Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers

US Will Have To Rebut Or Accept Statement As Truth

By: Ron Baitley-Simens
 on 5th March 2014 @ 7.15pm

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A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers as it would have been physically impossible.


John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, has given his expert evidence that it would have been physically impossible for Boeing 767s, like Flights AA11 and UA175 to have hit the Twin Towers on 9/11, particularly when flown by inexperienced pilots:


‘No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors’, he stated in the affidavit.


‘Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons: in the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun 'telescoping' when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center.


‘The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground.


‘The engines when impacting the steel columns would havemaintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building.


‘No Boeing 767 could attain a speed of 540 mph at 1000 feet above sea level ‘parasite drag doubles with velocity’ and ‘parasite power’ cubes with velocity.


  • The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept the volume of dense air at that altitude and speed.
  • The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window cutouts is inconsistent with an airplane that hit 14 inch steel box columns, placed at over 500 mph.  It would have crumpled.
  • No significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine could have penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of it falling to the ground.


‘The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.


The affidavit, dated 28th January 2014 is part of a law suit being pursued by Morgan Reynolds in the United States District Court, Southern District, New York.


In March 2007, Reynolds, a former chief economist under the George W Bush administration filed a Request For Correction with the US National Institute of Science and Technology citing his belief that real commercial jets (Boeings) did not hit the WTC towers.


Although the 9/11 Truth movement initially rejected the ‘no-planes’ theory as too outlandish, after scientific and rational analysis, it has become a widely accepted explanation of the evidence collected.


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Unlike any other form of statement, an affidavit becomes truth in law, if it is not rebutted.  It will now be up to critics of the theory to present their evidence and analysis to rebut the statement point by point.  If they do not – or cannot – then the US government will be obliged to admit that the account given by the 9/11 Commission is wrong.


The 65 year old retired airline captain and former CIA pilot – who has over 19,000 hours of flight time -- also drew attention to the inexperience of the pilots who allegedly flew the planes:


‘The alleged 'controlled' descent into New York on a relatively straight course by a novice pilot in unlikely in the extreme because of the difficulty of controlling heading, descent rate and descent speed within the parameters of 'controlled' flight.


‘It takes a highly skilled pilot to interpret the "EFIS" (Electronic Flight Instrument Display) display, with which none of the hijacker pilots would have been familiar or received training on, and use his controls, including the ailerons, rudder, elevators, spoilers and throttles to effect, control and maintain a descent.


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Comment by Spydaman13 on March 13, 2014 at 9:02pm

took me awhile for it to set in...

Comment by Spydaman13 on March 13, 2014 at 8:44pm

planes are pretty f'n loud

Comment by Spydaman13 on March 13, 2014 at 8:23pm

plenty of eye witnesses who did not see a plane, "no plane, only explosion!"

then there's the crisis actor, "Harley Dude", telling us what really happened.  I think he coined the term "Ground Zero":

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on March 13, 2014 at 9:07am

To Deep Space -  

Q's may have to include not 'who dunnit', but who were they aiming at?

Review the corporations atop WTC, etc.

take out 'political sides'.

consider possible culpable members.

Rummie was in the PentaCon when it wuz hit.

His credibility was trash prior to, he rushed to scene, took 'command', his cred went through roof.

Cheney was ex-CEO of Haliburton.  Haliburton got massive contracts post-Iraq in rebuilding Iraq.

Long term US military, and ideological, not completely dumb-ass christian idiots, major plan to unsettle entrenched 'monarchies, right across the Mid East, plus GW's dumb-ass complicit revenge for daddy not taking out Saddam in the ? 1980/90s.

But..,?  All-up, things everywhere were shitful.  

Wall Street was utterly insane, fucking every aspect of local and international trade, merely riding the tsunami of hi-tech internet revolution, 'inventing' trading and and and constitutional laws with every bathroom wank.

"we can do anything! their mantra.

Tough, astute, long serving, sharp as nails service personnel, from the ranks and command, not just in the US admin or PentaCon, were watching the world go to the shitter, led by fucking Wall Street, and allies in Switzerlandenenen, London, Rome, Tel Aviv, weapons, stocks, realty, hedge funds, you name it.

Saying, we might find the controllers of the remotes for the obviously non-standard pass planes [A! hum/ military-equipped at least], and answer some Q's.  But perhaps the hardest Q is getting behind every piece of shit propaganda and and AND - [me the guy Mel Gibson played IN 'Conspiracy Theory'] conspiracy and counter conspiracy and counter-counter conspiracy, and America has to face up to a possibility that 9/11 was justified!

PoS that Cheney was,is and forever after shall be.  PoS that Rummie might also be.

Pieces if shit every fucking where.  But some, some, PoS, might also have some clear, clearer unnerstanding of the general, overall condition of the species, the planet, the economic-politico BOOOLLSHSHSH-IT, the religious BOOOLLSHSHSH-IT, and the rude fact that we're OUTTA CONTROL BABY!

One response, justified as any, I say, is "Fuck it!  Let's go out with a BANG!"  

Maybe the corporate fucking psychos of Wall Street, atop the WTC, the F-C's of the admin, the PentaCon, like everywhere then, were of the same mind.

And some in places where they could go for it, and strike a blow, "who knows what the future holds" scenario, anywhere in the military or PentaCon, or in powerful outlaw gangs [YO! Sony  Where's me fuckin' motorbikes, asshole??? [lol] ], but KNEW the WTC was riddled with utter filth, as was the right wing admin then - but HEY?  'Whitehall'?  Tel Aviv? 

China was rising like a quadruple sun in the East, scaring the shit out of already paranoics.

Drugs, magic, fast bucks, more wealth possible in stocks, weapons, just in the fucking IMAGINATION!

So..., something had to be the 'game changer' the - can't recall the term - and all things considered - "what the fuck!" prevailed.

Think, if we can, where things, financial, etc, would have gone?

No.  Not millions of lives trashed across the Mid-East, still now.  And every other thing ramifying from 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

No excuses.  9/11 was a fuckin big fuck up, and shoona happened.

It may have accelerated the general demise of humanity?

Maybe? Maaaybe NOT?

But perhaps one thing, Americans, hit by it, have to ask, is not so much, "who dunnit?" but why?

Most of us, are passed the MSM 'bin Laden' culprit stuff.  Other players were/are right in there.

And...., while the shit still flies, booolllshit sticks and is still being layered on thick-as, while asshole elites have a slave wipe it off, the Mid-East, and every other STOMPED region gets bombed by drones, PROTEST grows, lawyers are getting back up, and while Chelsea and Julian and Ed and John [Kiriakou] are still incarcerated - the BIG planetary 'ship of state' is a slow turner - even as my nation falls off the cliff, politically, and elsewhere, after 13 years, more people - global - are a shitload more astute and awake to the BOOOOLLLLSHSHSHS-IT we've known, called 'politics'.

Me?  I dunnit!  That night, here, in Australia, I was the maddest I'd ever been against the fucking establishment.

I sent out a beam of anger so fucking huge - BOOM.  BOOM.  BOOM.

 "Crazy"?  ME?  Yeah......

Not "Who?"  "Why?"

End of Message

Commander Notorious


Comment by Garry Best on March 13, 2014 at 3:18am

Oh dear. Have we upset you. Shit Happens.

Comment by Garry Best on March 13, 2014 at 2:28am

@ Deep Space.

Thousands of witnesses saw the second (whatever) hit the building, not the first building. They saw  small commuter planes, large commercial planes, military planes, missiles. Get the idea. Nobody can say for sure what they (2) were. All the eye witnesses have varied opinions on what hit the buildings.

I do believe you won't get answers here. But if you take the time (like I have), watch videos, read books on the subject you might be able to come to an opinion. The answer is not here. Keep looking.

Comment by Garry Best on March 13, 2014 at 12:40am

Let's get something straight. Butter will not cut the knife. Where am I coming from? The fact is that an aluminium plane would not cut steel, even if it was going double the speed. Speed? A 767 can not fly at the speed they say at near to sea level (700 - 800 feet). The speed would be 300mph, if that. That's why the plane senario is absolutely bullshit. Missile x2!!!. And the collapse  (controlled, nuclear, thermite { see ya later}). Check out the vid September Clues. Available on uTorrent. And have a read of Dimitri Khalezov, also on vid (on uTorrent) and his book. All might fall into place. Like there own footprint in less than 10 seconds. I don't actually wear a ton-foil hat. I witnessed (via NZ TV) the second plane hit the building. My first impression, this cannot be true. An aluminium-built plane can not penetrate a steel building. In one side and out the other. Absolute bullshite. All CGI. And while I'm here, what about the 17 second delay in the (so called) Live footage. As we say in NZ -- Yeah Rite.

Comment by Spydaman13 on March 12, 2014 at 9:42pm

notice the yellow explosion at the nose....no fuel there!  That's to set the timing of the CGI plane to the planted explosives.

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Comment by Spydaman13 on March 12, 2014 at 9:03pm

nose out... the nose in fits flush to the nose out... the nose is made of plastic and gets demolished in the real world when only hitting a bird...

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This is a result of the helicopter camera drifting a bit, therefore the background shot for the video composite moves the masked layer, allowing the CGI plane to show where it wasn't suppose to.

Comment by Garry Best on March 10, 2014 at 2:39am

The Government of the United States of America, 5 or 6 Dancing Israelis and the Jewish controlled alphabet soup, commonly known as the MSM. Can I take my tin foil hat of now. Thanks.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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