I found this old artifact deep in my winter jacket's pocked and noted it has a prophecy hidden in plain sight. I guarantee this prophecy is certain to be fulfilled up until the day it will turn out to be fake, just like most of the prophecies. A deeper analysis follows below:

While looking at the coin you notice it has a map of the European Union stamped on it. Look to the East and see a hail storm, symbolized by 12 stars with falling hail approaching, from the direction of the dead and buried Soviet Union, a hail of poop from the sky. This is quite fitting as the European Union is in fact the old Soviet Union on steroids with all the totalitarian bullying and destruction of all civil rights.

Furthermore, you can see the North Eastern corner has male genitals appearing with (A) Finland as its balls. It’s a big surprise with one of the most gullible populations of the arising European Caliphate, but a prophecy is a prophecy, can't argue with that. Finland did actually prove it had balls when defending itself against the Soviet army in the WW2, but that was almost eighty years ago. Furthermore the coin is authorized by one of the most trustworthy financial organizations, the European Central Bank (nest of vipers). Can't argue with that either.

Next, (B) Sweden appearing as a soft penis, quite fitting to its leading European cuck status for letting a backward zealot civilization immigrate en masse and destroy its high culture, rape the women and children and kill all that is good in masculinity. It’s sad indeed as the dick appears to be a big one, albeit impotent. That doesn’t promise any good for the balls either. Sorry ‘bout that Finland. Sweden is located on top of the central Europe and can make it a real mess by pissing on the already poop laden falling civilizations in their early state of civil wars. Thank the old DDR communist Angela Merkel in Germany and the aspiring cuck king Emmanuel Macron in France.

We have Italy and Greece appearing in the South marked by (C). Italy has a strong inclination to the East and has worn out to be very thin, the boot formed country is almost totally missing its bottom. This would indicate that Italy was planned to lift up the left wing Partisan culture from the WW2, but they seem to take another way with a more realistic immigration policies than the rest of the arising European Caliphate. Greece is also appearing very small. They both are suffering from endless waves of Caliphate builders from the war torn Middle East and Sub Saharan Hi-cultures. “Hi, give me money!”

Looking at the South West corner we see an abundant landmass stretching towards the Atlantic Ocean and the sun. It seems the best prospects in Europe are for the Iberian Peninsula (D) the home of Portugal, Spain and especially Andorra, what a surprise. They are traditionally considered poor and may not promise such high standard of living for the seekers of easy life and money as do the central European and Northern gullible states of the emerging Caliphate.

As already mentioned the central Europe (E) is infested with the hail of the violent immigrants convinced on their superiority and laden with responsibility to rape, plunder and kill the infidels. That combined with the treacherous politicians is a sure way straight to hell. No wonder the central European countries are almost invisible on the map hidden under a heavy “EURO” stamped on them. We have to count out Poland and Hungary out of this sad failure as their leaders have shown some common sense and are thus heading to be leaders in living standards in the next fifty years. Some other Eastern European countries may follow their good example.

Finally, the last but not least, we find an inseparable pair (F) Ireland and (G) Great Britain in the North West corner of the map. Their appearance seems quite gloomy, with Great Britain appearing as a sulking boy who has turned his back to the European Caliphate and Ireland as a cloud of trouble with G.B. staring at it. However, appearances can betray. Great Britain is heading away from the totalitarian rule of the arising Caliphate, albeit their way may be bumpy. It’s worth trying anyway.

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Comment by Less Prone on February 14, 2019 at 11:58am

The European Caliphate - by Clifford May

"For more than 30 years, Bat Ye'or, a refugee from Egypt, has been writing about dhimmis — Christians and Jews living under oppression in Muslim lands. Now, she has a new book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, that looks at Muslims living in lands that once were Christian but today call themselves multicultural. She predicts Europe will not remain multicultural for long. She is convinced that Europe, sooner rather than later, will be dominated by Islamic extremists and transformed into "Eurabia" — a term first used in the mid-1970s by a French publication pressing for common European-Arab policies."

"Destroying the New World Order"



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