Americans When Was Your Country Stolen From You?

Image result for US government oppression of the people

When was it Americans that you lost control and representation of your federal government? When did the government become not only unresponsive to the needs of the people, but at what point in history was this act of treason finalized? Perhaps it came in stages of constriction the way a Boa Constrictor eventually squeezes the life out of its victim by gradual means until its prey can no longer breathe. I ask you, do you feel that you can hardly breathe yet?

Image result for Woodrow Wilson passes the Revenu Act

Banking Control?

Did this occur in 1913 during the passage of an illegally ratified Revenue Act that resurrected the European Central Bank, a cabal of banking families who had been trying to get control of the banking system in the US for 75 years since Andrew Jackson had abolished them? The nation’s money supply, credit, interest rates, and regulation was under the control of only a few men who had no allegiance to America or its people.. Was this the death blow or just one in many? The Internal Revenue Service became the evil enforcement arm of the, what was now named the Federal Reserve rather than the European Central Bank.

Image result for 1929 stock market crash and great depression

Imposed economic disaster

Did it happen in 1929 during the Stock market Crash of 1929 which began the Great Depression when over extended banks, account draining derivative failures, and massive loan defaults transformed Americans into debt slaves whom would forever pay for the confiscated wealth through their income taxes, threatened by the terrorist division of the Federal Reserve, the IRS. A time when the unbelievable tyranny of the federal government proclaimed that Americans should turn in their gold or risk prosecution by the federal government. The Depression despite so many draconian laws and federal deficit spending failed to remedy the Great Depression for 10 long years until 1939 with a world war looming. If not the final blow it certainly was a major step in that direction.

Image result for JFK assassination

Through murder?

Did we Americans lose our grip on the Constitutional Republic when in 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in full public view in Dallas by an organized group of conspirators while Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats falsified a legitimate investigation entitled the Warren Commission trying to suppress all allegations of a well-organized covert group who would later be identified as the CIA? Was this the final act of betrayal that characterized the loss of We the People’s ownership of a so-called representative government?

Image result for Vietnam Soldier

False Flags?

From there began more wars, police actions, and terrorism both internationally and domestically, not to mention the 9-11 highly suspect failure of our intelligence services to share information or the inside job that most of us think of it to be. Without the consent of the people came massive deficit spending to socially engineer America thus further forcing the American family to pay the debt!

Image result for Covid 19 Hoax

Fear of the plague?

However, it wasn’t the size and scope of the Covid 19 pandemic where federal government colluded with the Communist Chinese Wuhan lab to weaponize an animal virus into being able to infect humans, then causing a massive lockdown, vaccine mandates, loss of businesses, and incredible economic damage killing thousands if not millions of Americans through vaccine related side effects and medical malpractice subsidized by the federal government. This was a prelude to what came next. The stolen 2020 Presidential Election which had every earmark of irregularities, last minute unconstitutional changes in state election laws, deceptive actions taken by vote polling postal union pro-Democrat workers who brought in secret ballots and refused to properly vet voter documents, but even poll waters were prevented from observing the corruption going on when sheets of cardboard were used to block the windows of the facilities. When two Dominion voting machines were found to be corrupted a subpoena was issued to examine more of the machines and met with a lawsuit to stop the investigation. If there was no corruption why prevent inspection of your machines? If there was no voting fraud why put a media wide gag order on use of the phrase? Even Newsmax and Fox prohibited the term “Voter Fraud” or “Stolen Election” in the dialogue of their TV journalists. Why, if there was no massive voter fraud.  


Which one of these above mentioned atrocities committed by your federal government do you attribute to the end of Americans having any control or say over the actions of their federal government especially nowadays with a new FBI that harasses parents who attend schoolboard meetings, turns J6 visitors of the Capital Building into political prisoners badly mistreated and even treated worse than the Gitmo terrorists who have killed US guards in their Cuba military prison. Americans, time to wake up! Your country is no longer your country, but if you ignore this fact you will be enabling the enemy and approving this abomination of your freedom and your rightful heritage. You will have granted the enemy tacit compliance making you just as guilty.

Former FBI agent describes interrogation techniques | Boing Boing


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Comment by Less Prone on October 4, 2023 at 2:18pm

Griffin is a legend. He started exposing the cabal already in the sixties. Then there was the John Birch Society and Myron Fagan doing the same.

Comment by Doc Vega on October 4, 2023 at 11:50am

You'll never hear about this from the media or any so-called historian or educator.. I heard about this from Edward Griffin an excellent source of the truth1  

Comment by Less Prone on October 3, 2023 at 1:23pm

1913 was an important milestone in enslaving the republic. They, the usury cabal, had been working on it since the beginning.

Comment by rlionhearted_3 on October 2, 2023 at 2:49pm

Now after stealing our future the Jews want us dead! Except for the “breeding colony”!!!! The breeding colony will fill the Jews insatiable desire to have sex with white children.

Comment by rlionhearted_3 on October 2, 2023 at 2:41pm

True Story 

Comment by FREEDOMROX on October 1, 2023 at 7:02pm

December 23rd, 1913, in the dead of the night with only five Congress Critters in attendance.

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