American Medical Association Journal: Make Participation In Vaccine Trials Mandatory

Population should be forced to take experimental shots “for the greater good”

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An article published by the American Medical Association’s Virtual Mentorjournal advocates making participation in vaccine trials mandatory, arguing that people should be forced to take experimental shots in a similar vein to how jury service is compulsory.

The article, written by Oxford University’s Susanne Sheehy and Joel Meyer, is entitled Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?

Concerned about the “distressing decline in the numbers of healthy volunteers who participate in clinical trials,” the piece argues that “Compulsory involvement in vaccine studies” should be considered for the “greater good of society.”

“Many societies already mandate that citizens undertake activities for the good of society; in several European countries registration for organ-donation has switched from “opt-in” (the current U.S. system) to “opt-out” systems (in which those who do not specifically register as nondonors are presumed to consent to donation) [10], and most societies expect citizens to undertake jury service when called upon. In these examples, the risks or inconvenience to an individual are usually limited and minor. Mandatory involvement in vaccine trials is therefore perhaps more akin to military conscription, a policy operating today in 66 countries. In both conscription and obligatory trial participation, individuals have little or no choice regarding involvement and face inherent risks over which they have no control, all for the greater good of society.”

Using the example of military conscription – the draft – to justify the idea of compulsory participation in vaccine trials, illustrates how the whole idea is completely rooted in authoritarian tendencies. The draft has its historical origins in slavery and has largely been abolished by developed nations.

And if you thought the use of the term “for the greater good of society” wasn’t downright creepy enough, the authors later propose tackling society’s reluctance to accept compulsory recruitment to vaccine trials by virtually advocating the arrival of a more deadly disease than swine flu in order to ensure “compulsory recruitment becomes a more palatable option.”

“Consider an infectious disease with a high transmission and mortality rate for which vaccine development were possible but limited by a shortage of volunteers willing to participate in clinical trials. Would mandatory participation in clinical trials then be an acceptable policy?” ask the authors, ruminating on how an “Increase (in) the severity of the disease in question,” would increase the likelihood of society accepting mandatory vaccine trials.

The authors conclude by bemoaning ethical considerations that would present a roadblock to the effort to force people to take experimental vaccines, proposing instead that a system of “mandated choice” be introduced to coerce people into agreeing to be given the shots.

Mandating that people take experimental vaccines is of course completely abhorrent, it violates the fundamental human right not to be forcibly medicated, and harks back to the dark days of eugenics, mandatory sterilizations, and episodes like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.

The very reason why less people are willing to volunteer for vaccine trials is the fact that vaccines, whether approved or experimental, have been responsible for deaths and injuries worldwide in increasing numbers. The United States, which administers the highest number of vaccines to babies, has the highest infant mortality rate out of all developed nations, a connection that is no coincidenceaccording to a recent medical study published in a prestigious medical journal.

Indeed, earlier this month GlaxoSmithKline was fined$93,000 dollars for its role in an experimental vaccine program in Argentina that killed 14 babies between 2007 and 2008.

For this authoritarian premise to even be considered in the AMA’s ‘Journal of Ethics’ is shocking, but the increasing move towards making vaccines mandatory is a wider phenomenon.

Last year, California passed a law that allows children to be given the Gardasil shot, which has been linked with thousands of adverse reactions and dozens of deaths, without parental consent.

Parents who try to remove their children from the ever-expanding list of “required” vaccine programs for school-age kids are being targeted by law enforcement. When Rachel Garmon told her doctor that she had taken the decision not to vaccinate her healthy 2 and a half year old son, she was subsequently visitedby a Pennsylvania State Trooper who was tasked with investigating her “suspicious behavior,” despite the fact that Pennsylvania is one of the many states that allows vaccination exemptions on both religious and medical grounds.

The AMA article represents a shocking insight into the control freak tendencies of some of today’s most influential medical minds. Forcing people to take part in experimental vaccine trials that pose a serious risk to their health is totally contemptible and has no place in a free society.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.


Virtual Mentor. January 2012, Volume 14, Number 1: 35-38.

Policy Forum

Should Participation in Vaccine Clinical Trials be Mandated?

Susanne Sheehy, BM BCh, MRCP, DTM&H, and Joel Meyer, BM BCh, MRCP

Few would argue with Bill Gates when he describes vaccination as “the most effective and cost effective health tool ever invented” [1]. To date vaccination has saved many lives and has the potential to save millions more, especially if vaccines are developed against the “big three”: malaria, HIV, and TB [2-5]. Vaccine development, however, comes at a price that is not only financial but societal. The lack of animal models that can reliably predict vaccine efficacy means that development still unavoidably relies on testing of novel vaccines in healthy individuals. Given the often unquantifiable risks to the recipients of vaccines in early stages of development, clinical trials have traditionally relied on informed and consenting volunteers who appreciate the potential risks but still choose to participate for altruistic reasons [6, 7]. But relying on altruism alone to facilitate clinical trials is potentially unsustainable and ethically contentious.

In recent decades there has been a distressing decline in the numbers of healthy volunteers who participate in clinical trials [7], a decline that has the potential to become a key rate-limiting factor in vaccine development. Reasons for this decline are unclear but are likely to be multifaceted. One familiar problem is the payment of volunteers [8]. To date, the relatively meagre compensation that participants often receive could be seen to belittle and undervalue the contribution of these individuals to global health. The modest financial remuneration commonly provided often means that students and the unemployed make up the bulk of volunteers [6, 8, 9]. As a result, the risks of developing a health intervention that would benefit the whole population are carried disproportionately by some of society’s most poor and vulnerable. This is a situation few would judge to be fair or ethical. However it is hard to increase volunteer payment without creating financial incentives. “Danger money” is frowned upon as an inducement that inevitably clouds an individual’s appreciation of risk, limiting the likelihood that consent is informed [6, 7]. As a result, consensus has generally dictated that payment for volunteers’ trial involvement be modest and limited to compensation for travel, time, and inconvenience only.

If progression of promising vaccines from the lab to the clinic is to remain unaffected and financial inducement is an ethically unacceptable solution to the recruitment shortage, other strategies need to be considered. Compulsory involvement in vaccine studies is one alternative solution that is not as outlandish as it might seem on first consideration. Many societies already mandate that citizens undertake activities for the good of society; in several European countries registration for organ-donation has switched from “opt-in” (the current U.S. system) to “opt-out” systems (in which those who do not specifically register as nondonors are presumed to consent to donation) [10], and most societies expect citizens to undertake jury service when called upon. In these examples, the risks or inconvenience to an individual are usually limited and minor. Mandatory involvement in vaccine trials is therefore perhaps more akin to military conscription, a policy operating today in 66 countries. In both conscription and obligatory trial participation, individuals have little or no choice regarding involvement and face inherent risks over which they have no control, all for the greater good of society.

As ever, then, the debate boils down to a consideration of the “greater good” or the “lesser evil.” A key consideration is the risk benefit ratio—risk to the individual volunteer balanced against the benefit to society. Society is unlikely to accept compulsory recruitment to a trial for a vaccine against the common cold if the vaccine causes severe complications in vaccinees. Increase the severity of the disease in question, however, and compulsory recruitment becomes a more palatable option.

In 2009, initial speculation regarding the H1N1 “swine flu” pandemic set mortality estimates high. In Mexico where the outbreak started, authorities closed public and private facilities [11], putting the interests of society above those of the individual. Although millions of people were infected worldwide, mortality rates were quickly revised downwards [12], and a successful vaccine mass-produced [13]. But consider if this had not been the case. Consider an infectious disease with a high transmission and mortality rate for which vaccine development were possible but limited by a shortage of volunteers willing to participate in clinical trials. Would mandatory participation in clinical trials then be an acceptable policy?

The fundamental principles of medical ethics—beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for autonomy, and justice—are, as always, conflicted on this issue. Given the inherent risks and common lack of efficacy in many candidate vaccines in development, the principles of nonmaleficence and beneficence would argue against the involvement of subjects in most clinical trials. Justice would reason for the fair treatment of all, supporting mandatory enrollment to help ensure that the risks of developing an intervention that could benefit all are equally borne by all.

Respect for autonomy, on the other hand, would recognize and maintain the right of individuals to self-determination and their corresponding right to refuse a medical intervention. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds the rights, dignity, and freedom of individuals and the need to protect people from “arbitrary interference” [14]—principles that would inevitably be compromised by mandatory enrollment in vaccine trials. Health services depend absolutely on the public’s confidence and trust—compromising on respect for autonomy would undermine this fundamental premise and launch us on a precarious slippery slope that may be difficult to climb back up.

A more palatable and realistic option is a policy of “mandated choice.” In this case individuals would be required by law to state in advance their willingness to participate in vaccine trials [15]. The advantage of this system is that it could identify a large cohort of willing volunteers from which participants could be recruited rapidly without jeopardizing individual autonomy. It would encourage an open, noncoercive philosophy for tackling societal challenges without compromising individual freedom or public trust in the health care system.

But perhaps most importantly, as a society we need to evaluate our perception of vaccination. Any successful vaccine program by its very nature takes a once-feared illness out of the public eye. This means that the benefits of immunization become forgotten while side effects in small numbers of individuals fill the headlines. It is all too easy for sensationalist and unfounded stories such as that claiming a link between the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and autism [16] to instead take root in society’s collective psyche. Ultimately such a crucial public health intervention as vaccine development may become devalued—and only revalued once a drop in vaccination rates leads to resurgence of severe disease.

Perhaps lessons can also be learned from organ donation, where apathy and ignorance may be as much to blame for low donation rates as conscientious objection. If a concerted effort were made to increase public awareness of the success of vaccination, the potential of novel vaccines to improve global health drastically, and the important contribution that individuals can make by volunteering for studies, perhaps mandatory enrollment would not even need to be considered.


  1. Gates B. Annual letter from Bill Gates. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; 2001: 9. Accessed December 15, 2011.
  2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis control - epidemiology, strategy, financing; 2009. Accessed December 15, 2011.
  3. World Health Organization. World malaria report; 2009. Accessed December 15, 2011.
  4. Francis DP. Successes and failures: worldwide vaccine development and application. Biologicals. 2010;38(5):523-528.
  5. UNAIDS. Global report: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic; 2010. Accessed December 15, 2011.
  6. Grady C. Payment of clinical research subjects. J Clin Invest. 2005;115(7):1681-1687.
  7. Permuth-Wey J, Borenstein AR. Financial remuneration for clinical and behavioral research participation: ethical and practical considerations. Ann Epidemiol. 2009;19(4):280-285.
  8. Stones M, McMillan J. Payment for participation in research: a pursuit for the poor? J Med Ethics. 2010;36(1):34-36.
  9. Elliott C, Abadie R. Exploiting a research underclass in phase 1 clinical trials. N Engl J Med. 2008;358(22):2316-2317.
  10. Saunders B. Opt-out organ donation without presumptions. J Med Ethics. 2011. [Epub ahead of print]
  11. Del Rio C, Hernandez-Avila M. Lessons from previous influenza pandemics and from the Mexican response to the current influenza pandemic. Arch Med Res. 2009;40(8):677-680.
  12. Nishiura H. The virulence of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009: an epidemiological perspective on the case-fatality ratio. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2010;4(3):329-338.
  13. Girard MP, Tam JS, Assossou OM, Kieny MP. The 2009 A (H1N1) influenza virus pandemic: a review. Vaccine. 2010;28(31):4895-4902.
  14. United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Accessed December 15, 2011.
  15. Herz SE. Two steps to three choices: a new approach to mandated choice. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 1999;8(3):340-347.
  16. Godlee F, Smith J, Marcovitch H. Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent. BMJ. 2011;342:c7452. Accessed December 15, 2011.

Susanne Sheehy, BM BCh, MRCP, DTM&H,is a clinical research fellow in malaria vaccinology at the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute in Oxford, England, and a specialist trainee in clinical infectious diseases and microbiology.

Joel Meyer, BM BCh, MRCP,is a specialist registrar in intensive care medicine and a clinical research fellow in tuberculosis vaccinology at the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute in Oxford, England.

Is Mandatory Vaccination Legal in Time of Epidemic?April 2006

Should Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Be Mandatory?December 2007

The viewpoints expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.

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Comment by Charles Magus on February 25, 2012 at 4:57am

All parasitic elite should be forced these vaccinations, not the real human beings! The elite should be forced to eat GMOs too and have their balls removed to stop the psychpathic gene from spreading!  The psychpathic elite should also be forced to share all of their wealth with the people who have very little, that also must be compulsory!  And if they don't,  Shot them!

Comment by TommyD on January 28, 2012 at 8:57pm

fight mandatory needle injections with hot lead traveling at high velocities

Comment by DTOM on January 28, 2012 at 8:44pm

AMA Paper Proposes Law Forcing People into Experimental Vaccine Trials

Mike Barrett
January 27, 2012

vaccinedrip 210x131 AMA Paper Proposes Law Forcing People into Experimental Vaccine Trials

How would you react if I were to tell you that you or your child were forced to participate in experimental vaccine trials? A paper published by the American Medical Association’s Virtual Mentor wants to do just that. It seems that the amount of current participants in current experimental vaccine trials is a bit too low, so why not create a federal law forcing each person to need to “opt-out” of experimental vaccine trials in an attempt to better society?

AMA Proposes Law ‘Forcing’ Individuals to Participate in Experimental Vaccine Trials

The proposed law is lunacy to say that least, stating that individuals must make a “mandated choice” to participate in such experimental trials. People shouldn’t be automatically enrolled in experimental trials or need to state in advance their decision to “opt-out”. Along with the law will come a customer list for big pharma, where each participant’s information will be shared with the pharmaceutical companies in order to gather trial and field test data. Of course this isn’t so different from how things operate now, where individuals are enrolled into big pharma’s database even if you exempt your child from vaccination. But if big pharma can’t produce enough positive data from those who actually want to volunteer for introducing a new product to the FDA for approval, they may just try to force people to participate or use a segment of the population that is ignorant to the laws surrounding the trials.

What happens if these experimental vaccines cause harm? There are laws already set in place that essentially give vaccine manufacturers immunity to legal repercussions. That is to say that if your child is harmed from a vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers are not financially or morally responsible. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 protects vaccine manufacturers from any liability.

Another example of similar medical and political tyranny is when a document was signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, where both vaccine makers and federal officials were granted complete legal immunity from any repercussions — regardless of whether or not the case is valid. Signed in July of 2009 by Sebelius, the document drew upon the provisions of a law signe

Comment by Christopher on January 20, 2012 at 10:34am

Should Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Be Mandatory?

Well, am sure that BIG PHARMA and friend$, as in the Texas Legislature, would say YE$! - or vote; over and over and, over again - just to see that (their) idea come to fruition.

"There is so much going on during the vote on the HPV Vaccine mandate, you really have to pay attention"  -

Comment by DTOM on January 20, 2012 at 5:04am
Comment by Tara on January 20, 2012 at 12:28am

One question.... will it be mandatory also for those trying to impose this mandatory vaccine nonsense on the public? Why don't they bend over and take it for the team? Why must they use us as guinea pigs? If this is so important and it is "for the greater good of society", shouldn't they be the first in line to check it's safeness, if it's "for the greater good?" We all know the answer to this. They'd rather use the rest of the population as guinea pigs. What heartless maggots they are.


Comment by apeman2502 on January 20, 2012 at 12:18am

  Not until we get somebody in the White House with brains, integrity, some sort of higher than average reading skills, and a 38 oz. Louisville Slugger he is not afraid to use, liberally on the snakes crawling in and out of the White HOUSE THESE DAYS could I, with reservations, recommend vaccines from the government. THE PROBLEM IS, too many soft and manageable ignorant nonthreatening fools have been elected into positions of power. The bad guys can inoculate the U.S . nation wide and 'an antidote' would be necessary to survive. This is what happens when your leaders mewl and prance for you to make you believe everything is under control. The only thing under control until you find a specific charge and imprison them until trial is YOU.

When you vote for someone that seems soft and manageable, the criminal cabal had noticed them already and put them there for you to vote for. The voters will sit on their asses and wish. The criminals will teach him who is boss because he can not stand up for himself in front of possible danger. Like those pieces of human dreck who voted to trash the Bill of Rights

Comment by Wendy Martin on January 19, 2012 at 6:33pm


Comment by Vida Smith Compton on January 19, 2012 at 6:20pm
No, not unless the government mandatory trials are paid for by the drug companies and any more harm or medical treatment is handled by the drug companies! They make enough damned money ,enough to pay lobbyist to wine and dine and donate to campaigns!
Comment by TommyD on January 19, 2012 at 3:37pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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