linda dagosta
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  • Berwick, PA
  • United States
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linda dagosta's Discussions

Aliens, conspiracy, nwo, abductees,Hitler, experiments, recently unsealed files?

Started Sep 29, 2014 0 Replies

What do you make of these documentaries regarding these topics. WHy do you think they were such a deep secret? Why all of the sudden are they released? Was  Hitler taken in by our government? Did…Continue

What is REALLY happening that everyone appears to know,, BUT that NO One seems to care enough..

Started this discussion. Last reply by linda dagosta Sep 13, 2014. 3 Replies

to do anything about the TRUTH???Have you ever given it thought that those you deal with on a daily basis really think the same as you?I have become more and more apt to say something to someone at…Continue

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linda dagosta favorited Chris of the family Masters's blog post In the first 6 years of life your child receives the following: VACCINE INGREDIENTS-LISTED
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited Raz Putin's blog post Stepping up the Witch Hunt just in time for Helloween...
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited Less Prone's blog post UK: 20 Non-Whites Attack “White Bastards” – British Teen’s Hand Cut Off with an Ax
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited Less Prone's blog post Hemingway's Suicide, an Early Example of Gender Manipulation by Mother?
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited Less Prone's blog post Hemingway's Suicide, an Early Example of Gender Manipulation by Mother?
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited James Roberts's blog post Juge Napolitano's Defense of Adam Schiff's Star Chamber is Fake News on Steroids
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited linda dagosta's blog post Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta favorited linda dagosta's blog post Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES
Oct 28, 2019
linda dagosta left a comment for Less Prone
"Yes glad to be back. Finally son won his custody struggle.. so stress is minimizing for a small window until the wrath comes a flailing.. which we know will soon come ..but for now.. spreading the love and knowledge"
Oct 28, 2019
Less Prone favorited linda dagosta's blog post Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important
Oct 27, 2019
Less Prone commented on linda dagosta's blog post Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES
"Linda, Good to have you back. The constitution is the basis of everything."
Oct 27, 2019
Less Prone favorited linda dagosta's blog post Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES
Oct 27, 2019
rlionhearted_3 favorited linda dagosta's blog post Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important
Oct 27, 2019
linda dagosta commented on Boris's blog post Another Mass Shooting, convenient timing . Texas a and m
"They are clearly aiming to strip the people of our rights to bare arms.. we can not allow this.. ever .. they have stripped away so many of our constitutional rights the last one is coming if we dont stop it it will be game over .."
Oct 27, 2019
linda dagosta posted blog posts
Oct 27, 2019
linda dagosta commented on linda dagosta's blog post Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important
"This is not a constitutional convention.. there was and only will wver be 1 constitutional convention .. this is a convention of the states that our forefathers in light of knowing that power only corrupts when given power.. that the future would…"
Oct 27, 2019

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Linda dagosta's Blog

Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES

Posted on October 27, 2019 at 12:00pm 1 Comment

This is a Convention of STATES.
Not to be confused with constitutional convention. 1787 was the only constitutional convention
Please go to
Read and if you agree please get involved and TAKE ACTION

Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important

Posted on October 27, 2019 at 11:33am 2 Comments

It forefathers provided the people with a safe way to restore a tyrannical government

In article v of the original constitution (not the current 3000 page version which is actually stripping our rights everyday) a means to end the over reaching strong arm of Congress.

I have been researching COS project which there are currently 15 states signed and ready to present amendments to cover these 3 current issues

1 overspending

2 career terms

3 over reach of Congress

In… Continue

Ted kaczynski's Manifesto read em and weep

Posted on July 24, 2018 at 9:06am 2 Comments

Fortunately my son was raised a free thinker not controlled by the school system and he did not become a sheeple he brought this to my attention yesterday and after reading it seriously sums up my thoughts and feelings so was he really a Madman or was he realizing what many are realizing with Western Society.…


what is going on (RANT) police ticketing in bulk

Posted on May 27, 2017 at 10:30am 1 Comment

yesterday I saw on my way back from Wilkes-Barre, Pa = 4 statie SUV's that had pulled over a block of cars

then as I traveled the interstate I saw a number of cars busy writing tickets as well as several along the roadside waiting to pounce.

My warning reached out to my loved ones to be wary and be warned. The LE were on the move and ready to ticket...

 Yet even though my warnings were heard and my youngest was obeying the laws,, he managed to get pulled over for passing…


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At 8:56am on September 15, 2016, Less Prone said…

Thank you very much Linda.

At 5:18am on September 29, 2014, DTOM said…

Cheers :)

At 2:18am on September 28, 2014, Exposure said…

Really...great minds think alike Linda - we are electric and connected! ;-) 

At 4:24pm on September 18, 2014, Exposure said…

pleasure linda ;-)

At 5:50am on September 17, 2014, Exposure said…
At 5:46am on September 17, 2014, Exposure said…

It's odd how the number three has a significance - appears to be a very powerful or is it magic number!  I'm also glad to hear your other two version have not come to fruition!  It can be a gift as well as nightmare experiencing as such... best wishes to you. 

At 4:57pm on September 15, 2014, Exposure said…

Hi Linda - excuse no replying to your comments - only just read and most interesting about your preminitions - and dreams - what type - did any come true or are they yet to come sort of thing?   

At 7:39am on September 10, 2014, Exposure said…

Like you I was born awake - just read a precise astro-chart - the time and day I was born - Sun in Gemini - and as my mum used to say to be when I was a child; "He wants to know the inside out of a ducks arse!"  I recall touching animate solid objects as many things appeared more an illusion than for real.  The Prisoner series introduced/us into showing us we were being observed at all times and by others around us - who so happened to do it to each other; "I'll be seeing you..." they'd say to each other as a departing gesture and then putting the thumb and index finger together - so as the form the 666 - and held it up to the their eyes and looked at you through it.  The Penny Farthing that is the logo for the island is also representation of the eye of Horus, well that's my take on it anyway.  The other thing that made me laugh and quite enlightened was the Wizard of Oz and when they pulled back the curtain and that old man stood there - instantly told me that's how we too in a sense see "God" - just like bloody Munchkins!  You can tell your mother as much as it's shattering to know that much around us is falsehoods and lies - the love that runs through your vain's are true - the love between you lot is more important than any old lies - we're all victims here apart ironically quite a few million footsoldiers, though what they know is additional lies, they put them through a lot of study and indoctrination - so thousands know the inner circle secrets -though still not the full truth - that goes down to hundreds and then even lower still.  To have reached this far and survived going complete mental - is another pat on the back she, you and I can give ourselves - to have got through it and still unfolding it all.  You expect the answer if you don't know the answer otherwise it will probably be 42.  Red Scare - yep, they want you lot on tender-hooks over there - your numbers are swelling so much that the streets, villages, town and cities are going to become harder to "police" and why it will/is getting like a warzone in parts of your country.  It's all about total domination and at all costs - they have become "God" as they force the "Spring" - with the occult, they have mastered creation and can now make us without the need of a father or mother; apart from the real beauty of the world that is natural theirs is built like Lego - the building blocks of man-made creations...then came computers.  They could have made them and their games much more complex years ago - but realised it would take a slow process to the the mindset of humans attuned to their use and why you got the slow ping-pong to learn with!  ;-)

At 1:22am on September 10, 2014, Exposure said…

Hi Linda, not sure how long you've been at the "truth game" as that's what it is; and why the more you seek the more rabbit holes you'll go down and find even more lies; the world is nothing like what we've been led to believe.  I've writ loads on my blogs and you can download my book Trapped in a Masonic World free, it comes with a warning and will shock!   I left the following on my blog in response to your last comment; 

It's for us to tear it down and rebuild the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth that's not been told to our ancestors or theirs before one expected the revolution the internet would bring. 

To awaken before we finally die is a wonderful thing within it''s self - we are electric - that even in earthly death remains the particle of the spark and joins us back to the big bad universe - so there's more to it than meets the eye - we are not in a "godless = power = force" existence - just currently entrapped in a evil man-made world - made in "his" image that benefits "him" and no one else.   So be happy my fellow fifth decadian - we have the best to come...with technology they way it's going, our future "family" may too have vending machines and where they can tap in our DNA and hey-presto! Were back again in the 22nd century!! Haha! ;-)

At 4:06am on September 5, 2014, Sweettina2 said…

Hey Linda, thank you so much for your friendship!

God bless you new friend.  ~Tina


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