Another Mass Shooting, convenient timing . Texas a and m

12 shot two dead reports say. Home coming frat party

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Comment by Burbia on October 31, 2019 at 1:16am

Fun fact  2, Patrick Crusius drove from the 33rd parallel Dallass Ft. Worth area to El Paso to shoot up Wal Mart.

Comment by Burbia on October 31, 2019 at 1:04am

Fun fact, Dallas Ft. Worth area lie on the 33rd parallels. Here is Josh Reeves expanding on the shooting as a local to where the shooting happened.


If you can, help out this guy with his costs to operate so he can bring more dedicated work. I got to pay for Spellcasters One. Great work. I'm gonna pick up more of his documentaries when I can.

Comment by Boris on October 28, 2019 at 10:35am

Link s in comments. Page 1

Comment by the mighty bull on October 28, 2019 at 1:59am

They coming for all the guns .

Comment by linda dagosta on October 27, 2019 at 12:04pm
They are clearly aiming to strip the people of our rights to bare arms.. we can not allow this.. ever .. they have stripped away so many of our constitutional rights the last one is coming if we dont stop it it will be game over ..
Comment by Parrhesia on October 27, 2019 at 11:25am

"Authorities don't believe the shooter poses a danger to the public because one of the victims was the intended target."  "Authorities initially said the party might have been connected to a fraternity but later clarified it was hosted by a group out of Commerce called the Goodfellows."  "Officials at first believed a semi-automatic rifle was used in the shooting but have since clarified that a 9mm semi-automatic handgun was used."

One of the victims was the intended target, yet police claim they don't know who the shooter is and they have no description?  

Oh crap, used a handgun not an AR15.  

Comment by linda dagosta on October 27, 2019 at 11:20am
Please look into article 5 resolution our forefathers designed to take back government tyranny.. this will be the only way to avoid an all out civil war.. I am district captain for pennsylvania district and I am going to post more information in a blog .. we the people need to stand together and not allow them to take any more of our rights away. Divided we will fall.. together we can excel..
Comment by James Roberts on October 27, 2019 at 11:04am

What to do? I know, take all the law-abiding citizen's guns.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on October 27, 2019 at 11:00am

Right on time with this one, I mean you know, their recent, more aggressive, gun control movement agenda was once again, starting to drop off the Media radar due to the over whelming amount of their own, self-made, Weapons of Mass Distractions to keep up the kunfooshun of the Masses. So lucky for them, the timing's perfect....what a coincidence eh??

these false flags are now so blatantly obvious, ya would have to be a Nation of MSM-lobotomized BoobToob zombie type sheeple to not see these.....

Dohhh, wait a minute....


Comment by Ragnarok on October 27, 2019 at 10:59am

It's been awfully convenient with all these news-light stories considering there's more populist uprisings recently than ever recorded in modern human history. You'll have to go back 120-150 years back in history to see something similar. But this time it's not only in the west it's global now. 

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