew Osborn and Alexei Anishchuk


Mon, 01 Jul 2013 17:37 CDT

© Reuters

Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden broke his silence on Monday for the first time since fleeing to Moscow to say he remains free to make new disclosures about U.S. spying activity.

In a letter to Ecuador seen by Reuters, Snowden said the United States was illegally persecuting him for revealing its electronic surveillance program, PRISM, but made it clear he did not… Continue

Added by Wolf on July 1, 2013 at 10:55pm — No Comments

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American Financing:N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, N M L S consumer access dot org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.799% for well qualified borrowers. Visit https://...
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