Alex Jones is a Jesuit Agent! (Ohh wait, noo.. you're a dumbass.)

Hate to say it but this guy's (the one in the video) not to bright. First, when you post a comment on infowars it sometimes takes time for it to appear. So does craiglist and I don't think the Knights of Malta have anything to do with that.

Anytime Alex has posted anything about Jesuits, Knights of Malta, etc. agents swarm the posting within seconds of it being posted. I've seen it happen with other articles and topics. As soon as it's posted they attack it with doubt, disinfo, and disruption. Detractors attacking Alex Jones' character and loyalty. They attack infowars or just the truth of a matter as a generality. They'll even attack YOU, if you're making any kind of sense worth jousting.

As far as the search engine not being as reliable as Google, consider the obvious. Google is a more powerful search engine. Perhaps it is a bandwidth issue as he has stated before. Same reason why his first network failed and we ended up regrouping here, and created 12160. I searched the term theosophist and nothing came up for that either.

Also, as far as bandwidth, it costs BIG money for a site like infowars. Tens of thousands of dollars for that kind of bandwidth.

The research done here by these clowns is bias. Here is an example:

Bolshevik Revolution Was Engineered by Freemasons, Financed by Banking Elite. Comments are closed on that as well. Guess that means Alex Jones is a Freemason too.

Comments get deleted on infowars because people are dumb. They flood the comments with foolishness that is very embarrassing to the intellectuals of freedom. A great article exposing Bilderberg will get posted, membership list and all, then cointelpro will flood the comment section and make us all look like a bunch of paranoid, idiotic conspiracy theorists. They literally ruin the comment section and all intelligent conversation. Between the obsessed nuts, and online saboteurs they ruin the article and the comments get closed. It's not a conspiracy to censor, it's just flat out embarrassing. You send someone to an insightful article on infowars, someone that may be warming up to globalism and the systems of control, then they read the comments section, like, WE ALL DO, and it just looks crazy to them. They must think we are crazy people. A movement of lunatics. Paranoid fools. Therein lies the intention of the saboteurs. It's not rocket science. Alex is the big dog in the infowar and he is under attack. 

In this video he points out that Alex doesn't mention any Knights of Malta in the Bilderberg attendee list. First, Alex doesn't write the list, the list is given to him by Jim Tucker who get's it from an insider. If you actually read the list, instead of listening to dumbass in the video, no Free Masons are mentioned either, or kabbalists, Rosicrucians  etc. The attendees are listed not by secret society affiliation, they are listed by their respective positions in government, finance, university and industry. See for yourself:

People need to do more thorough research and get over this paranoid bullshit. Falling for disinfo hook, line, and sinker, like the lost fools in this video is just pathetic. Wise up, study some basic body language, micro expression, lie detection, something for crying out loud. Develop some discernment beyond bias speculation. Seek to understand your notions on the level of intention and stop trying to think with your feelings. 

I'm done...


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Comment by Cryptocurrency on February 11, 2012 at 8:35pm

@ Trapped

I applaud your efforts, more so than most I have encountered online, and I hardly know you. I read some of your book, and it is very impressive and I thank you for your contribution. You are a perfect example of how all of us should be: scholarly, passionate, but most of all dedicated.

God bless you brother. And Laser Shadow is a good guy too. Think you guys both jumped the gun and misjudged each other.

Comment by Exposure on February 11, 2012 at 8:53am

     And well said Vernon, you speak wisely reminding us, it is yet early days, - the hit lists are still being drawn-up, and the hinges of many a front door will soon come flying off, as mass arrests are on the horzion, so it's a good point raised.  Thank you Krypke, I see the info, and as you might not be aware, I have been on this subject for 25+ years and wrote a 360,000+ word book on the matter, so as one would hope to expect to see in such a book, I cover those matters raised by yourself, so thank you again for this kind thought. I would like to note, that you too speak many a fine and sensible word, and look forward to any future debates, so we can hopefully be able to come closer as a collective, as opposed to us going the opposite way.  Good day to you all, the snow has thawed and it's looking rather dandy out there...

Comment by Exposure on February 11, 2012 at 8:31am

     TommyD just can't talking stop talking words of sense, when on the other hand, there are others such as TheLaserShadow whom dribble on with nonsense, and sounds as 'stupid' as those he bodly accuses of being so, - 25years plus studying the subject of Freemason's and secret societies, permits me to know what I'm saying and why I wrote a 360,000+ word book explaining exactly how it's been acheived, so really have no need to discuss anything with you on this matter, as you're just rattling of what all pro-masons do, and heard it and ecountered your kind, but much, much worst, so it's water of a ducks back to me and no different than talking to a religious zealot. 

     Ah, however we presently end on a high, as Maria De Wind, has seen far into the distance, she can see through the clouds as she sores through the wind as you are so, so right in what you say and have observed, - as this can only be done, with that 1% recognising that this is what needs to be done, and the other 99%, have to help them, like we must help them, as who the hell needs a French revolution style uprising, is we can do as you say and work together in this resolve, and to address the fundamental issue of them all, as remember, I believe people should be free to believe in what is is they so chose, - however, I cannot accept that my government and it's related bodies are run and controlled by the very same people whom are also members of the very same secret society.

     As my argument remains the same, what is wrong in wanting to live in a world free from people of secret societies running all aspects of our lives?  What is wrong in wanting to have a government that is open and fully transparent, as opposed the majority of what goes on in the world which is presently discussed in secret?  What is wrong in wanting to not have our lives determined by certain sectors of our overall populations, whom only have a minority of interest at heart, yet get the majority of the say? 

Thank you, may I wish you all a good day, I've got some apron washing to do...

TommyD Comment by TommyD 4 hours ago

I do appreciate the invitation my brother but having lived in central Ohio for a few years, working outside in winter, changing lamps and ballast on parking lot lighting fixtures ,40 ft' from the ground on a goose neck man lift during a snow storm. Got kind of tired of the white stuff and decided to move home to Tejas and enjoy the rat sized cockroaches and bat size mosquitoes. Some trade off.

Comment by TommyD on February 11, 2012 at 3:33am

I do appreciate the invitation my brother but having lived in central Ohio for a few years, working outside in winter, changing lamps and ballast on parking lot lighting fixtures ,40 ft' from the ground on a goose neck man lift during a snow storm. Got kind of tired of the white stuff and decided to move home to Tejas and enjoy the rat sized cockroaches and bat size mosquitoes. Some trade off.

Comment by TommyD on February 11, 2012 at 1:55am

I never said that he wasn't cool. I am not arguing a bit about the influence of shadowy schemers influencing and controlling shit from behind the scenes. I just want the secrets that they are hiding to see the light of day.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on February 11, 2012 at 1:51am

Hey, Trapped is cool in my book. There is plenty of indicators that show the upper echelons of Masonry are powerful men. The Vatican was infiltrated by the Masons. Pope John Paul the I, began investigating the Masonic influence the day he became Pope. He did this OPENLY, and was poisoned and died exactly 33 days into his papacy.

Check it out.

The real power in this world are the Royal Families. The Rothschilds used Adam Weishaupt to create the Illuminati, thus infiltrating Free-Masonry, and they have used it ever since, as an Intelligence organization ostensibly loyal to no nation. An organization not confined to the limits of national borders. Are members of the Royal Families Free Masons? Absolutely. Was the Vatican corrupt and evil before Masonic infiltration? You betcha.

What I have learned, is the flags change. Sometimes it's the Zionists, sometimes its the Masons, sometimes it's the Jesuits, sometimes it's the Jewish Kabbalists, BUT, it's ALWAYS the Royal Bloodlines, a history they readily admit too and is well documented. 

Even our founders were related to the royal families, but there is an entire history of the bloodlines, vying for power. The Royal Families of Europe betrayed their Tsar cousins, hence the Russian Revolution. Same thing happened in France, hence the French Revolution. I believe our revolution was against the interests of the royal families. Evidence of the struggle between the crown and the colonies, and the subsequent inception of our national sovereignty that has been at war with the crown ever since is astounding.

Comment by TommyD on February 11, 2012 at 1:38am

The truth shall set you free and the truth is LOVE

Comment by TommyD on February 11, 2012 at 1:22am

COFFEE SPURTING OUT NOSE LOL@MARIA.....that burned my nose.....

Comment by Maria De Wind on February 11, 2012 at 1:21am

West Side story? NOW I believe your age card! Greatgranduncle Vern Lol.

Comment by suzie on February 11, 2012 at 1:05am

I figures out it was all a big show a long time ago .. Shakespeare said " all the world's a stage and there are many players" or something like that..  The bigger they are the harder they will fall.. If Alex Jones is a CIA operative and we are being given disinformation we are still being given information.. I really don't care.  We are all pretty smart and getting smarter by the day.. We share info and we are seeing with our own eyes that they are getting more and more overt daily .. We have a second sight in a way .. we the people who are not sleeping but looking at so much stuff everyday.  We  are figuring it out.. I'll take any information i can get.  How many of us thought when Obama came out and said Osama bin laden was dead absolutely knew at that second it was all bull sh*t.    I mean sometimes it is funny..  ;)  We will be the generation to expose the secret societies in our own government, then they will all fall 

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