Alex Jones is Cointelpro and Youtube Told Me So

Suspicious eyes see only evil.

Especially when watching a video with quick edits and select footage.

When you go to a protest you have multiple bullhorns going. Big deal. The guy on the bullhorn was flustered and couldn't concentrate with Alex bullhorning. Damn rookies. Majority of the crowd is facing the direction Alex was bullhorning. Noticed that. Alex began bullhorning immediately because the local news crew was right there. Tell us more. The butt hurt protestor antagonizing Alex was told,"get the hell out of my face lady." So sad. Most of us would do similar that respect personal boundaries and someone crosses them. True that. The rest of the video with butt hurt chatterbox is inaudible except for the sardonic loud mouth with the camera. Very true.

Lol come on, is that really the best you can do disinfo brats :)

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on July 24, 2012 at 2:41am

LAMO you can always tell whos doing the most damage as the flak they get is epic!

I wonder how many who watch this video and get really upset are going to piss themselves and allow their family and neighbors to get hauled off to a camp? Likely most of the people I see on the net..."OMG Alex was being mean!! he must be NWO!" Yeah I can be mean as well and VERY mean to my enemy's.  So what he's a dick on occasion and has an ego, ever wonder how he made it to the top of the pile?? O right he has an ego and plows over all in his way... Lotta people in this movement need a reality check, the globalists don't have surrender as an option your not just going to protest and inform your way to complete victory they WILL attack us physically eventually. Everyone needs to grow a bigger pair. (saying this in general to all across many subjects)

What gets me is those who hate alex why obsess? just move on.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 2:24am

I worship no one not even God. I just don't like lies about a person. Alex is not perfect any more than he is evil. I'm tired of these Alex Jones conspiracy theories. Dudes going head on against the NWO give him a break. Take the most stressful time of your life and multiply it by ten and see if you don't act neurotic and have ptsd like symptoms with mood swings and irritability.

Imagine walking in his shoes knowing you are enemy number one; the most effective, the most hated... we're all just a little bit crazy for doing what we do on whatever level we participate in this infowar. Now imagine how whacky Alex must be?

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 2:07am


Comment by truth on July 24, 2012 at 1:47am

ooops, troll food was me

Comment by truth on July 24, 2012 at 1:44am

Today on the Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones discusses Alex Jones

The dude is a narcissist and pains me to hear him speak of himself hourly in the 3rd person.

Sounds like the elite flookers we aim to defeat. How can we expect others to hear the important material when he dedicates enormous amount of the show to himself?

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on July 24, 2012 at 1:23am

@ Krype....I second your motion bro !... very well say !

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 1:21am

It's a toss up between that and his anger. They both serve him and betray him equally.

Comment by truth on July 24, 2012 at 1:19am


Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 1:19am

And James, troll food? Who threw out the troll food FIRST :p

You featured it I didn't :)

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 24, 2012 at 1:13am

"Before I went off on aj's behavior, I sought out every single video from this 2nd amnd rally."

Saw it all too. The protestors acted like sissies and pissed Alex off. Nothing more to see here move on. You know the guy can be an asshole when you antagonize him and piss him off. Are you any different? Are any of us?

I rest my case.

This video proves nothing other than Alex gets pissy at sissy boys and people don't know how to protest so they act like a bunch of egotistical pantie waists. The ego card can be played both ways when it takes two to tango.

Alex Jones is not Cointelpro. As if they needed to send in Alex Jones to break up this protest lol. I could have done it by myself with laughing gas and a whoopie cushion.

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