Past the Point of no Return - the NWO has Won, We are all DOOMED! (Original Article)

The Four Horsemen, Doom, the Doomed, and All Things Doomy.

WWIII looms just upon the horizon, the grim specter of war beckoning the foolish and unwary with a death's head permanent grin. Hawks revel in the updraft of hot air released from the pontificating flatulence that passes for political discourse in the nation's capital. Bang the gong softly and bang the gong slowly my son. The tempo will build and the sounds grow thunderous until few remember when the drum was silent and that the world could indeed exist without such counterpoint to the song of life. "It was ever thus", they shall say.

Of pestilence there is plenty. Chemtrails descend upon us from on high like a plague of locusts. Cancers, tumors, heart disease and autistic spectrum disorders assail us from the four corners of the food chain and the pharmeceutical vampires we have willingly invited into our homes. Relax though, because DU has a half-life even if tumors and death do not. Your great great great great great great great grandchildren will do okay as long as you don't make us bomb you again in the next 30,000 years.

Hunger has been with us so long he's practically a member of the family, like a rich but niggardly uncle that refuses to share his good fortune. Sure there's food enough for all several times over but that's not really the point is it? The problem with the hungry is that they are poor so where lies the profit in feeding them. After all it costs money (fake markers in an abstract game whose rules change at the whim of the most successful players) to grow and transport food even when markets aren't being rigged towards artificial scarcity in order to maximize profits.

Last but not least is ever present death. The eternal equalizer. If life is a game then death is the consolation prize EVERYONE gets in the end, win or loose, even the non-contestant sheeple in our studio audience though they were barely alive to begin with.

Death, doom and darkness are not the sole realm of Christian lore and symbolism however. Shall we turn towards the Maya or Sitchen and embrace the cold fate of a prophetic calender giving us our end in 2012, a mere two years or so away. Perhaps HAARP is more to your liking or scalar weapons. Maybe EMP attacks, dirty bombs, RFID, nanotech, and other technological police state borg collective tinker toys are your prefered flavor of the day. Science is really evil isn't it? Except that it's not. In fact it is merely a tool like any other. Science doesn't kill people, people kill people and you can have my science when you pry it from my cold dead hands,.. which will be any day now (or at least by 2012) because we are all DOOMED!

Please everyone, do not jostle each other or be rude to your fellows while standing in line. Peak doom is a myth and whatever flavor you choose there will always be plenty for everyone, in perpetuity.

How does one contend with this stuff. After all "I'm just one person, I don't have the time, you can't fight city hall, you have too know your limitations" and other colloquial neuro-linguistic programming. So you see we really are doomed and there is nothing that a weak tiny little speck of nothing waste of human skin like yourself can do about it, so there!

Perhaps the survivalist types have it right. Gather food, dig a hole in the ground and survive. Not live mind you, just survive. Surely after 50 years of all the good people living like mole people hidden away beneath the Earth the bad people in the world will manage to sort themselves out and find a way to make this chunk of rock a better place. So when your children reach middle age and decide it's time to see what has become of the world they will be greeted with roses and praised for the wonderful service they did the world by well, uh,... surviving, I guess.

Or maybe, JUST MAYBE,...not.

There is a principle in martial arts often expressed by masters, teachers and advanced students when they hear a student say the words, "I'll try". The master or more advanced student will then say something like "don't try, do." As so many in so many areas of life the advanced student and sometimes even the master / teacher is merely repeating the wisdom passed to them by others without really understanding it.

Those who truly take time to reflect upon this concept within the framework of their life experience soon come to realize what is truly meant by this enigmatic statement. In Tae Kwon Do the concept is enshrined in the eight tenants of Tae Kwon Do (sort of like the ten commandments only for social responsibility AND ass kicking) as 'Be of indomitable spirit'. In other words 'don't give up you pussy'. When we try to do something we have already decided that failure is a definite possibility if not an inevitability. This places shackles of self imposed limitations upon us, not only in the psyche but physically as well.

Physically you say? Balderdash! Okay, so maybe you wouldn't say balderdash since you aren't a 19th century cockney lord (or maybe you are,... but we'll leave that conspiracy theory for another day). In any case the human mind and body are a remarkably integrated system with your subconscious acting as co-pilot to direct all of those autonomic biological functions you just don't have time to consciously think about. Your sub-concious has one intent and only one while doing so, and that is to help keep you alive and safe from harm. In truth, your subconscious probably wouldn't give a rat's ass if you killed yourself but it's kind of stuck inside your brain and along for the ride so it would REALLY rather you didn't drive the car off a cliff as long as it happens to be in the back seat. Stupid selfish sub-conscious, who does it think it is?

This is why people usually jump when they hear a loud BANG come from behind them without warning. It could be the result of your idiot friend sneaking up behind you and popping a balloon or it could be a gunman that just shot your mom. Now, I don't know why you are still friends with someone who's such a dick or why this gunman hates your saintly mother so don't ask. You sub-conscious doesn't know either and doesn't really care. All your subconscious knows is that it's time to give you a jolt, a message that clearly says "wake up! Move, move, move, something is going on here and it could be dangerous!"

So now you are in the dojo and you've been told it's time for you to break a brick. WTF? Bricks are hard, unyielding and even MEAN (after all you've never seen a brick un-smash a window have you?). You've been practicing hard though doing endless katas honing your technique until it is really quite good if not flawless, and your instructor says it's time so at least he thinks you can do it. If he thinks I can do it then I guess I can probably do it, maybe, I think,.. at least I'm going to TRY.

"You're going to do TRY and do WHAT?", says your subconscious. "Hey I saw THAT too, yeah that brief image of our hand smashing into a brick and breaking our bones! Don't try to sweep it under the cerebellum like it never existed. I already SAW it!" So now your subconscious is in damage control mode and despite not being perfect it's pretty good at this kind of stuff. First it starts pumping a little extra blood into your hand so the tissues will have enough oxygen for healing your brick smashed hand. It also sends signals to the muscles in your haand to relax a little so it cushions the blow. Damage to the hand is going to cause pain right? So, signals are sent to martial your body's endocrine system to produce the body's natural pain killers. These drugs start entering your blood stream. No you can't really feel it happening yet and it might slow your reactions and movements a bit but what does your subconscious care. It doesn't care if you break a brick, it just wants to protect your hand and the idiot it's attached to.

So now it's time. There you are, you, a brick, your hand,... and a brick. Must be time to break a brick. You've broken boards before after all, even three or four at a time. So what if the boards were cut cross-wise so that the grain of the wood goes side to side in the direction of the break you are trying to make instead of against it. That's not REALLY cheating is it? You set your fist on top of the brick in the spot where you intend to make your strike and pump it up and down a few times as you concentrate on how hard you are going to TRY to break this brick. You lift you fist and with a grimace on your face you bring it down with flawless technique as hard as you can and your subconscious screams "Nooooo!". Now your subconscious isn't in the driver's seat like you are so it can't really stop you but it can still reach over your shoulder and give the wheel a nudge to try and minimize the damage and it does so. Your hand slows down a tad just before impact and *SMACK*, here comes the pain.

Worse than the pain, the brick is sitting there without so much as a scratch or a dent on it. You could almost swear it's laughing at you.

Your instructor comes forward and examines your hand. Painful yes, but you haven't broken anything. You've been lucky this time. You don't feel lucky though.

Doing something instead of trying to do something allows you to suspend your disbelief, not so that you can do the impossible but so that you can maximize your chances of doing that which is very difficult (so don't take this as a license to jump off a bridge simply because you refuse to believe you can't fly).

When faced with difficult situations like we face every day as we laughably call ourselves "awake" it would do us good to remember this principle and get in the habit of refusing to contemplate defeat. This gives us the ability to maximize our potential in such a way that mere bricks should rightly tremble at our approach. We will only truly be "awake" when we realize our potential as human beings of infinite variety with truly indomitable spirit. It is for this reason that when some are are being negative my first reaction is to say "No problem, I'll simply defeat the NWO all by myself if I have to." Personally I'd rather break bricks than have them pile up and let them become a wall.

Some might call this positive thinking or even *gag* "the secret" but it is really much simpler than anything that could fill a book of a hundred or more pages. Break a few bricks and you'll see, it can even be a little addictive. So learn to walk tall and act like you are going to save the world even if you have to do it alone because if you are right you'll be a hero and if you are wrong then it wouldn't have mattered much if you had thought otherwise and been right anyway, would it?

So relax, watch these videos and then go break a brick, or maybe just an NWO block head.


Copyright ©, 2010 Your Momma, no rights reserved.

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Comment by Percy on September 4, 2010 at 6:29pm
I apologize Marklar, you are right, I don't post enough on here to really be able to make a comment and please, ignore the reporting I did on my community since it was presumptuous of me to assume anyone would be interested. Thanks and have a great day.
Comment by Marklar on September 4, 2010 at 6:08pm
Byron, just because an article has no comments on it doesn't mean it wasn't read. This article passed off the main page before receiving any comments and one article I posted that got tens of thousands of page views had only a few comments posted on it.
Comment by Marklar on September 4, 2010 at 5:57pm
Some of you said you maybe doing work outside the blog. That is commendable and definitely is needed, but have you shared what you are doing with others on here? Don't you think that what you are doing is important enough to share with your fellow

We do and we have Percy but this is a site of over 2,000 members from all over the world and tens of thousands of pages of information. You may have to dig around a bit or participate in the site to to a greater extent to see it. We have people running for office, participating with WeaAreChange truth actions and other protest activities, militia members, active duty military people promoting the oathkeepers, organizing End the Fed rallies, writing books, writing and performing truth music, just name a group or activity and we probably have someone here who is heavily involved in it.

If you want to set up a group like that then do so Percy. This is a user driven site and you really can't bitch about us not doing it if you are not willing to do it yourself. We have many groups that do just that sort of thing but if the current groups are not up to your expectations then start a new one and show us how it's done. Not a bad idea but who do you expect to do it if not yourself?
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 4, 2010 at 5:22pm
Comment by Marklar on September 4, 2010 at 5:06pm
In the end the point of the article was never to provide direction on defeating the NWO but simply to talk about how to help stave off the funk and despair that people often feel when immersed in the sort of topics we cover daily as citizen journalists/editors. It was not even about harping on people to take action but simply to do so without the mental baggage that kills self confidence, causes inaction or minimizes the effectiveness of actions taken. I really don't see where I ever implied that some sort of master plan for action was to be contained within this article.

"for a social site, to lash out at someone because he may express a view other
than yours is totally unforgivable!"

Well first of all 12160 didn't lash out at him - I did, and I'll happily take full responsibility for that, thank you very much. Maybe I'm selfish but I'd rather not share the credit. Don't forgive me, I can live with that pretty easily, LOL.

He has every right to not like my article but really all he is bitching about is that apparently I wrote the 'wrong' article. He also has the right to criticize it but apparently you don't think I have a right to criticize his criticism. Seems a bit lopsided to me Chuck.

Byron may have only post, but he has done the research, knows what he speaks!

Really? He has researched 12160 and knows what he is talking about when he is informing an ignorant long time member like me what this site is about? Funny.

Byron, you obviously don't even know the definition of slander. Expressing my anticipation for the wonderful article you are no doubt writing even as I speak and suggesting a possible course of effective activism should that fail hardly constitutes slander. Sarcasm perhaps but not slander. I can't wait to read the article, I'm sure it's going to be great.

and I find myself not moved by this article,


I'm a 12 year disabled Vet, but I haven't stopped fighting, I've just worked out a better way to attack the bricks so I can still be effective.

Chazzy - If you weren't moved by the article, it sounds to me like maybe that's simply because you already get it. Or maybe you didn't get that this was the essential point of the article in the first place in which case I suppose I failed to make my point adequately.
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 4, 2010 at 5:01pm
Comment by Percy on September 4, 2010 at 4:32pm
Chuck and Byron are a lot like me, they are very truthful and sometimes its not popular. I know both love this site as they solicited me to come here and I have and posted comments and also gave some gifts and friends etc. So what they are saying is not a condemnation of the site, rather a perception that things are a lot more serious and deeper than our limited experience from the past will allow us to grasp.

Does that mean its doomsday? Yes, either for the bad guys or for us. We are way bigger in sheer numbers than they are, so we are the determining factor in whether this is doomsday for us or for them. Guess what? Its within us. In that sense Mark is right. Every ounce of courage, anger, commitment, etc we have within us is going to have to be brought up and pulled out of us and we are going to have to change how we see our world, our future and our reality. Its not as it was 10 years ago or even 30 years ago.

WE are moving into a new period of the "unknown" and that is why we must have courage. I disagree with mark about the "subconsious", its actually our spiritual home. Our "limbic" brain is the lizard brain and the one that reacts to any threats to our safety and that is why the evil ones use fear, hate, anger and bigotry to try and get us to hate each other so they can divide us and keep us from uniting.

Some of you said you maybe doing work outside the blog. That is commendable and definitely is needed, but have you shared what you are doing with others on here? Don't you think that what you are doing is important enough to share with your fellow Americans regardless of party or politics??? We are fully in this all together. Now is the time that all blogs should come together and share information globally to what we are succeeding at locally. I will begin here for my community and what they are currently doing.

1. They approached the county council of our county and without going into it got the county to approve and fund 3 big grow domes for our county. One at the south end of town, the west end of town, and one in the middle. All citizens will be able to plant and grow fresh veggies and fruit in these domes so if there is a food shortage they are able to care for themselves and their families.

2. There is a small committee of aware citizens meeting and have discussed and assigned themselves research projects for the eventuality of a crisis. The first thing they are researching and discussing is what to do in the area of communications should all ability to communicate should go down. Ideas are on the table and all of them are being reviewed to see the likelihood of successful implimentation. One example is each of us within our groups will invest in walkie talkies and prepaid cell phone that we will share info on such as numbers and bands for the walkie talkies. That way we can communicate. There are others but they are not finished researching it.

3. What do we do in the event of a currency crisis? Suggestions on the table are as follows: a. research a county sponsored credit union, b. set up a barter center for bartering both items and labor for products, c. reach out to businesses and invite them to share what would work for them. and also d. research other communities who have already implimented a local currency system and find out how its working and if its working find out how we can do it here.

These are only some examples, but this site could set up a page that everyone can go to under categories to find out what is being down that they can print out and use within their own community. SEE??? WE ARE NOT HELPLESS AND IN FACT WE ARE POWERFUL...... THAT IS WHAT SCARES THE BAD GUYS...... IT SHOULD BECAUSE AS WE GET MORE ANGRY, WE GET MORE MOTIVATED AND WE COME TOGETHER IN THE SAME CAUSE AND WHEN UNITED WE ARE EVEN MORE POWERFUL. That is why all the slander on Muslims, right wing nuts, liberal commies who want to take away your land, etc. WE HAVE TO IGNORE ALL THAT AND STAY UNITED. Thanks for listening. I hope you will set up a page like that. We are working on that next for our own blog.
Comment by Chazzy NonSheeple on September 4, 2010 at 2:15pm
Tara, your right!. Chuck, thanks for providing more useful information, but I do agree with Tara and I find myself not moved by this article, but spending more time in reflection of the similarities I have experienced that is contained within it. Some, such as myself, might be living on an island (Oahu) and a bit disconnected from the mainstreams of the continental US, but that doesn't stop us from taking any and all action that we can. I speak to 1 member of my immediate family every day to update about info I/we have found, give guidance to help them prepare for whats coming, and do my best to participate with others about ways to defeat the BS I see headed at us like a Stinger on a MiG. I'm a 12 year disabled Vet, but I haven't stopped fighting, I've just worked out a better way to attack the bricks so I can still be effective. I might be a noob here too and I am here because I finally found a forum where it appears people can comment, post, and chat- something I've looked for in all the sites who talk about how to join together, then ask for money to join their effort. I know this site asks for donations, and within a week, I will either donate, or leave, but at least it gives me a chance to 'actively' decide. Wish you all a wonderful day. Sun just came up here and coffees on.
Comment by Tara on September 4, 2010 at 1:15pm
With all due respect Chuck, how can you assume that this is not an action center? Do you know exactly what each and every member does outside of 12160? I think not.

I really like you and respect you Chuck but I felt I had to speak on behalf of the site and the many dear friends I've made along the way here on 12160. I know that there are many members that are taking actions outside of the site, they just don't broadcast it all the time.

No hard feelings I hope, peace~
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 4, 2010 at 12:13pm
This site, much to my dismay is not an action center.
it's seems this only a social site with no intention of getting
physically involved other than sharing information.
if anyone here has the desire to find out the what's and how's
to actively get involved in stopping the new world order, i suggest the follow this link.

Byron may have only post, but he has done the research, knows
what he speaks!

for a social site, to lash out at someone because he may express a view other
than yours is totally unforgivable!

there are a lot of good info here and that is it is. info to be digested.
for new folks looking for info, this may be a starting point, but it lacks
the depth needed to comprehend the total picture.
you want depth go to this link
and check out the categories on the right.
am i trying to take members away from 12160? no! as Percy
herself is a member.
you want knowledge, you want everything in one view instead of searching
for a topic. the vatic project is your answer.
Percy spends every waking our researching and cataloging the truth beyond
the depth of any thing found here.
which is not a put down of 12160 as all this site is , is a social and discussion
there are a lot of good people here, but some are just plain ole sheeple.
and a few very intolerant of any view other than their own!
we what our free speech, but somehow in our warped minds refuse to allow
others to have the same!
when we refuse to hear and attack others for their right to speak we have in effect
no longer uphold the term of free speech!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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