That's right! I'm joining the NWO as a part-time employee guaranteed a minimum of $13 an hour here in my home state of Minnesota. It's easy and you too can learn to hold this lucrative position. It doesn't require brains or brawn so even stupid people and wimps can participate. Sometimes I'm both.

It doesn't require a high school diploma, a college degree or an advanced educational experience. In fact, you don't even have to know how to read and write but it does help. If you can lift a number 2 pencil and make a scratch, you're government material suited specifically for this job.

Yup, you guessed it, or maybe you didn't. I'm applying to be a part-time Census worker in Minnesota. Don't shoot me if I knock on your door. I'll be the guy with long hair and the long beard.

This is not me but a facsimile of me in several weeks without a haircut of course. I won't cut my hair or shave. I'd rather die. Sorta like gun owners with their guns. Did I mention, please don't shoot me if I knock on your door?

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Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 8:47pm
TheLasersShadow, I can handle that job!
Comment by TheLasersShadow on December 3, 2009 at 8:30pm
HAHA bad year to be a census worker, I won't shoot you just don't ask me more than one question... the only question your allowed to ask officially, how many people live at this address?

$13 an hour isn't bad
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 6:09pm
Yeah, that thought has crossed my mind. Their calling that a suicide. That's interesting. Either way, I'll do the best I can to survive the experience.

I really want to play that new Playstation, heavily, for DAYS.
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 1:36pm
Well Patriot Horse, the real truth is that I want one of those new Playstations and can't see spending any of our savings on it. I want about 10 games too. So, the Census is a means to an end. I hope not to get shot. Bullet holes wreak havoc on my system and the leaks are difficult to stop.
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 1:29pm
I'm uncertain what your actual job was. It certainly wasn't the job I will be applying for and will, hopefully, be accepted for.

A Census Enumerator does nothing of the sort regarding what you've described below.

A Census Enumerator takes the Census. The questions regard household size and make-up, which has nothing to do with what you've posted.

Census Enumerator results are used to apportion the voting districts and federal funding.

Americans are very typically uneducated retards willing to accept a minimal amount of information with which they then develop vast opinions. That's foolish. I am hopeful that 12.160 members are more thorough in their examinations of fact vs fiction.

A thorough investigation is required to establish a worthwhile opinion. I suggest you examine more closely what the part-time temporary Census Enumerator position for the 2010 Census actually entails because what you've described is not it.

What you've described is the stuff of fiction and I hardly believe for a moment that you did anything even closely resembling what you describe below for a 6 month period.

Let's see, you investigated and reported on Fluoridation results?
You investigated and reported on Chemtrails?
You investigated and reported on individual peoples buying habits regarding Pharmaceuticals?
You investigated and reported on whether people are waking up and whether they blame the government?
You investigated and reported whether they're 'buying it.'

Fascinating stuff my friend. I suggest you post an article describing in great detail specifically what you were required to do.

What specific questions you asked.

What specific answers you were given.

Who specifically you reported to.

Start right here on this post. Enlighten us all. We're on your side, fighting the same evil. Help us out. Be specific. State facts. Provide evidence.
Comment by luggnutz on December 3, 2009 at 1:09pm
The job of a census worker is to report back to the eugenics dept. of Government how well the various silent slow kill weapons and eugenic methods are working....or basically, is it working? Is the flouridation and poisoning keeping them quite while slowly breaking down their immune systems? Is the food nutrient depletion and skewed scientific reports stearing folks away from natural foods and on to processed `What can I afford?` fillers working out good? Are those chemtrails spreading cancer like candy and all the breathing sicknesses and are folks buying what big pharma pushes the doctors trained at luciferian institutes to push on us? And the biggy. ARE THEY BUYING IT??? ARE THE SLEEPING? ARE THEY WAKING UP?? WHAT IS WAKING THEM UP? WHAT ARE THE TALKING ABOUT BEING PREPARED TO DO?? DO THEY BLAME THE GOVERNMENT AND THEIR POLICIES?

I just did 6 months up here, so I spotted, learned, and know the agenda....from BOTH sides. If I had to do it again, it would only be to spot it again. Then I`d still get discusted and make them not renew the contract. I`m not interested in taking the public`s temperature and leading the secret police to exactly who was not happy with all of this. I did spend 6 months truthing and waking some folks up. Making lemonade out of a lemon.

Don`t know what to say Jeff. I was getting $1500 every 2 weeks, got to make my own schedule, drive around, and basically be my own boss. Met lots of nice interesting folks too. I chose not to anymore and gave it up based on how I came to find I was earning it. I`ll live on nothing and keep my soul. To each their own. It all works out HIS will in the end, regardless of OUR choices.

You`ll witness the truest definition of compartmentilization in practice and policy.
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 11:49am
Besides, I don't need no stinkin benefits. The state pays for both my food and medical care and by the way, the state of Minnesota, where I live, has the best medical care in the country!!!
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 11:48am
I wouldn't be very good at that Freedom420 aka brokensheep, I'd let everyone go free. It's part of my nature to allow total and complete freedom for all.
Comment by Jeff on December 3, 2009 at 1:55am
Cool, I've always been 16 at heart.
Comment by Tara on December 3, 2009 at 1:41am
LMAO.....I'm sensing a little sarcasm right now or.... maybe Jeff just went from 60 to 16 in a New York minute! Whatever the case, I got my laugh on today!

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