Super volcanoes Campi Flegrei (Italy 1000s of years ago, now active again) devastate much of Europe and Yellowstone (swelling up again) produced the two biggest eruptions equal to Krakatoa; Yellowstone many years ago ejected 8,000 times more ash and lava than Mount St. Helens.

Iceland volcano eruption (2012) caused havoc over Europe, Philippines Mnt Pinatubo (1991) blasted ash and gas for three days, Hawaii’s Kilauea continues erupting since 1983, and Alaskas Pavlof; Toba caldera in North Sumatra, Sakurajima Japan, Pacana Chile, Popocatepetl & Colima Mexico, New Zealand’s Taupo caldera, Indonesia Mnt Sinabung and many others under oceans are all still releasing CO2 in massive amounts the Earth’s natural capacities are able to cope with. Just one major volcano has produced more CO2 than man has ever produced—the current amount of CO2 (0.04%) is irrelevant compared to natural and volcanic emissions. An estimated 139,096 undersea volcanoes are active and 1,581 on land.  Will the Greens please protest where the real CO2 problem lies—inside the volcanoes.

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Comment by Parrhesia on November 1, 2019 at 1:21pm

History: November 1 – On this day back in 79 AD – The city of Pompeii is buried by eruption of Mt. Vesuvius   -  Climate Change.

Comment by James Roberts on October 31, 2019 at 10:19pm

Didn't you hear? Man-made climate change is responsible for volcanic eruptions. I actually heard this promoted as fact in a news broadcast, but can't recall the network, year, etc.

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