I'm so tired of waiting, preparing, talking to people, not talking to people, peiople not listening to me. I just want to live long enough to be vindicative of the collapse at this point. WHEN it happens I can hardly doubt anyone will give me credit for being right and nor would I gloat the same like gloating of someone who had gotten cancer that you told would get it if they kept smoking.
I stopped talking to people about preparing as time has grown nearer in my oppinion because I don't want any of those people to come looking for me when already have too many people around me not prepared that I can't escape.
I gave up everything on this when the first social infowars site came to be on line and started getting interested in getting Ron Paul elected for president.
I had sat and watched video after video after video and read everything I could about the New World Order and then overnight...poof, no more Keisha lol.
Its like being a band teacher in elementry school where you haf to teach everyone a instrument but you yourself haf to learn ALL the instruments.
I changed my college major over this what has turned out to be a very good thing actually so good job me not going into Credit and Finance and focusing on Nursing. It has been very hard but now I can treat gunshot wounds lol. I remember when I hated guns now I just pretend to hate them.
I maxed out 6,000 dollar credit card on silver thinking this was it when silver hit 12 a ounce a couple years ago but settled for 60 percent of the debt so in my mind that worked out although i kind of ripped off the bank so like i said that worked out lol, what else...hmm would like to have had my own family but little sisters keep getting pregnant so I can live vicarious through them at least. at one point i threw caution into the wind about gaining weight thinking the collapse was near so that was suky for a while. anyway, on and on.
I tried every idea then tried every idea again about prepping as i realized no idea was completely realistic or a cure all (my room full of toilet paper idea not very good), and now I have is the idea that I might have the satisfaction of knowing I was right about there being a real bad economic meltdown all along.
It's cool thogh, Id rather be right and stand alone then wrong and with the group.
Anyway...keepin the faith,
Time of showdown the sooner the better. The globalist scum hasn't got the balls for a honest fight.
It may well be that mankind as a whole is a failed experiment with it's genetic mixture having too much of the greedy nonempathetic sociopath DNA in the genetic pool. One of our biggest strengths, adaptability, has been abused by TPTB and we are yielding more and more to the abyss of the coming NWO hell on earth. If the mankind is to survive and throw out the abusers we need to get up and revolt.
I appreciate your frustrations, Keisha. DS made an interesting point about not investing in 'being right'. I think we may take a chance of turning our egos loose and loosing sight of reality,... unless of course you are right! To the best on my knowledge, every civilization has collapsed. Fiat currency has an average life of 40 year before collapsing, Fed note is over due. Silver and gold have maintained their value through out history - until recently, when The Wall Street people went out of control. I personally don't think they can continue to succeed as the fiat will collapse.
It seems to be the 'when' that is bothering me, and you, too. Over the years I have simply changed my reasons from 'prepping' and being community to a attitude my grand parent had of being prepared and preparing one to two years out. I don't talk to folks that watch Tv, and believe it; that think a politicians will save them, or call a cop for any reason short of a murder.
Mostly, I live all day and accomplish as many cool things as I can during the moments of that day. Regardless of the corruption and perversions of this country, world, I am having a good life.
Or as I recently read, "Or it could be just a time to have a dance party and forget about all of life's many troubles." - Burbia
"Destroying the New World Order"
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