Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The mysterious booms that plagued Wisconsin a few months ago are back! Has anyone else in the Baraboo region experienced these sounds and what do you think the explanation is?
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FLASHBACK: Another Wisconsin Town Reports Strange Booms, Flashes of...
“Like someone slamming the earth with a big machine”
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Mysterious booms that plagued several towns in Wisconsin earlier this year appear to have returned, with an eyewitness reporting hearing the strange noises repeatedly over a 30 minute period last night.
The booms, described as a rumbling noise coming from deep underground, stoked intrigue earlier this year and a US Geological Survey investigation after being reported over several weeks in the town of Clintonville. The strange noises were also heard and felt in Baraboo and Montello.
The USGS eventually concluded that the booms were caused by an unusual “swarm” of earthquakes that hit a region not noted for its seismic activity. However, a separate seisometer study conducted when the booms briefly returned following the conclusion of the USGS inquiry found that the sounds were not being caused by earthquakes.
Despite the fact that a number of residents rejected the earthquake explanation, noting that the booms were reported before the first earthquake was measured, the story disappeared when the booms ceased.
However, the phenomenon appears to have returned with a Wisconsin resident telling us how they experienced a series of sustained booms last night over a period of half an hour.
“I live about 60 miles from Baraboo and my family and I heard some booms last night just a little after 1am,” writes Shawn McConaghy
“Sound and shaking didnt appear to be from the same central point…it was weird! It went on for 30 minutes or so and we heard about 20 booms. To me they sounded like someone slamming the earth with a big machine,” added McConaghy, noting that the booms also sounded like “a giant walking”
“We live out in the country and i’m not aware of anyone else hearing it,” he adds.
Over the last year, there have been a rash of reports concerning strange noises heard both underground and in the sky.
From bizarre “groaning” sounds to trumpet-like noises, a lot of the reports can be explained away as hoaxes or some form of mass hysteria as we approach the end of the year and fever builds over widely discussed Mayan prophecies about end of the world scenarios.
However, the booms heard in Wisconsin are by no means a figment of people’s imagination. They have beenmeasured and documented by audio engineers.
Theories as to their cause have ranged from the mundane to the exotic.
Some think the booms are caused by underground tunneling machines which are being used to drill subterranean military bases.
Others point to CO2 sequestration or fracking as the culprit, noting that both have been known to cause small and moderate man-made earthquakes.
Some also think that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which is often blamed for unexplained weather and seismic events due to its highly secretive nature, is causing the booms while others point to the myriad of geoengineering programs currently being conducted across the United States as a possible explanation.
What do you think? Have you experienced the booms in your area and what could be causing them?
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
I live about 100 miles due east of Baraboo in Sheboygan and can thankfully say that no one here has reported any loud booms or rumblings. It still remains a big ?... does it not?
I have listened again and again, it is definitely a man made smack, like a powerful hydraulic ram, or possibly a blasted charge in a definitely underground hard I would say sedimentary, igneous chiseling, or large pin placement for anchoring large structures.
But, I am just a dummy...
I posted the following back on April 9th , but it might be of interest folks, in the light of current events.
"I'm not saying yay or nay to the following, but there was an interesting phone call from a 'Justin Stafford' to the Mysterious Universe podcast which was featured on their March 29th show - Episode 712 - relevant portion is from -51:40 on the playback counter - that alleges MIB/ Government agent activity in connection to the events in WI."
N.B - I regard the MU podcast as 'entertainment' and not a serious investigative or information distribution souce.
I find it very odd that the Australian hosts happily make reference to interesting additional content and information via email from 'Justin Stafford', but then brush over it (gatekeep), rather than sharing it via their site.
I have been unable to source further info or contact details for 'Justin Stafford'.
So a hoax...or is there more to this?
@ richard terrence - Norio Hayakawa - a key researcher into the alleged Dulce DUMB and related issues has posted some very interesting posts as of June, especially with regard to the 'alien hoax' and the reality of the so called 'UFO phenomena' and its paranormal deceptive/trickster nature and intelligence...but has been very quiet over the past month.
Good answer.
Apparently, every 25,750 yrs (approx.) the creation undergoes a minor transmutation. Every 309.000, or 12 x through the galactic center, the creation undergoes a major transmutation.
Within this process planets, such as Earth tend to slow down their rate of rotation which then causes a "slushing effect" upon the mantle.
This may be what is causing these unusual noises.
The Realm Border Crossing and the return of Nibiru (is a link)
Where's Phil Schneider when we need him? Any Tall Greys seen thereabouts?
The fracking theory was explored initially, but never substantiated. The local investigations turned up nothing in regards to fracking. There is no drilling in the area either.
Millitary tunnelling/Is there fracking near the area affected.Hard to know.
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