liars & thieves that is what the world has been dealing with, I have argued for years with fkn idiots who actually believe the hoax of fossil fuel, it is a natural occurring substance that NO ONE makes they only steal this NATURAL resource manipulate it with heat and sell it back to us for our daily comforts and necessary  survival like heat in the winter look how these fkn demons are treating the people of europe  10,000 $ electric bills destroying the rest of the continent that the scamdemic and invasion of antiwhite primitive foreign beggers living better than the native population ,all I know is white folks better stand their lazy asses up  and show some fkn pride in who and what they areand who theycame from, nobody has ever done a damn thing for the white men cause we have always done it ourselves. They have come right out and said kill YT


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Comment by steve on September 28, 2022 at 8:35pm

ralfy, in the information age there is no excuse for your blatant ignorance thats BILLION OF NET PROFIT for the greedy bastards is not enough. Go get you one of them ev coal powered rascals would be my advice. How can something that makes itself be to expensive to steal from the tap you make no sense as we also sell gobs of oil gas and coal to every 3rd world shithole on earth but green energyis pushed on me and mine when it is an absolute SUBSIDIZED FKN FAILURE from windmills to ethanol to exploding electric cars ,buses ,cell phones you name it its all high tech JUNK.When I was a child the lie was "peak oil" then the russians then global cooling then the SKY IS FALLING. tHESE NATURAL RESOURCES BELONG TO US ALL BUT WERE STOLEN BY A HANDFULL OF THIEVES who are now trying to enslave that part of humans not being outright murdered with the jabby jab.


Exxon annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2010 to 2022. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for.
Exxon net income for the quarter ending June 30, 2022 was $17.850B, a 280.6% increase year-over-year.
Exxon net income for the twelve months ending June 30, 2022 was $38.950B, a 392.2% decline year-over-year.
Exxon annual net income for 2021 was $23.04B, a 202.67% decline from 2020.
Exxon annual net income for 2020 was $-22.44B, a 256.49% decline from 2019.
Exxon annual net income for 2019 was $14.34B, a 31.19% decline from 2018.

Comment by ralfy on September 28, 2022 at 7:34pm

The catch is energy return. There's around four hundred years' worth of oil underground but it's too expensive to access most of it because it's too deep.

Comment by Parrhesia on September 11, 2022 at 1:31pm

How was Rockefeller gonna get the big bucks if everyone knew it was unlimited?  

Conventional wisdom had it for a long time that oil and gas was formed from the remains of plants and animals buried millions of years ago. Now we know that oil and gas can be formed abiotically through subterranean heat and pressure, and that the Earth contains a virtually endless supply – oil is the new ‘renewable’ energy.

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