7-year-old girl killed in Detroit police raid

7-year-old girl killed in Detroit police raid

By the CNN Wire Staff

May 16, 2010 3:53 p.m. EDT

Aiyana Jones was shot and killed by police executing a search warrant, according to officials.
Aiyana Jones was shot and killed by police executing a search warrant, according to officials.

(CNN) -- Police in Detroit, Michigan, on Sunday expressed "profound sorrow" at the
fatal shooting of a 7-year-old girl in a police raid.

Aiyana Jones was shot and killed by police executing a search warrant as part of a
homicide investigation, Assistant Chief Ralph Godbee said in a statement.

"This is any parent's worst nightmare," Godbee said. "It also is any police officer's worst nightmare. And today, it is all too real."

The warrant was executed about 12:40 a.m. ET Sunday at a home on the city's east side, Godbee said. Authorities believed the suspect in the Friday shooting death of 17-year-old high school student
Jarean Blake was hiding out at the home. Blake was gunned down in front
of a store as his girlfriend watched, Godbee said.

Preliminary information indicates that members of the Detroit Police Special
Response Team approached the house and announced themselves as police,
Godbee said, citing the officers and at least one independent witness.

"As is common in these types of situations, the officers deployed a
distractionary device commonly known as a flash bang," he said in the
statement. "The purpose of the device is to temporarily disorient
occupants of the house to make it easier for officers to safely gain
control of anyone inside and secure the premise."

Upon entering the home, the officer encountered a 46-year-old female inside the front
room, Godbee said. "Exactly what happened next is a matter still under
investigation, but it appears the officer and the woman had some level
of physical contact.

"At about this time, the officer's weapon discharged one round which, tragically, struck 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Jones in the neck/head area."

The girl was immediately transported to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Godbee said he
and other officers went to the hospital while others stayed at the home to execute the warrant.

Aiyana's father, Charles Jones, told CNN affiliate WDIV, "She was sleeping and they came in the door shooting and throwing flash grenades ... burned my baby up and shot her, killed her."

Jones claimed the officers had the wrong house, but Godbee said in the statement the 34-year-old suspect in Blake's death was foundand arrested at the home. In addition, a vehicle and a moped matching
the descriptions of those involved in Blake's shooting were also found, he said.

The suspect's name was not released.

Godbee said he wished to "express to the family of Aiyana Jones the profound sorrow
that we feel within the Detroit Police Department and throughout this
community. We know that no words can do anything to take away the pain
you are feeling at this time."

Police obtained the "high-risk search warrant" based on intelligence, and it was approved by the
prosecutor and a magistrate, Godbee said. "Because of the ruthless and
violent nature of the suspect in this case, it was determined that it
would be in the best interest of public safety to execute the search
warrant as soon as possible and detain the suspect ... while we sought a murder warrant," he said.

The police statement said Chief Warren Evans is out of town and could not be present "to personally address
this tragedy," but "his thoughts and prayers are with the family and
loved ones of Aiyana Jones."

The officer's weapon was secured, and an investigation is under way, Godbee said, emphasizing the information
gained so far is preliminary.

"This is a tragedy of unspeakable magnitude to Aiyana's parents, family and all those who loved her,"
Godbee said. "... It is a tragedy we also feel very deeply throughout
the ranks of the Detroit Police Department.

"We cannot undo what occurred this morning," he said. "All we can do is
pledge an open and full investigation and to support Aiyana's family in
whatever way they may be willing to accept from us at this time. I
understand that they may not be open to such a gesture at this time, but
we do stand ready to do anything we can to support them."


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Comment by truth on May 18, 2010 at 3:02pm
The Death of Aiyana Jones: "Showtime Syndrome" Claims a Child (UPDA...

Death of a princess: Aiyana Jones, victim of the Homeland Security State

In physics, the term "observer effect" describes how examining a phenomenon can change it, because of the influence of the instruments used to make the observation. Something similar happens to human interactions when cameras are present. The irresistible impulse to play to the lens makes human behavior mannered and self-aware. Every statement becomes a performance, every gesture a pose. 

The steady onslaught of police propaganda shows of the "COPS" genre constitute the worst and most dangerous form of "reality" television. 

A couple of years ago I coined the term "COPS Effect" to describe how pseudo-documentary programs glorifying the police abet irresponsible (but highly telegenic) use of paramilitary tactics. The presence of cameras during law enforcement operations often triggers a condition I call "Showtime Syndrome," a frequently lethal tendency toward self-dramatization on the part of police.

Conflict and danger, whether genuine or contrived, make for high-impact television; de-escalation and sober, careful police work do not. Thus embedding camera crews with the police -- only officially vetted personnel from State-aligned media are suitable; Mundanes  with cameras are subject to summary arrest -- creates a perverse incentive for "peace" officers to choose an approach more likely to result in avoidable death, injury, and property destruction.

Aiyana Jones, the 7-year-old girl shot to death early Sunday (May 1..., was almost certainly a victim of the "COPS Effect."

Troops from the Detroit Police Department's Special Reaction Team ("troops" is a more appropriate description than "officers") seeking a murder suspect executed a no-knock warrant on the home where Aiyana was sleeping on the couch.

Despite warnings from neighbors that there were children present in the home -- a fact attested by the toys scattered in the front yard -- the SRT paramilitaries chose a Fallujah-style "dynamic entry," hurling a flash-bang grenade through a closed window and storming through the front door with guns drawn.

The incendiary grenade landed on the couch where Aiyana was sleeping. Her father claims that the child suffered burns as a result. Seconds later, she was dead. 

One of the SRT troopers engaged in what was called a "tussle" with Mertilla Jones, Aiyana's grandmother. In the antiseptic and completely dishonest language favored by the state-aligned media, the officer's gun "went off."

This means, apparently, that the inanimate object simply discharged sua sponte, independent of intentional or negligent action on the part of its owner, a fully credentialed member of the exalted "Only Ones" -- as in "law enforcement and the military are the Only Ones who should be permitted to own and carry firearms."

Firearms in the hands of the hoi polloi, we are told, have a way of spontaneously firing and killing innocent children. Oddly enough, that's what supposedly happened to a beautiful 7-year-old girl named Aiyana Jones. 

The raid took place at about 12:30 a.m. The individual being sought at the multi-family dwelling was a suspect in a murder that took place at about 3:00 p.m. the previous Friday. Police report that they arrested the suspect at the duplex where the raid occurred. However, they pointedly refuse to say whether the shooting death of Aiyana Jones took place in the same unit where the suspect was found.

This was not a hostage situation. The proverbial clock wasn't ticking. Why didn't the police quietly set up a perimeter at the targeted address, and wait until the suspect left the building? Why stage a post-midnight paramilitary raid against a home where children were present?

A paragraph found toward the end of a Detroit Free Press account provides a likely answer:

"Outside the home, the department's special response team was prepared to go in. Film crews with A&E's `The First 48' reality show, which follows police departments nationwide during the crucial 48 hours after a homicide is committed, were taping the team for a documentary. Police spokesman John Roach said the tapes will be reviewed as part of the investigation."

In other words, the decision-making process in this investigation was being distorted by the "COPS Effect." The department insists that this was a high-risk warrant enforcement operation, but it wasn't too dangerous to bring a camera crew along. Had the intent been simply to capture a murder suspect, the police could have sent a team of street officers and homicide detectives, rather than the paramilitary goon squad and their archivists.

Detroit is an economic moonscape in which the police -- through the institutionalized larceny called "asset forfeiture" -- have become the single largest source of property crime. The SRT and the Narcotics Enforcement Division (which is trained by the SRT) average two full-force raids each day, most of them conducted again....

A few years ago, the SRT was featured in an A&E "reality" program entitled "SWAT." Viewers learned, among other things, that each member of the 21-officer SRT is given a GI Joe-style "codename" that is "based upon a specific action, or character trait that the officer has. These codenames are used as tactical call signs, similarly to how pilots in the military refer to one another."

 If the member of this little club who shot Aiyana hasn't been assigned a codename, I think "Fumbles" would make the best match for his skill-set.

The SRT, described as "one of the nation's most elite SWAT teams," was also featured on Attack of the Show in a segment heavy on hardware porn and loaded with preening and posturing by overgrown adolescents who get to wear bitchin' black outfits and carry great big guns.



The SRT's armory, cooed the man-crushing host, is "beyond impressive," and its techniques and tactics are "awesome." Sure, the unit isn't all that useful when it comes to protecting life, liberty, and property, but it certainly looks intimidating, especially on television.

Just another day in the Reich: A child uses the bathroom under the benevolent gaze of a stormtrooper during a paramilitary drug raid. 

 Of course, this is precisely the point: Paramilitary outfits of this kind are designed to advertise the might of the State. That's why the cameras were along to capture the early morning raid that claimed the life of Aiyana Jones, and it's why the SRT -- rather than a less dangerous and less telegenic police unit -- was assigned that task in the first place.

The life of Aiyana Jones -- may she rest in God's peace -- ended violently in an act of homeland security agitprop. She wasn't the first to die that way, and won't be the last. 


Attorney Geoffrey Fieger, who is representing the family of Aiyana Jones, claims that "video footage shows police fired into the home at least once after lobbying a flash grenade through the window."

This apparently contradicts the official account in which Jones was killed by a round fired in an accidental discharge during a "tussle" between one of the raiders and Aiyana's 46-year-old grandmother.
Comment by Plautus Satire on May 18, 2010 at 12:45pm
I can't believe anyone is every surprised when the police kill children.
Comment by CHUCK W. on May 17, 2010 at 7:06pm
Welcome to the N.W.O.!
In Nam, in the course of duty, We interviewed questioned
and searched many everyday. At least in my unit, it was done
with respect.
A trait or a virtue unheard of in this country.
When the governing element is as evil as we have elected
time after time again. Common sense dictates it filters down
to the lowiest of enforcement personel. That includes non
law enforcement. And non government enities,
Why does the IRS new new automatic shot guns?
Think about this the the irs a non government agency, has the government
web site taking bids for shotguns?
The new health care enforcement?
Anyway the behavoir of law enforcement is totally unaceptble!
I know the pain of losing a child, but to lose a child because qa cop
couldn't keep his finger off the trigger, is pathetic!
I look at the ages of the two involved, a child, and a grandmother
and lordy the "fear" that must've been flowing thru his veins! [not}
My friends it's going to get a whole lot worse!
There is no way to stop the advancement of the N.W.O.!
Our only hope is to reach and most importently convice every
person in this country, that we need to stand together as ONE!
I look at the city, and I don't see where race was involved, like
i would've ten years ago. This is not an isolated incident, it happens
everyday across this countrty against all races!
We the people of this country have become the enemy of our government!
As such our government has entered another undeclared war. these incidents
are just another preemptive strike against us!
Comment by truth on May 17, 2010 at 6:47pm
Comment by fireguy on May 17, 2010 at 4:58pm
WTF ever happenend to "This is the Police, you are surrounded, come out with your hands up"?

Gungho entry teams from hell are giving the Pigs a worse name than ever.
Comment by Nikki on May 17, 2010 at 4:23pm
Comment by Tara on May 17, 2010 at 3:23pm
This is incredibley sad to me. My daughter just turned 8 on Sunday. I can't even imagine what kind of pain and anguish a parent must go through after such a senseless and brutal death of their beloved child. What the hell were these cops thinking? I hope the parents go after these Neandrothal idiots and justice is served. At least that is what I hope happens in this case.
Comment by Dewk Chronic on May 17, 2010 at 2:49pm
Sad why would they use flash grenades on a house with innocent people like kids or elderly inside? How many times to they have to F-up, or were they just board and playing call of duty.
Comment by mia on May 17, 2010 at 7:41am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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