9/11 Forest – Come Out of the Trees!

by Amaterasu Solar



In reviewing 9/11 discussions I watch as each weird, improbable tree is pointed to and the 9/11 apologists start hacking it down, nearly always, in the end, saying something on the order of, “Yeah, it was unlikely, but not impossible, so, yeah, it just happened that way.” 

So I stand back and look at the forest.  Here We have all these odd things, and I am reluctant to name them, giving fodder to the apologists to start wielding Their hatchets, but will say We all are truly aware that some mighty “coincidental” things happened on and surrounding that day. 

In looking at this forest, I start adding the trees and the probabilities that each would occur – I would mention the fact that for the first time in history not one, not two, but THREE high-rise buildings came down because of fire, but those darned apologists will land blows consisting of words like, “Those buildings were different,” or “The impact of the planes weakened the towers and…number seven was…different,” or equally apologetic words.  Or I could mention the missing gold…but apologists will move in with steely-edged demands like, “Prove there was any gold.”   I would be asked to prove that I saw a news cast in the week that followed of the forensics team complaining about being taken to a room with a table filled with hand-picked “evidence” and being told to “do Their job.”  And so on.  And on.  And…on. 

So I’m adding the probabilities, the put options, the military exercise, the fall into footprints at virtually freefall speeds, the lack of images from the Pentagon – one of the most highly surveilled building in the world – except six frames of nothing, the explosions and squibs, and on and on.  Wow.  When I add the many probabilities together from all these weirdnesses and figure out what the probability that all of these things would happen on and surrounding that one day…I am staggered.  To say that it is astronomical is an understatement, if the official story is true. 

And then…  I decide to plug in the presumption that it was an inside job.  Suddenly, that forest doesn’t look so improbable at all.  Why, the probabilities approach 1:1. 

One last improbability I will throw out – to bait those apologists [grin] – that being that, whenever I have watched the news, if something unexpected happens and the press gets wind of a culprit, They ALWAYS say something on the order of, “We have a report that So-and-so was responsible, but We will know more in the weeks to come as the investigation continues.”  But on THAT day, by the time the sun went down, Osama bin Laden was accused, tried and convicted in the press.  How odd.  An investigation was rarely mentioned.  How VERY odd…

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Comment by arisuta2 on August 26, 2012 at 11:56pm

I do apologise for being a grammar nazi. Vincent is right, your knowledge of what is REALLY going on in the world is the important thing.

Comment by suzie on August 26, 2012 at 9:05pm

hahaha   that's so sweet of you to say ~~ ((hugs)) ~~

yup ~once you take your head out of your @$$ it is all there as plain as the pain in our hearts

Comment by suzie on August 26, 2012 at 8:12pm

and i am constantly looking up words for correct spelling ~Damn!! Its always the simple ones and Grammar gets me to ~ you know i heard that the elites are not even teaching children how to write in cursive any more ~ i am trying to learn i was very bad in school but its never too late to improve my self ~ in the past i would have told you to " BITE ME"  but i am trying to become more acceptable and civil so people will listen to me  ~~ ((hugs))

Comment by suzie on August 26, 2012 at 8:07pm

well wow ~~   correction made ~ i am working on reversing my government education /indoctrination and fluoride treatments ~ 

The mind control of the public is almost complete ~ Their only hope is that all there beautiful HD TV's all break and they read a book maybe some of them can start with see Dick and Jane run .. maybe they have an old copy of Tom Sawyer or an old set of encyclopedia collecting dust or a a really dusty Bible ~ hopefully they have an old dictionary and then maybe they should start talking to eachother and get off of there damned facebooks ~ there is so much evidence and footage on youtube ~ i am tired of people who won't even consider that there wonderful government would never do anything to harm ~~ A FORCE OF GOOD ? where is the evidence that the government is a force of good? Hiya Amaterasu :) 

Comment by arisuta2 on August 26, 2012 at 7:05pm

Suzie, dictionaries are good. The word is 'their' not 'there' for example, sorry to sound like a pedantic nazi but it made your post rather humorous.


Comment by suzie on August 26, 2012 at 6:00pm

The mind control of the public is almost complete ~ there only hope is that all there beautiful HD TV's all break and they read a book  maybe some of them can start with see Dick and Jane run .. maybe they  have an old copy of Tom Sawyer or an old set of encyclopedia collecting dust or a a really dusty Bible ~ hopefully they have an old dictionary and then maybe they should start talking to eachother and get off of there damned facebooks ~ there is so much evidence and footage on youtube ~ i am tired of people who won't even consider that there wonderful government would never do anything to harm ~~  A FORCE OF GOOD ?   where is the evidence that the government is a force of good?   Hiya Amaterasu :)

Comment by apeman2502 on June 2, 2012 at 5:56pm

 if you asked questions of people who were actually there when the installation of the preset demolition system was finally etched in stone, you would not have to gamble with assertions or directions of study to get justice reestablished in this country. I knew of the original preset before Skilling Engineering decided to go ahead with the task of raising WTC I and II after they found out about the bad news and before they got home from work that day, including the nukes. I documented it over the next two weeks in construction journals and The New York Times, Construction Quarterly, the Seattle Post Intelligencer, and The Seattle Times. In 1971, I found a copy of the short training film on spraying on thermite in an electrical field, as practiced at the WTCs I and II. This procedure is much like priming car frames and body parts in a factory. the painters did NOT know they were spraying on an explosive which is stable until you raise its temperature to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. Any questions? See 'Activist Post: Architects and Engineers question...Comments Section' for much more. Jeff Prager at this site has most of the best analysis of motives and dust composition that I have seen. Chris Bolyn bulldogged the Bush cabal and the rest of the New World Order invaders to slow down the space-time continuum enough for the rest of us to jump on and try to control this beast. Ben Fulford seems to be riding produced evidence, which is enough to start convicting people. 

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 5, 2012 at 7:25pm

@ arisuta2 Nope.  The closest We got to any relative on a plane was the guy whose wife supposedly called from the plane (with someOne at the end being heard saying, "You did good").  Many relatives of those who died in the towers, none who lost family members on the planes.

There's such a long list of abnormal things that happened relative to that day.  HIGHLY improbable in and of themselves, like ships handily waiting empty to haul wreckage off to other countries, like FEMA happening to arrive the day before...  And (as I said) on.

Comment by arisuta2 on April 5, 2012 at 7:02pm

Including the identities of the nineteen patsies. When a plane goes down somewhere in the world there is sometimes footage of the terrified relatives waiting at the destination airport. Were any such scenes shown on 911? I've never seen any and have been criticised for bringing up such a sensitive subject. Anyone in the US have an answer to that one?

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 1, 2012 at 1:55pm

Yup, Ivy.  My clue too.  *I* knew it was an inside job that very day.

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