A Rebuttle for Those Who Say Countries Like China Build Buildings Better Than The US (BDG #7)


Nine held over Shanghai building collapse

The Chinese authorities are holding nine people in connection with the collapse of a 13-storey block of flats, raising fresh questions about corruption and shoddy practices in China's construction industry.

By Peter Foster in Beijing

The collapse at the Lotus Riverside, a complex of 11 residential buildings in Shanghai, early on Saturday morning killed one construction worker and left hundreds of prospective tenants angrily demanding their money back.

China's official news agency, Xinhua, said officials were taking "appropriate control measures" against nine people, including the developer, construction contractor and supervisor of the project after it was reported that the company's construction license had expired in 2004.

The collapse shocked many in China where construction failures are relatively common in inland areas, but not expected in showcase cities such as Shanghai which will host the 2010 World Expo.

On Monday, just two days after the Shanghai collapse, rescuers were searching a river in northeast China after a section of a road bridge gave way, sending seven vehicles into the water below.

Local sources said the bridge in Tieli, a city in Heilongjiang province, had been built in 1973 but repaired as recently as 1997.

Preliminary investigations found that the Shanghai building fell over after workers began excavating an underground garage for the complex, causing the bank of the river next to the complex to collapse.

Hundreds of prospective tenants besieged government offices demanding refunds for apartments in the same complex which they had already purchased for upwards of £40,000 but were now too frightened to live in.

China Daily, the state-run newspaper, penned an angry editorial decrying the often corrupt nexus between Chinese property developers and local government officials who depend on property taxes and land sales for a significant proportion of their income.

The paper raised fears – expressed by some construction industry insiders in China – that many buildings designed to have a 70-year lifespan "would not stand firm beyond 30 to 40 years" because of corner-cutting during China's rampant construction boom.

"It is ironic that such an accident happened in Shanghai – one of the most advanced and international Chinese cities," the paper concluded.

"The sheer fact that such a collapse occurred in the country's biggest metropolis should serves as warning to all developers and the authorities to ensure that construction projects do not cut corners and endanger people's lives."

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Comment by bob on July 5, 2009 at 10:03pm
This article helps to refute what some others have said about China's building codes. It does two things actually. It shows that their building codes and or practices are as good as or worse than the US. With that said, remember when that weird looking steel building burned in China last year? It did not fall. Some have said the reason the building in China did not fall was because it was newer than the World Trade Center buildings. According to the article their building practices are substandard, they cut corners all the time and it still did not fall. So crappy constructed steel building consumed by fire that did not fall. Unlike building #7 and others on Sept 11.
Comment by Marklar on July 3, 2009 at 2:47am
Strangely enough the building did not fall through the path of least resistance into it's own footprint as buildings always always seem to do (at least since 9/11 per the MSM). Even more amazing though the building seems to have survived intact after just sort of, well,.. falling over.

I guess it really was built pretty well. They just kinda forgot to bolt it down well enough I guess.

Comment by Marklar on July 2, 2009 at 5:01am
Funny, I've actually never heard that argument from anybody before.

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