Alex Jones is Cointelpro and Youtube Told Me So

Suspicious eyes see only evil.

Especially when watching a video with quick edits and select footage.

When you go to a protest you have multiple bullhorns going. Big deal. The guy on the bullhorn was flustered and couldn't concentrate with Alex bullhorning. Damn rookies. Majority of the crowd is facing the direction Alex was bullhorning. Noticed that. Alex began bullhorning immediately because the local news crew was right there. Tell us more. The butt hurt protestor antagonizing Alex was told,"get the hell out of my face lady." So sad. Most of us would do similar that respect personal boundaries and someone crosses them. True that. The rest of the video with butt hurt chatterbox is inaudible except for the sardonic loud mouth with the camera. Very true.

Lol come on, is that really the best you can do disinfo brats :)

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on July 24, 2012 at 3:19am


Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 3:16am

I take orders from Heman and Heman only.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on July 24, 2012 at 3:12am

I'm always critical of Alex I just don't make it my past time to air it on the net as it serves no purpose.  One thing I do know is that the majority of people waking up are from Alex right now. I woke up with Zeitgeist, was educated by the college of Alex Jones if you will and my real ideological base is with Mark Koernke and Adam Kokesh. My point being even if Alex was co-opted it would be almost pointless as most find a niche in the movement after Jones. I don't take orders from Jones.

Comment by Eric Price on July 24, 2012 at 3:11am

James- you are correct about Jones narcissism. The dude loves the sound of his own voice way too much. If I had been on that podium at that rally in Austin that he stepped on I would have stuck his bullhorn up his ass. Guy kinda reminds me of a male version of "the penguin" in that movie "the Blues Brothers" with Akroid and Belushi......Argghh!! Diss is GLUE! Tough Stuff! Damn I love that movie!

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 3:10am

See, unlike the detractors, I actually listen to his show. I study him. Call me the watcher. I discern his intentions clearly. Not because I blindly follow anything. I see what is there; the most effective operation against the globalists. Look at the latest news worthy item. The shooting in Colorado. Who broke it down piece by piece with spot on analysis every step of the way? Over a dozen articles in 48 hours. Name one other alternative news source that even came close...

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 3:01am

He hasn't declared the winner yet, but thanks.

I've been to protests too, been arrested blah blah, people run multiple bullhorns, no sweat.
What I see mostly in this video is a bunch of misunderstandings and pretentiousness. We are humans, wretched creatures. Understand it and let live, or die and reincarnate and hope for a dung beetle. Cuz if karma has it's way with America that's the least of our karmic concerns. Coming back as a dung beetle.

Comment by Eric Price on July 24, 2012 at 3:01am

Laser Shadow- The best thing about healthy debates is that regardless of your position, you can always learn from someone with a different point of view, unless your position is so etched in stone that you can't even consider what the other person has to say. If I were in the Bilderberg Group, and I wanted to steer American patriots in certain directions so as to MISDIRECT them, I would try to coopt someone like Alex Jones, and I would help them do something BIG to make it appear like they damn near "walk on water" so that most lemmings would follow blindly, not looking TOO closely at all the things my plant would say and do. This would make it possible to mislead people in some key ways, not all the time mind you, but enough of the time that it would take ME in the direction I wanted to go in with my NWO plans. I've seen Jones doing this on behalf of the other side on an issue that I know more about than anyone in the world and it still angers me, but I realize someone who is totally crystalized in their opinion, someone who is convinced AJ "walks on water" might have a hard time attempting to look at my argument, because that would take some reading, some time, so most don't bother looking, and remain blind to some huge problems the guy has been causing for anyone who uses dietary supplements.

Comment by Eric Price on July 24, 2012 at 2:52am

Krypke- I own a bullhorn and have used it in numerous demonstrations all over the world, I've been a professional activist since 1989. I've never been disrespectful towards other demonstrators in the way Jones was here. His behavior was outrageous, and uncalled for. You don't come down the street with your entourage and step on someone this way unless your goal is to actively disrupt a demonstration. There is no excuse for this. I like you man, we're in total agreement on the need for people to call Congress to back Senator Moran's Second Amendment Sovereignty Restoration Act, but there is no excuse for Alex insisting on always being the center of attention this way, he is not helping us when he does things like this and we have no choice but to call him on it. I know we differ in the view that he's controlled. I think he is, you don't think so. Fine, thats ok, I still think you did a good job with your video in that Obama dictator contest, in fact you did a better job than the person he selected as "the winner", but just because he held the contest doesn't mean I'm not convinced he isn't controlled. I've seen him do too many things that don't make sense any other way.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 2:47am

Exactly Laser. Everyone is obsessed and butt hurt. Couldn't walk in AJ's shoes around the block. Once...

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 2:41am

Our own misfortunes are always worse than anothers.

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