It’s a full time occupation trying to unravel the reasons Americans remain in the dark. What seems ( to any intelligent outside observer ) like sheer stupidity and arrogance is in reality an almost inescapable indoctrination process that begins before you are born, and ends some time after your dead. It is a system so complex and all encompassing that few can recognize any reality outside of it at all, and that of course is its intended purpose.

The astonishing amount of rage demonstrated during the course of this fallacious healthcare debate has exposed a great many unfortunate realities about the United States. This country’s inherent ability to avoid the truth about its own origins and behaviors has become increasingly apparent during the first six months of this presidency, and ( as a result of the continued collective denial ) there’s no chance of it ending any time soon.

It’s generally not hard to find examples of the totality of mind control in this country, but last week produced a couple of rare examples. Arlen Specter’s Town Hall meeting was evidently an important “test case” for the organizers of disingenuous dissent, and we got to see a variety of the false arguments. Just look at the two most obvious incidents.

First there was Craig Miller. Aside from the hypocrisy of the fact that in eight years of Bush, I don’t recall one “protester” causing that kind of disruption, wagging their finger in the face of a senator, calling down the wrath of God on him, while the police stand around and wait for him to run out of breath – but the really astonishing event was the interview the next morning. Truly, it must be seen to be believed . In eight minutes of interview, the man could not produce a single, solitary, intelligible reason for his rage. It was so embarrassing, that he eventually had to refer to his crib notes just to eek out some nonsensical fear of Czars, before Dylan had to mercifully end the non-conversation.

However the textbook example of why people in this country have no concept of reality was delivered by Specter’s other heckler, Katy Abram. Certainly you all remember her… She was the one who announced that the “sleeping giant had awakened.”

“I don’t believe this is just about healthcare, it’s not about TARP, it’s not about left and right, this is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I’m only thirty-five years old, I’ve never been interested in politics. You have awakened the sleeping giant. We are tired of this. This is why everybody in this room is so ticked off. I don’t want this country turning into Russia – turning into a socialized country. My question for you is what are you going to do to restore this country back to what our founders created according to the constitution.”

First of all, what a meaningless statement and question that has no possible rational answer – and only serves to give the people like Craig Miller something generic to cheer for. The all-encompassing, non-specific, return to the “glory days” of the founding fathers. This is the kind of reaction these “phrases” are supposed to elicit, and that is what they are designed for. Not that Katy herself came up with any of it of course… She is merely parroting whatever and whoever she is listening to.

Evidence of that reality became painfully obvious when she was interviewed the next day by Laurence O’Donnell. From the onset, she flashed her doe in the headlights look ( that would be charming if this was a game show ), and proceeded to demonstrate her lack of knowledge about virtually everything that has occurred (in this country and on this planet) in the last ten years.

O’Donnell: “What made you want to go”

Abram: “Umm, just sheer frustration, umm, I see all these things being pushed through very quickly, umm, TARP, this healthcare bill, umm, cash for clunkers, and the frustrating thing to me is these programs are being funded by me, my friends, my family, umm, we have a small business and the amount of taxes we pay out of that is ridiculous. And yet they want us to pay more – I, or, it sounds like they want us to pay more, so that, that is the root of my frustration. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

O’Donnell: “In the plans discussed so far, the increase in taxation would occur only on families with incomes of over $250,000. Would that include you and your family?”

Abram: “Honestly it ( nervous laugh ), I’d rather, I’d rather not say… I don’t even know ( another nervous laugh ). Umm, my husband takes care of the bills and everything, I, you know, he takes care of us, and that’s all that matters, umm.”

Are you serious? After that ridiculous rant about her, her husband, her friends, and her family having to fund these programs ( like it’s the first time she’s seen a government ), we find she has no idea how much her husband makes, how much they pay in taxes, or even what tax bracket they are in?!? The only thing ridiculous about the amount of taxes “she” pays is that she doesn’t know the amount of taxes “she” pays, and has the nerve to portend outrage about it. Not to mention it is quite a testament to the woman’s equality movement in this country – and particularly in her household.

O’Donnell: “Do you and your family have health insurance?”

Abram: “Yeah we do have health insurance, umm, we have a heath savings account that we pay for ourselves. We, we have a $5,000+ deductable, umm, that basically in the course of a normal year we will pay for all of our medical out, our medical needs out-of-pocket – doctors visits – and this year’s been a little more difficult cuz my son’s had surgery and it looks like we’re looking for his, at a second one, umm, we’re almost at our deductable so that’s a good thing ( chuckle ), but that was a choice that we made, and that’s what we wanted to do. Umm, and I want to be able to keep that choice, I don’t want to be forced or slowly coaxed into a single payer program… I want to have my choice.”

Truly, it’s hard to believe how stupefied the people in this country are. Certainly that’s nothing new ( in fact it’s the crux of keeping these feeble minds enslaved ), but look at the depth of her confusion. Here we have a woman that after explaining that ( for all intents and purposes ) her family has no insurance, she claims to be afraid that someone will take that “choice” away from her. Her ( and her husband who obviously made this ridiculous arrangement ) pay the entire cost of their healthcare every year, plus whatever they pay to the insurance company that is laughing at them, and they are afraid someone is going to forcibly take that choice away from them? Force them to what? Not pay for Non -healthcare?

I’m fairly sure they have nothing to worry about. I can’t imagine that in the good-ol’ USA, someone is going to deprive you of your right to be an idiot and get screwed out of money you never see any return from – unless you “get lucky” and your child has to undergo two major surgeries in a year. These nitwits think they are defending their “free choice as Americans,” when in reality they are defending the corporation’s right to keep them poor, sick, and stupid – and forcing the rest of the populous to have no choice either.

But even more distressing and telling about the lack of awareness in this country is this next exchange, after explaining that her and her parents “don’t talk politics” ( Who would have ever guessed ).

O’Donnell: “ You said in your statement that you are thirty-five years old, and that nothing has gotten you interested in politics before, and what’s interesting to me about that is that means you – as an adult – lived through 9-11, lived through the invasion of Afghanistan, the war in Afghanistan, the first chapter of what became two wars in the middle east – including the Iraq war. You lived through all of that, and were not – as you put it – “awakened” into an interest in politics. How could those things pass through your life like this and not spark any interest in politics prior to Washington saying “we think we want to help out some people who can’t afford health insurance the way you can.” Why would this be the thing that wakes you up after you were willing to just ignore politics as we went past 9-11, into Afghanistan, into Iraq?”

Abram: “Sure, I, I always seemed to have faith in the government and honestly, I didn’t really care ( laugh ). Umm, I had other things going on – ya know, getting married, having children – it just, it wasn’t a priority in my life, and, ya know I really didn’t start even watching the news at all I think until maybe 1991 I guess it was, when, umm, we first went to the Gulf War – I remember watching CNN with my dad and watching the infra-red missiles going across that you could see, umm, and, I think it, to me, I mean maybe I’m just not that smart, but you know, it seems like we’ve kind of been at war for, since then, I mean – or maybe even before, I don’t know – it just always seem like we’re having some kind of conflict so, that, you know, whether, about wars – umm, I don’t know, that just seems common place now… Umm, I think everybody’s just so used to it.

What an atrociously callous and ignorant statement that surely could only come from an American. Ten years of genocidal crusader conquest for corporate profit, leaving untold millions dead, dying, and diseased, and this woman has the temerity to say “everyone is just used to it.” If white phosphorous and depleted uranium weapons were raining down on her family and her healthcare needs included raising a child without any eyes, or scull, or arms, or legs as a result of the poisoned environment, I suspect she might be a little less flippant and a little less “used to it.” What this country did in the last ten years, the whole world is going to have to deal with for the next hundred, and people like this are unaware anything has happened at all. This pathetic culture and its inability and unwillingness to recognize the continuous crimes committed against the lands and peoples of the world, is why people like this woman can tra-la-la through life without a clue of the horrendous damage her ignorance allows. What's worse, she's a perfect example of an American.

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Comment by Jeff on August 24, 2009 at 8:21pm
Marklar, you're a bright guy. Very intelligent. We've often agreed. Sometimes we disagree.

Reading, attaining information and assimilating it, is my only passtime. I sit here and read for about 10 hours a day. We disconnected the cable several years ago. I watch a movie now and then using a torrent to download them but primarily, I read.

Marklar, the only way I can portray the basis of my opinions is to direct you to read some of the information I've read.

Matt Savinar has been quoted extensively on the floor of the U.S. Congress and has been featured prominently in the pages of Fortune Magazine and favorably mentioned on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. His website,, averages 15,000 visits and 120,000 page views per day. It is assigned reading at multiple university courses around the world. He is featured heavily in the widely acclaimed 2006 documentary A Crude Awakening. Here is something by Matt that I think you should read. It's 3 rather long pages with links to support the thesis. I really believe you should read it.

Matt Savinar

I don't have a doom and gloom perspective Marklar. I have a realistic perspective.

You postulate, correctly, that the elite are few and also correctly state that they control a substantial, or 'firmly entrenched' power base. Marklar, they control all of the wealth, production and food of the globe. They control armies and they control NATO. How do I present my position. I have to tell you it's difficult.

The elite view humanity from an entirely different perspective than you and I. They also have access to vast amounts of information that you and I can't access in the same ways. We look at our neighbors, communities, cities, countries and we try to make sense of the world while they make decisions that affect entire populations AND they view the world from that perspective. While you and I want our voices heard, they make decisions collectively for the entire population of a given area and those decisions MUST take into consideration the people, the crew, the group that they are part of, NOT you and I. (George Carlin, "you're not a member")

Read Matt Savinar, and then, go to Paul Chefurka's site. He's the guy that originally maintained the web site which you may have heard of. Paul Chefurka

The NWO is insignificant. It's a waste of time and resources to think for a moment that their plans can be stopped. There isn't enough time, but more importantly, there's no reason to stop them. Their plans can't come to complete fruition. What they will do is barricade themselves behind walled and guarded communities with a martial law darth vader-like police force to protect themselves from humanity.

That's the End-Game and the plans have already been laid. It's now time to consider what the face of humanity will look like once the crash begins. Will we war with one another or will we learn the lesson of loving our fellow human beings.
Comment by Mimsgirl on August 22, 2009 at 7:19pm
Jeffery........ now that you have had your meltdown..... stop whining, gnashing your teeth, wringing your hands, and sucking your thumb. Don't you think we are all worried, thinking of those dangers everyday? We are aware of the horrid things the Elite want to do to us. If you could channel your passion and whatever expertise you may possess into the appropriate group you could do something with your own power. As long as you give it away the Elite will be happy to take it. Get your head out of your a** and fight, in whatever way you can, FOR your country. Find a patriot group, they will need that passion and commitment.... it could make a tremendous difference in your life..... get rid of the dweeb.

I am amazed.... I agree with Marklar.... again.
Comment by Marklar on August 22, 2009 at 6:30pm
"My patriotism is defending humanity, not just Americans."

My only problem is this Jeff. With your defeatest attitude of doom how are you defending anything? Why not just lay down and die. Why even bother to post anything? What's the point?

Seems to me that you are not an oracle and cannot see the future. There is always hope. Tyrants have been defeated before and will be again even if it doesn't necessarily happen at a place and time of our choosing.

After all we really are talking about a handfull of vile little people who's only real power is to bribe or trick others into doing their bidding for them. Doesn't seem to me as if they have much power at all even if it IS pretty firmly entrenched.
Comment by Jeff on August 22, 2009 at 6:07pm
Karen, you are as ignorant as Katy Abram and Craig Miller in the above post. KLC, my ego is no different than your own.

You so called patriots are nothing more than religious fanatics parroting 1776 dogma that has no place in the 21st century. The earth is dying. We are rapidly usurping natural resources and causing ecological disaster as well as the destruction of species. We are destroying civilizations in Iraq and Afghanistan while at the same time murdering innocent people because their skin is brown. It isn't the NWO that I fear. They are already more than halfway to seeing their desires obtained. They are more powerful than you and I and they will succeed in their goals. The question is how will we continue to survive on a planet devoid of resources. I fear destruction of the planet.

How will we grow food when the soil is depleted and poisoned? How will we survive without oil and gas? What kind of life will we have when the Coltan is gone, mined out of existence by western societies? When there's no more copper what will we do? When the Nickel is gone, the Silver and Platinum? As an example, the country of India lost 26 cubic miles of underground water during the past three years. They are using underground water for crop irrigation faster than it can be replaced. We are too. What will we do when the water is gone?

Karen, just because you can't see the bigger picture doesn't mean others of us can't.

The NWO continues to move its agenda forward and neither you nor I nor anyone else will stop that agenda. The end result, in perhaps less than 100 years, will be the filthy rich and the very poor populating the earth and it won't matter if you live in America or Nigeria, you'll still be very, very poor.

The question isn't whether I'm a patriotic American. I am a patriotic person inhabiting earth. My patriotism is defending humanity, not just Americans. Dead Iraqi's mean something to me. Especially innocent dead Iraqi's.

The interesting thing is this. It doesn't matter what you, Katy Abram or Craig Miller think or do. The politicians in this country and in fact across the globe, could care less about what you think. They will do what they want and it won't benefit YOU.
Comment by Mimsgirl on August 22, 2009 at 3:55pm
Jeff, you have not interjected a new thought into your "conversation" since it began. You are a tiresome little dweeb.... and I may have mentioned something like that on your other post. When you grow up came back and rejoin the group... maybe you can articulate some commonsense.
Comment by Mimsgirl on August 22, 2009 at 3:47pm
Jeff... I don't care what you think. After a while wasting time on your sophomoric comments grows tiresome. You, and the people who share your attitudes, will continue to undermine the freedom of the U.S. .... and the patriots will continue to do what they can to off-set your influence. You know, the age old conflict... darkness and light... good and evil.... free and slave.... we all know where we stand, and, evidently so do you.
Comment by Jeff on August 22, 2009 at 3:28pm
And Karen, to me you will be simply ignorant. Not stupid. Ignorant. That means lacking knowledge and awareness.
Comment by Jeff on August 22, 2009 at 3:27pm
Having a conversation with either of you is pure folly.

So again, what does Dinotopia mean to you and how old is the earth? Or, better yet, is the earth 6,000 years old or is it millions of years old.

"It's timeless!" doesn't answer the question and isn't even a witty answer KLC.
Comment by Jeff on August 22, 2009 at 3:15pm
How old is the earth Karen?
Comment by Mimsgirl on August 22, 2009 at 3:05pm
Jeff... do you mean to tell me you can't figure out what Patriot Horse was trying to say about you? It may take a bit of imagination but it is easy to apply an appropriate translation. The beauty of having the freedom of thought. Perhaps you would be surprised to know I appreciate Patriot Horse's sense of humor and mild moral outrage. To me Jeff you will be, from this time forward, a Dinotopia, just as you will be to Patriot Horse.......... and possibly any other patriot who may read this.

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