America Under Asymmetrical Warfare

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The United States is at the very precipice of a dangerous transformation of our society, freedoms, and way of life. The nation has been infiltrated at almost every level. From the mass media being multinational in ownership and influence to appointed officials and judges who choose to undermine national security rather than defend our US Constitution. The Democrat Party is willing to allow mayhem within our country with open borders, voter fraud, and the planning of social unrest with paid demonstrators who will destroy public property and injure police. The widespread use of disinformation broadcast to the masses is in full swing with little effort being made to reacquire the ethical conduct we were once assured we would have in American society!

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Insulting our intelligence

Slander and liable, false accusations, and character assassination used to be illegal and was enforced. Today in the political arena it is a matter of normal procedure. Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent warned American audiences decades ago against this scourge upon individual freedom. Constitutional rights, and representative government. Yet, the division in America is greater now than at any time since the Vietnam War only with a younger generation even more compromised by the false promises of socialism and "Big Brother" as the nanny state that guarantees them shared mediocrity!

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Useful idiots

Our taxpayer funded schools have stabbed American society in the back by turning out generations of kids who can't distinguish between a capitalist economy and Communism, who know nothing of the War of Independence and what the meaning of it all really was. Overlooking the achievements of the greatest generation of Americans who endured the Great Depression and liberated the planet in World War II seems to be an incomprehensible piece of the past largely ignored by today's educators!

Under siege

Asymmetrical warfare is a tactical method of engaging a superior opponent who can not be militarily defeated on conventional terms, but using disinformation and small groups to erode public confidence and allegiance to the nation of that society is a lengthy process that eventually leads to revolution and possible loss of that country's solidarity. These elements are not only being used by the enemies of the state, but within our political system and press corps. Even US Corporations who own massive retail markets within America are cutting deals with China to give up their patents, trademarks, and secret invention ownership simply to profit from cheaply made mass production to enhance their profits by cutting costs over the products they sell to American citizens here.

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Already underway!

Almost every element of Asymmetrical warfare has been attained and is at full implementation from within! From our politicians to our trusted employers America has been sold out more importantly the people, the citizens, the hard working class, have been betrayed for the profit and prestige of elitists who would see America crumble under the pressure of so many evil forces at work! When you lose patriotism among the ranks of office holders and information sources the resulting confusion fuels chaos! Trusted authorities are trusted no more. Conspiracy is a constant theme as more and more lies are uncovered by the perpetrators of Asymmetrical warfare!

Is the end really near?

Think! When Intelligence Head, James Clapper admits on nationwide TV that Former President Obama ordered illegal surveillance upon the Trump election campaign has any action been taken when you or I would be in jail and looking at decades in confinement under federal charges? When Anthony Wiener, Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and Cheryl Mills all leaked classified documents, possessed this information on their devices, and then were allowed by the FBI to destroy this evidence what does this say about the internal compromise of the US government? It says that somebody is winning but not the American people! This says that if this continues as our President Trump fights the Deep State, the shadow government, the appointees who will defy the law and undermine the rights of the people either our time as a Constitutional Republic is running out or the people are going to have to take back their country!

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Comment by Doc Vega on April 10, 2020 at 5:34am

Thank you Central Scrutinizer!

Comment by Doc Vega on April 9, 2020 at 5:25am

Thank you Les!

Comment by Doc Vega on April 9, 2020 at 5:24am

Thanks Mister Sizzle.

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