"9/11 INVESTIGATOR" - A Classy Little Newspaper

We Wrote it All Down in a Classy Little Newspaper

Written by Eli Rika
Friday, 13 August 2010 19:47

This September, the most important print item in the history of AE911Truth will make its debut. The “911 Investigator,” the first annual edition of our informative new color broadsheet newspaper, is now available for early order.

The “911 Investigator” goes where no mainstream newspaper has dared by detailing the witness testimony and scientific forensic evidence behind the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. This handy publication presents the compelling case for explosive controlled demolition in a graphically oriented easy-to-read format, while maintaining the scientific integrity that is honoured by technical professionals around the globe.

“The new broadsheet newspaper is a compact, fact-filled source for people on the run. They will find the essential info all in one place, making it easy to learn more and to educate others,” said Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. “We’re very excited to get this versatile tool out to the 9/11 Truth community and especially into the hands of those who are still sitting on the sidelines,” he added. Here is a preview of some of the articles that are featured in this premier edition:

“Incendiary Forensics Fires up Architects and Engineers”

How did AE911Truth come into existence? What events led Richard Gage, AIA, and other architects and engineers to question the official story of the WTC building destructions and demand a new investigation? You’ll get the inside scoop in our newspaper.

“WTC Building 7 Implosion: ‘Smoking Gun’”

On 9/11 almost every American saw TV coverage of the Twin Towers falling, but most of them do not know about Building 7, the 47-story skyscraper in the WTC complex that was destroyed on the very same day. Why is this event so shrouded in secrecy, and yet so vital to exposing the truth? What evidence is there that some first responders and media sources knew that Building 7 was going
to come down before it happened? You’ll find out in our comprehensive report.

“Nullifying Newton: Official Story Violates Laws of Physics”

What is most striking about video footage of the WTC high-rise destructions is the rapid rate at which they fell. We diagram how the free-fall acceleration shows that the official explanation is physically impossible.

“Red Hot Evidence Melts the Official Story”

When people think of a molten substance that looks “like lava,” a New York City skyscraper is probably the last thing that comes to mind. However, recovery workers at the WTC site gave numerous accounts of molten metal found in the rubble in the weeks following 9/11. We’ll sift through the scorching evidence reported at Ground Zero to analyze this
unusual discovery.

“Finding Truth under the Microscope”

The most compelling chemical evidence for controlled demolition was discovered in samples of WTC dust examined by physicist Dr. Steven Jones.You’ll read about how he found iron microspheres and chips of un-ignited nano-thermite in the dust samples, and what his tests of the material revealed.

“Gross Negligence: DeNISTifying the Destruction of the WTC Skyscrapers”

This newspaper wouldn’t be complete without directly addressing the culprits of the scientific cover-up – the NIST team. Our exposé
dismantles the many fallacies of the NIST Reports and lays the case for why this agency – under the direction of the Department of Commerce
itself needs to be investigated. You can expect copies of the “9/11 Investigator” to come hot off the press at the end of August and be ready to ship by September 1st, just in time for the 9th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks. In addition, it will be available on our website in PDF format, and the Rock Creek Free Press will be including a copy of it in every newspaper they sell to help increase its exposure. Wholesale prices are so low that you can get a bundle of 100 copies for $20 plus shipping, at a per copy price at half the cost of a stamp. The “911 Investigator” also provides a fundraising opportunity for the 9/11 Truth groups in your area because the retail price is more than double that.

Once it’s in your possession, this landmark newspaper has the potential to awaken the minds of perfect strangers, and the effectiveness to enlighten those who may not be willing to take the time to watch our groundbreaking DVDs. Preorder this premiere edition today, so that when people in your neighborhood remember the events that shook America to its core, they can do so with a true understanding of what we lost on that tragic day – and be inspired to take positive action to get a real investigation.

Source URL - www.ae911truth.org/news/41-articles/338-we-wrote-it-all-down-in-a-c...

The following post@ FlybyNews.com


In just 3 minutes, watch
9/11 - WTC-7 - Exposed!
Video clip produced by Robert Bowman
National Commander, ThePatriots.US

11 August 2010 - 911blogger - Comments
The "BuildingWhat?"
NYC Television Advertising Campaign

To donate to this campaign, go to:


11 May 2010 - YouTube - Robert Bowman
Patriots Question 9/11
Interview by Jonathan Mark and Tom Finnell
Parts 1 - 5 running time approximately 48 minutes
For best Online viewing, in alphabetical order, see:
Flyby News Productions

1,249 Architects and Engineers
Call for New 9/11 Investigation

13 August 2010 - 9/11 Investigator
We Wrote it All Down in
a Classy Little Newspaper

Order 100 today for only $20
Ships to you September 1, 2010

"To open ourselves to the truth and to bring ourselves
face to face with our personal and collective reality
is not an option that can be accepted or rejected.
It is an undeniable requirement of all people and all
societies that seek to humanize themselves and be free.."

-- Guatemalan Bishop Juan Jose Gerardi Conedera
Assassinated April 25, 1998, one day after his speech (and above quote),
when he presented his findings of an in-depth probe into a campaign of
terror against the people of Guatemala waged by their own government.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

31 May 2010 - 911blogger - Kevin Ryan
Dusting-off Corley: Is this the official response to the
discovery of energetic materials in the WTC dust?

22 July 2010 - 911blogger - 911TrueStory
Video highlights of lectures presented by
Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan in 2009

09 May 2010 - 911blogger - Professor Steven E. Jones
BYU and Prof. Steven Jones revisited

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7,
Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False
David Ray Griffin
For an audio of Dr. Griffin presenting about this book:
Guns and Butter- The Mysterious Collapse of WTC-7
For a review of this book by Jerry Mazza:
"Just Say No to Nist.."

12 July 2010 - 911blogger - Director of NIST
NIST Denies Access to WTC7 Data

06 July 2010 - Global Research - David Ray Griffin
Left-Leaning Despisers of the
9/11 Truth Movement:
Do You Really Believe in Miracles?

An Open Letter to Terry Allen, Noam Chomsky,
Alexander Cockburn, David Corn, Chris Hayes,
George Monbiot, Matthew Rothschild, and Matt Taibbi.

15 June 2010 - 911blogger - article and comments
Did 9/11 provide cover
for massive securities
fraud by the Fed?

Citizen's Campaign for a 9/11 Grand Jury Investigation

04 June 2010 - SOTT.net - 911blogger
Seismic Signals Reveal Explosives Were Used at the WTC
on September 11 according to geophysicist André Rousseau

For an important investigative drama that
challenges the official version of 9/11

The Reflecting Pool
Watch the Jonathan Mark interview:
Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp

12 July 2010 - 911blogger
9/11 Documentary Film Resources

11 September 2001 - World Trade Center Building 7 - 5:20 pm EST
Footage of WTC-7's Collapse

14 July 2010 - 911blogger - 911TrueStory
Video Compilation of Controlled Demolition Evidence

For FN's recommended films, see:
Films that Make a Difference!

Also, note this Podcast audio link:
Jonathan Mark Interviewed by Daria Fisk
Upfront Valley 9/11 Truth and Flyby News

02 December 2009 - 911blogger
Obama Invokes 9/11
to justify more troops

17 May 2010 - 911blogger - Veterans for Peace
Bob Bowman on Left-Right divide

abomination obama nation

24 June 2006 - VIDEO - John McMurtry
Why The Facts Of 9/11 Are Suppressed

"Government officials will be notified that
'Misprision of Treason,'
U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382),
is a serious federal offense, which requires
those with evidence of treason to act..”

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order
P e r s p e c t i v e --- R e s o u r c e s --- A r c h i v e s

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

= = = www.FlybyNews.com = = =

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