Yesterday, I looked at Google Earth to see what it was showing at the F.E.M.A Coffin sites.

The last time that I looked at them was after my brother saw the Conspiracy Theory T.V show and asked me what I could tell him more about F.E.M.A, I found out that the Coffin Site (Lat 41°31'8.76"N Lon 86°41'22.50"W) that’s located about a mile West from there underground bunkers (facility) that’s the Old Kingsbury Bunkers (41°30'20.58"N 86°36'34.79"W) that they were Whited Out. But, the ones that were located in Ga (33°33'57.36"N 83°29'6.26"W) could still be seen.

Now, the Kingsbury Site was still Whited Out but the ones in Ga were gone. You can still see the imprint of the stacks that were there.

Where did they go?

Here is an old site that can show you a little about it.

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Comment by theresa musselwhite on December 31, 2011 at 10:48am

my name is musselwhite, mark and i took the original pictures and posted them on ATS - the rest is history - on or about may 1, 2011 i traveled to madison, georgia to have a look - the road was block right before the railroad tracks but we were able to see there were no more coffins - i emailed mr. lacy of vantage products and this is what he had to say: 

We have removed all of the Burial Vaults from Madison and are in the
process of cleaning up the property.  Our lease will end in April 2011.


date:     Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM
subject:     Re: madison georgia storage facility

The owner has plans to use the property for storage of his products.

then on may 3rd i emailed him again to ask where they were delivered to:

date:     Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:37 AM
subject:     Re: Vantage products

"We have moved some of the Burial Vaults from the Madison Location to the Covington Facility.
The majority of the Burial Vaults stored for the pre-need program in Madison were used
to fulfill contracts which go at need.  In other words someone who had made their final arrangements
in advance has now died and we used the stored product in Madison to provide them with the
products that was ordered.  I am sure that you noticed that the products in Madison have been
diminishing in quantity for several years now, as all products are shipped from our Covington
location we would bring the Burial Vaults back to our facility and clean them prior to shipping
to the required locations.


btw, pigs in the parlor used to be a good site - i know the lady who hosts the site - i haven't been back there for several years now - but she's a good lady -

Comment by guest_blog on December 14, 2011 at 9:01pm


Comment by SEAMAN on December 14, 2011 at 8:15pm

The only thing that I thought was malicious about the site ( ) was some of the Christian stuff but, if you don’t agree with the worshiping a prophet like he was God himself then so be it. I don’t worship in a prophets name and I still found the information useful.

The truth is usually buried in lies and you must find the good & reject the bad based on your own personal experience.

Sorry about your prison experience. I did a 5 year bit myself but I didn’t get bicthed out though. I learned there rules and fought them on their terms to the point that they transferred me into a level 3 facility that was meant to hold inmates 21 years old and up (Jackson) at the time and I was only 19.

It was a laid back place as long as you minded your own and don’t portray yourself as easy prey.  After that they gave me a 12 month flopped, 2 months from my Maxing Out  Date they put me in a halfway house, then a week from my release they hit me with an escape. I was threatened with being

The false Prison Propaganda doesn’t work on me the only people who get turned out in the joint are those that want to be. I main census of Prison as the few years went by was that if anything it was mostly being populated with more snitches and bitchies now of day as if the generation was programmed.

I’m sorry you can’t secure your stuff. An old version of Windows (so that you’ll manually change your address), VM, and a couple of other programs and you can secure yourself.

I’m Done!

Comment by Exposure on December 14, 2011 at 4:59pm

I'm secured as anyone of us can ever expect to be, - which is you're never secure in a world that is run by members of secret societies whom in turn are members of our governments and their related bodies.  I have served over 4 years in various prisons, been beaten to a pulp by our Masonic Master's - foot soldiers, so know what it's like for your door to be smashed of it's hinges, with guns to my temple, and with boots and punches raining down on me, and not just once my friend, but on several occasions, - and the reason I write what I write, and do what I do.  In regards to the malicious link, - well, before I submit anything, - I at least like to see and read it myself first, - as what you are highlighting is indeed a very sensative topic, - and TPTB don't like the issue being scrutinised as such as it is, - many once 'safe' links are made malicious to prevent this kind of info getting out, - it's quite common on many a link, including photograph links, - that for instance, take the 2012 Olympics, - posts related to exposing the Zionist connection, many have been turned into malicious links, whereas before they were safe.   That's why I check all my links and provide sourced links - before I decide to post it to a wider audience.    Not sure why you feel the need to contact Admin, as surely you can see for yourself what the link is?  Respects... 

Comment by SEAMAN on December 14, 2011 at 9:16am

I'm sending out a malicious like?, The link is malicious?

I know that this blog was featured so you'd think that the Admin would of sent me something instead of featuring me (if putting that link in it was worng)!

I was just trying to let the people who had'nt seen the Earth Images before they covered & moved them. That was just the first site that I found while writting.

I was just trying to see if some one knew something about the missing coffins!


If the site is malicious I'm sorry!

 I did not know my computer is totaly secure (It has to be with some of the stuff that is done with it), and if you'er on this site than you need to be secured otherwise I suspect that you'll be hearing a knock on your door from your Masonic Masters to giude you to their secured camp; if your not secured now how are you going to be when they come.


If there is somthing wrong with my post then I'll let an Admin who most likly knows more about what's malicious and what's not.

Thank You for your Comment. If you need help to getting freed from the masonic trap that you got caught in, you came to the right site.

Get Secured! 

Comment by Exposure on December 14, 2011 at 1:21am

The link you give above is sending out a malicious link...

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